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BCD Up-Counter Schematic Error

When I try to simulate my schematic for my up counter, i get the error Net "Net-name" cannot be connected both to an input port and an instance output pin. Here is my schematic I am pretty sure ...
LurkDog's user avatar
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Xilinx and VHDL · Why is this INOUT port undefined?

I'm using Xilinx ISE 13.1 x64 WebPack for a college assignment and I'm implementing a BCT for the sake of it. It's a Binary Coded Ternary. Like a BCD, but with only three digits (0, 1 and 2), to ...
GuiRitter's user avatar
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BCD to 7 Segment Decoder Schematic: Need help fitting in page

I am working on the schematic for a BCD to 7 segment decoder right now. I understand the logic, but it is the design of the schematic that I need help with. Here is my schematic so far: As you can ...
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