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1 answer

Faster Timer0 overflow than 2 ms on Attiny85

I'm trying to get a Timer0 overflow with an overflow every 500us, but can't find a solution to get it so low. I'm running the Attiny85 on its internal 1 MHz clock, so I know it is not gonna be the ...
jonas's user avatar
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Problem or misunderstand of ADATE bit on ATTiny45

I have 2 buttons connected to pulled-down ADC input. I want to trigger ISR(SIG_ADC) when ADC finishes conversion - this is working. If I start ADC using ...
filimonic's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

Timer0 overflow interrupt does not work on ATtiny10

I am trying to use the Timer0 overflow interrupt to make a little project. I used such a timer in the ATtiny45 and it worked, but with ATtiny10 no result. So I tried an easy LED blinking program and ...
sepplhans's user avatar
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8 votes
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ATtiny13A - Can't generate software PWM with CTC mode

I'm trying to make a remote control RGB LED light using an ATtiny13A. I know the ATtiny85 is better suited for this purpose, and I know I might not eventually be able to fit the whole code, but for ...
Pouria P's user avatar
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Delay doesn't work (avr attiny 26, delay.h)

I am trying to learn how to write programs to microcontroller, and started with very simple things like LED blinking with given frequency, or controlled by button. However, I have problems with using ...
Antonio's user avatar
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Missed Interrupt Problem with Attiny85

I'm trying to use an Attiny85 (digispark) to wake another controller from sleep (an ESP8266). The Attiny is connected to an IR receiver which has an active low output. Basically I have connected an ...
localhost's user avatar
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Timer1 on ATtiny85 not working as expected

I am trying to use Timer1 on the ATtiny85 (Adafruit Trinket) to blink an LED every second. The prescaler value is 1024, and the compare register value is 28. I loop through this 279 times to get a ...
Suba Thomas's user avatar
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ATtiny861 pin change interrupt on PA.2: error in datasheet?

I faced with some confusion in subject datasheet: In one section PA.2 should be masking by PCIE1 bit as PA.2 is PCINT2 input and it should be within PCINT[7:0] and PCINT[15:12] range: On the other ...
Roman Matveev's user avatar
2 votes
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Attiny10 not triggering timer overflow interrupt while simulation (Atmel Studio 6)

I have problems simulating the timer overflow in Atmel Studio 6. The code is for an Attiny10 and looks like below. As far as I know I set all the neccessary bits to enable the counter (which works in ...
milkpirate's user avatar
5 votes
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ATtiny45 pin change interrupt PB5?

On the ATTiny45 data sheets it states that PB5 can be used as a digital IO pin and I want to use it to trigger a pin change interrupt, my only issue is that it is also the reset pin and the moment I ...
Gerharddc's user avatar
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How many external interrupts has attiny85?

The title is quite self descriptive. I ask this question because I found contradicting information in the atmel web page. I need two external interrupts to control one rotary encoder. One interrupt ...
Terrik's user avatar
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6 votes
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Calculate exact timer frequency for ATTiny

Trying to wrap my head around these overflow timers for the ATTinyx5 (45 in this particular case). I seemed to have a great handle on it with the ATMega328 but I cannot get it to work the way I want ...
Adam Haile's user avatar
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How to implement a synchronization signal with AVR (attiny45)?

In pseudocode I want to do following: ...
Juha's user avatar
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