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0 votes
1 answer

ADC Multiple Channel without using DMA

below i give my code. here i using 2 ADC Channel and i getting first ADC channel value only. i need to read both ADC channel value. ...
0 votes
1 answer

How to make a circuit which can give divided voltage to ADC and can send a trigger pulse to INT0 when I press a button?

I connected 4 buttons to the ADC module of AVR-ATMega328p with different resistor values, To know which button is pressed this ...
1 vote
1 answer

ESP32: sampling a 1 kHz square wave (10%-90% duty cycle) with analogRead()

I need to sample the peak voltage of a 1 kHz square wave. The duty cycle varies between 10% and 90%. I am using an ESP32 and hoped to use analogRead() to sample the ...
2 votes
1 answer

Triggering ADC conversions with a timer on the MSP430FR5969

I am trying to repeatedly sample one channel from the ADC on my MSP430FR5969 using timer TA0. Unfortunately, the timer doesn't appear to be causing conversions. I expect my issue lies in my ...
0 votes
1 answer

What if you enable both DMA and Interrupt for a STM32 ADC

Imagine this scenario: You are using a timer driven ADC in DMA mode, nothing special. Now, because you are interested in having a Watchdog, you also enable the ADC Global Interrupt in CubeIDE (...
1 vote
1 answer

STM32: Why can't I use scan mode in interrupt-driven ADC?

I'm using an STM32F103C8 to read 3 ADC channels, and have used CubeMX + HAL to configure the ADC to shuttle the ADC values into a buffer. I've been able to accomplish this with DMA and polling: I've ...
0 votes
2 answers

STM32 interrupt and input on same pin

Fairly simple question but I couldn't find any instructions on this. I'm using an STM32G070 I'm interfacing with an ADS1231 which uses DOUT / ~DRDY on the same pin, and I'm wondering if there is a way ...
0 votes
1 answer

Problem or misunderstand of ADATE bit on ATTiny45

I have 2 buttons connected to pulled-down ADC input. I want to trigger ISR(SIG_ADC) when ADC finishes conversion - this is working. If I start ADC using ...
4 votes
2 answers

Set up an ADC ISR, but every time an ADC Interrupt is called it goes to isr_trap.asm instead

I am trying to do a program with my MSP430FR6989 from Texas Instruments. I send an Analogue signal to my ADC module in the uC, which converts it to a digital signal. If the value is greater than 0x800 ...
0 votes
1 answer

Problem with ADC configuration - atmega328p

What's up folks? I've been developing a project using atmega328p and avr-gcc. Recently, I've tried to configure the ADC to single sample. The codes below show my main.c, ADC.c and ADC.h ...
1 vote
0 answers

STM32F042 ADC Interrupt with STMCUBEMX

I need to read 15 channels ADC. However my MCU is specific named STM32F042K6T6. I decided to use an analog MUX to read every channel from just one pin. But, I didn't read accurately the datas by ...
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0 answers

Big code in interrupt freezes main function

I'm writing firmware for an ATSAM4S (runs at 120 MHz)and I noticed a strange issue with ADC interrupt handler. I set up ADC at 20 MHz, 5 enabled channels, and DMA transfer complete interrupt. ...
0 votes
1 answer

STM32F411VE ADC interrupt not working

My code works fine without interrupt (I tried polling the ADC value) but when I enabled the interrupt, it didn't work - while debugging in Keil, it never reaches the ...
1 vote
0 answers

MSP430G2553 Reading from ADC10 Temperature with Button ISR

This is my lab assignment. When I press the button, the red LED toggles on and off. But, I can't seem to read anything from it. Also, there's an empty loop in the code, but I don't know what to insert ...
1 vote
1 answer

ADC Interrupt usage

I'm using a dsPIC30F4011 in my project with XC16, and I'm currently programming its ADC. But my question is also general: Do I have to turn off and then back on the peripheral (ADC in this case) in ...
1 vote
2 answers

Arduino Atmega328 sleep mode with internal timer interrupt

I am trying to reduce the current consumption of my Atmega328 -Arduino- by using the sleep modes. In my code, I want to wake-up every 10ms, read the value from ADC, ...
1 vote
2 answers

ATMega328P free-running ADC interrupt not firing

I'm playing with an ATMega328P running off a USBtiny 1.0, and have the following set up: Potentiometer to ADC0. PB0 sourcing current for a LED. My program then mirrors ADC0 to the PWM on PB0, so the ...
0 votes
1 answer

ADC continuous conversion STM32F103

I'm facing with a problem regarding continuous acquisition of ADC channel in STM32F103. I use the interrupt at the end of conversion to call a callback function to store the acquired value. The ...
0 votes
1 answer

How to change the reading from an ADC of 10 bits to the timer 0 registers using a PIC18f4550?

I a reading an anlogue value using the 10 bits ADC from the Channel 0. I have implemented an interruption using timer 0, where I set some value for the registers of timer 0 (TMR0H and TMR0L - 8 bits) ...
1 vote
1 answer

stm32 freezes during ADC

I am doing simple ADC test with potentiometer on STM32F103C8, it seems to work fine for 5 seconds or so, but then the whole uC just stops - even while loop stops doing what it is supposed to do(so I ...
1 vote
1 answer

Testing the ADC interrupt on dsPIC33EP256MC506

I have a Microchip MCLV-2 development board intended for controlling small rating BLDC and PMSM. I am trying to develop a simple program to test the ADC interrupt. Basically, I want the program to ...
4 votes
3 answers

AVR ADC performance: interrupts vs. manual conversion

I have a device on ATMega16 microcontroller that is supposed to constantly send ADC measurement results over USART. The controller is operating at 16MHz with an external crystal and ADC prescaler is ...
0 votes
1 answer

AVR Atmega8 USART and ADC and PWM

I have created 2 different PWMs using timer 1 and 2 on ATmega8, that is used to control a linear motor. I'm using a hall effect sensor to detect changes in voltage as the linear motor moves left and ...
4 votes
4 answers

Does an external interrupt interrupt ADC or does ADC stall interrupt?

I'm working on an RTC application with a 1Hz clock attached to the external interrupt pin on a PIC16f887. I also have continuous ADC operations happening along with the 1Hz clock. My question is ...