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Questions tagged [integrator]

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Output noise of integrator op amp

Consider the following circuit ( I want to compute the output noise of the op amp. I believe the op-amp noise is given by the quadratic sum of ...
DarkBulle's user avatar
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4 answers

Help: DC op-amp integrator starts at saturation instead of zero!

I'm having an issue with my integrator circuit where the output immediately starts at saturation instead of zero. I want the integrator to start at zero and then linearly move towards saturation, as ...
Zipho Lunika's user avatar
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Finding Deboo's integrator time constant and transfer function

I tried to determine the transfer function and time constant of Deboo's non-inverting integrator. If I calculate with an ideal op-amp, then my calculation fails if the ratio of R2/R1 and R4/R3 is the ...
slimcolt's user avatar
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How to design an integrator with high frequency input signal up to 1MHz?

I'm working for a high frequency input signal integrator with AD8041 or LT1364 and doing simulations on LTspice(I'm new for it), AD8041 has properties of 160MHz GBP and LT1364 has 70MHz GBP. They both ...
Stephen Wang's user avatar
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Behavior of a capacitor at start-up

At startup, a fully discharged capacitor behaves like a short circuit, leading to a high surge current. However, why does it exhibit this behavior initially? Upon reasoning, I concluded that during ...
Fabio Romano's user avatar
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4 answers

Why does my integrator slowly saturate to negative rail in the following configuration?

So I have the following basic integrator circuit: The input signal is a 100mVp-p square wave of 50k frequency. In this case I get a stable triangle wave output. However, when I make the amplitude ...
needbrainscratched's user avatar
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Debugging the triangle wave generation using ISL7044

I am trying to simulate an Analog PWM circuit as shown in this TI application note. Link attached here => Analog PWM TI Report However, I have a requirement to achieve the same using ISL70444 OP-...
Debugger_Op's user avatar
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Using Laplace transform to solve integrator circuit

I need to find Vout in time domain for below circuit. Here's my attempt, using Laplace transform. $$V_{in}(t) = V_0 \sin(\omega t)$$ From the above equation, Vin in s-domain is then: $$V_{in}(s)=V_0\...
user97662's user avatar
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Integrator waveform problem [closed]

I am doing a school assignment that requires me to design a stable Integrator circuit. But after I completed the design, I found that the peak value of the output waveform (blue line) was unstable. Is ...
Heung yu cheung's user avatar
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1 answer

High R for low frequency op amp integrator

I have to design an integrator for very low frequencies (corner frequency around 0.5 Hz). Are there any reasons why I cannot choose a really high resistor value (say 5M Ohm) to keep the capacitor ...
AlexanderCar's user avatar
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Why is resistor used in RC circuit?

Why is the resistor used in RC circuit? Is resistor used to oppose the current flow in RC circuit?
Geetha Akshaya's user avatar
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Designing a sawtooth VCO

Beginner here. I am trying to build a sawtooth VCO that runs on 5V, based on an op-amp integrator. See the design and output (Vout of the op-amp) below. For this circuit, the input voltage needs to ...
jessetvogel's user avatar
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Resettable integrator resetting to the negative rail not ground

I've recently built a resettable integrator board which uses a low-drift JFET op-amp and a sample and hold chip. The sample and hold amplifier datasheet showed a resettable integrator configuration ...
sam.schimanski's user avatar
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Integrators and the mechanics of a state-variable filter

I'm trying to understand how this topology of state-variable filter with summing amplifier produces a band-pass filter at the second integrator's output, in the context a parametric audio equalizer. ...
Domingo's user avatar
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Working with RC Integrator and RC Differentiator

I am working with a simple RC circuit, where I am studying RC differentiator and RC integrator, applied to step DC voltage. But, what I need to know is, I have learnt that during the response of RC ...
M.Riyan's user avatar
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Trying to simulate a basic op-amp intrgrator but cannot seem to find any error in my circuit

I'm sure I am doing some very basic error I cannot seem to find it The yellow wave is a square input and i want the triangle wave output
C-137's user avatar
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2 answers

Offset on op amp output

I am building an integrator circuit on a breadboard using an LM741 op-amp. Below is the circuit diagram: The input to the circuit is a 10 kHz signal with a peak to peak of 1 volt (with 0 offset). The ...
MattODwyer's user avatar
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3 answers

Op-Amp circuit that works as integrator and differentiator

Determine the conditions for the circuit to act as a differentiator and integrator. Determine Avlc for both situations. C = 100nF R = 1k ohm The closed loop gain for this circuit is: $$ A_{vLC} = \...
Felipe Gorcóa's user avatar
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5 answers

Physical or intuitive understanding of integration and differentiation of signals [closed]

I was reading about op-amp integrator circuits and would like to understand my below point. What is the physical or intuitive purpose or understanding of integrating or differentiation the signals? I ...
Freshman's user avatar
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Purpose of R in the op-amp integrator [duplicate]

In some of the integrators in op-amps, I have seen a resistor in parallel with the capacitor in the feedback section. Can someone tell me the purpose of the resistor in the RC of the integrator below.
Freshman's user avatar
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Delay-Free Switched-Capacitor Integrator Difference Equation Derivation

I want to derive the difference equation of a delay-free SC integrator using charge-domain analysis. Here's the example I am following. This shows you that for charge domain derivation, all you need ...
Leonhard Euler's user avatar
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Designing a differential equation circuit with op-amps

I have the following assignment question The differential terms all contain the output voltage in differential forms. My first thought was to then implement op-amp as integrators in each stage since ...
RishiC's user avatar
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Can I use capacitor to measure time?

I want to measure distance by electromagnetic wave travel time. Capacitor charging voltage on time dependency is well-known: \$V_{capacitor} = V_{source}(1-e^{\dfrac{-t}{RC}}) \$ Equation above is ...
Stdugnd4ikbd's user avatar
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Difference in inverting and non-inverting integrator

I am trying to simulate the step response of an inverting integrator and a non-inverting integrator. However, in the inverting integrator's output (blue plot), I see an initial overshoot in the ...
P T Nandh Kishore's user avatar
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What's the point of the proportional branch in a PI controller?

I just watched this MatLab video on the basics of how PI/PID controllers work and for the most part it makes sense. They started with an example with just a P controller and showed that, while it ...
Mikayla Eckel Cifrese's user avatar
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What does it mean that an integrator has an infinite DC gain?

I mean, I get that, in the ideal case, \$G\rightarrow \infty \text{ as } s \rightarrow 0\$, but it doesn't make sense for a physical device to be able to amplify a signal to an arbitrarily large value,...
Mikayla Eckel Cifrese's user avatar
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What is the main influence on the current when charging a capacitance?

If I have some capacitance C that is being charged through a resistor R, is the amplitude of the current peak only depending on R or also to some degree on C? In other words, will the current change, ...
l.voe's user avatar
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Is it possible to stabilize every system with an integrator

I was wondering if it was possible to stabilize every system with an integrator. From my point of view, an integrator can be used for applying a dominant pole strategy. If I place the pole at very low ...
Jess's user avatar
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Origin of the signal in an oscillator composed of a Schmitt trigger and an integrator

Following instructions, we built this oscillator as part of our electronics course: I was surprised at first that we could get those signals without any initial signal connected to the op-amps input. ...
c.leblanc's user avatar
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AC Op-amp integrator with DC Gain Control in LTspice

Our teacher explained to us that this set up allows us to produce the effect of a low pass filter: I have indeed found useful formulas to achieve this. The problem however is that when I simulate ...
c.leblanc's user avatar
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Mean value of square signal between 0 and 15 V in LTspice

I would like to get a signal that is the mean value of a square signal going from 0 to 15 V using an integrator op-amp. Here is what I'm getting so far (the op-amp I have put is the UniversalOpAmp2): ...
c.leblanc's user avatar
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Producing a sawtooth wave from a square wave

I am trying to produce a sawtooth wave from a 2 MHz square wave. For this, I am using an LT1800 op-amp. I want to get a -5V to 5V sawtooth wave shape. I did not do this in LTspice. I made the ...
natarajmarble's user avatar
6 votes
5 answers

What is the purpose of the resistor in a RC circuit?

I understand that a capacitor can pass high frequencies and block low frequencies, because of its impedance properties. Now, why do you need to put in series a resistor? Doesn't it already filter ...
user avatar
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RC-OTA versus gm-C integrator in CT Delta-Sigma

In the book "Understanding Delta-Sigma Converters" of S. Pavan, R. Schreier and G. Temes they are stating the following speed comparison of the RC-OTA and gm-C integrator: The impressive ...
VegTo91's user avatar
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Phase shift of an ideal op-amp integrator

I derived the transfer function of an ideal op-amp integrator and calculated the phase response of the Bode plot. My own derivation matches the result of this website. This means for the transfer ...
Junius's user avatar
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Practical integrator using op-amp

I'm trying to simulate a practical integrator using NI Multisim 741 op-amp. But I dont quite understand a variation in my waveform. I'm applying a 1 kHz, 5 V sinusoidal signal as input to the op-amp. ...
Techie5879's user avatar
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Verifying the Measurement Precision of a Circuit

My aim is to build an electronic circuit that allows me to measure the relative precision of the energy of optical pulses in the order of 10^-6. The optical power of the laser pulses is measured with ...
quaser78's user avatar
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Effect on stability margins when an integrator is introduced in the loop of a closed loop system

I was asked a question in a control system test which is as follows: *Introduction of integral action in the forward path of a unity feedback system results in a a) marginal stability b) system ...
aviral upadhyay's user avatar
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Is there also equal voltage on the inputs of an op-amp with a capacitor in the feedback rather than a resistor?

It can be mathematically proven that when we have a resistor in the negative feedback of an op-amp, the input voltages in the inverting and non-inverting terminals get equal. I'm wondering if we can ...
Tomas's user avatar
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Integrator circuit input signal

I made an ideal opamp, but I have a doubt regarding using it as integrator. If I give input as square wave, will it affect the bias? As far as I understand usually bias is required after which AC ...
negative_feedback's user avatar
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PID control with anti-windup time specifications

I have scoured the internet for a quite some time now and could not seem to find the answer to this. Is there a formula that approximates, with these specific gains (Kp, Ki, Kd, Kt), the rise time, ...
John.Apple's user avatar
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Does the feedback capacitor in an inverting integrator appear as a capacitive load to the op-amp in an integrator circuit?

In an answer to a question, I was told that the feedback capacitor appears as a load to the op-amp in an inverting integrator topology. If that is the case, we should see a pole with the output ...
Sambeet Panigrahi's user avatar
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Why is this op amp configuration used in Ah method SOC estimation?

While reading a research paper about enhanced coulomb counting, I found this peculiar sensing circuit (inside the red lines). (Research paper: Xie, Jiale, Jiachen Ma, and Kun Bai. “Enhanced Coulomb ...
A.H.Z's user avatar
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Op-amp square wave to triangle wave converter not working as expected

A follow-up to a similar question from yesterday since the problem I've run into has differed enough to warrant something more than an edit. I have built an integrator to act as a 5V 32Hz square wave ...
HFOrangefish's user avatar
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Square wave to triangle wave converter using Op-Amp not working

I have built an integrator to act as a 5V 30Hz square wave to triangle wave converter. My output currently looks like this. I am unsure why. The value of the triangle wave amplitude, according to ...
HFOrangefish's user avatar
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Op-amp output voltage offset

Hi i wanted to ask what causes an offset for the following integrator setup: I`m no sure if its the virtual ground or another fundamental reason im not aware about since the signal should always be ...
KMN's user avatar
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In an op-amp integrator, what is the purpose of the parallel resistor in the feedback path?

I understand how an integrator works with just a capacitor in the feedback path: When the input pulse width is much smaller than \$RC(1+A_{VOL})\$, the constant current charges the capacitor and the ...
across's user avatar
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Loop Filter Bandpass Jitter Characteristic in PLL

I was watching some PLL video lectures by Professor Elad Alon, and he explains why intuitively the jitter transfer function of the loop filter to the PLL output has a bandpass characteristic. He says ...
user124713's user avatar
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Integrator Opamp offset cancellation feature

I am trying to build a simple integrator circuit but there are some problems. I want to eliminate offset voltage in integrator. As shown in schematic, adding a feedback circuit oscillation was ...
analog_designer's user avatar
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Does slew rate specification of an op amp remain valid for an integrator configuration?

I am trying to design an op-amp integrator for a Rogowski Coil based current sensor. The op amp I use is THS4631D from Texas Instruments. It has a slew rate of 1000 V/us according to the datasheet. ...
Sambeet Panigrahi's user avatar

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