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Questions tagged [iso14443]

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Reading multiple RFID tags at the same time

Hi I've been working on a personal project for which i need to read multiple RFID tags in close proximity, something like 10-20 tags at once, I know RIFD tags can't be actually be read at the same ...
Riccardo Cecconi's user avatar
1 vote
3 answers

Passive (energy harvesting) tag / transponder chipset solution with 12 inches range?

I've been using a 134.2 KHz (FDX-B, ISO 11784/85) transponder/reader for use with implanted and pendant tags. However, I've been frustrated as to the range. Is anyone aware of a chip/circuit level ...
user1621287's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

NFC standards ISO 14443, ISO 15693 and ISO 18000-3. Which of them are most supported by smartphones?

I want to do this: mobile app <-> NFC <-> microcontroller, in order the MCU can communicate with Android or iOS apps via NFC hardware. I have two options of low-cost NFC chips, these chips don'...
abomin3v3l's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

PN53x with emulate nfc

I saw that many of nfc reader/emulate based on PN53x chipset of NXP. But the disadvantage of this chipset is , you can't emulate ISO14443-B why is PN53x chipset ...'s user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

What is the difference between ISO/IEC 14443 and ISO 7816 smart cards

I am trying to build my own smart card decoder and I found that the smart card with the most popularity in terms of security and utility is the Mifare Desfire EV1 which is pretty much industrial grade....
Arnaud Dorval's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Why are there types A and B in ISO 14443?

I'd like to understand why the ISO 14443 standard describes two types of interfaces, type A and type B. This answer talks about competing technologies brought forward by two different companies: ...
J Doe's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

DESFIRE does not reply to REQA from MFRC522

I'm writing an stm32 driver for the NXP MFRC522 ISO14443A PCD but cannot get it to talk to DESFIRE cards. My code will correctly identify both Mifare Classic (4-byte) and NTAG203F (7-byte) PICCs and ...
William Brodie-Tyrrell's user avatar