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Questions tagged [l298]

Anything related to the L298 integrated circuit. The L298 is a high-voltage, high-current dual full-bridge driver designed to accept standard TTL logic levels and drive inductive loads such as relays, solenoids, and DC and stepping motors.

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2 answers

Is this a bad schematic

I am looking at a circuit diagram for an L298N module: from I found out that the actual negative part of the diode is ...
SnappyRiffs's user avatar
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Modifying a PWM signal to control xmas lights

I have a xmas light strip (24V lights half of the lights and -24V lights the other half) that is controlled via a L298N H-bridge. Currently I'm controlling them by creating a 50% duty cycle PWM signal ...
Joonas Joensuu's user avatar
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L298 H-bridge: there is voltage, but it disappears once motor is connected

I'm trying to drive a DC motor in different directions with the help of L298 H-bridge (multiwatt vertical package) and an Arduino. I can measure how voltage changes from -5V to +5V, give or take, ...
olegst's user avatar
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Baby bed Carousel - Is it possible to control stepper motor using L298N driver and mks osc v1.0 controller?

I have a mission. Wanted to build bed carousel for my baby and now it's a matter of honor. What parts i have: 5 wired stepper motor - I know the trick how to convert it to bipolar one. L298N Driver ...
woodson87's user avatar
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Powering Raspberry Pi and motors with same battery

I'm building a Raspberry Pi (2 model B) robot with two l298n H-bridge modules to drive four motors, and am using the charger board module pictured below (lx-lbu2c - 2.4a output) to charge two 18650 ...
Aaron J Spetner's user avatar
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Not able to run motors using l298n motor driver

I try to make a gesture controlled robot using L298n, Arduino Uno and bluetooth module HC-05. I send gesture data from a mobile. I have checked there's no problem in the data communication from mobile....
Tushar Jagtap's user avatar
1 vote
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L298N 50 Hz noise [closed]

I am currently measuring a 50 Hz noise with an oscilloscope on a L298N with no load and a 1 mOhm resistor, which I can't explain. I have connected the L298N to an Arduino and a 12V power supply. The ...
Joko's user avatar
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2 answers

Using two lithium-ion batteries to power three separate components with buck converters [closed]

I'm trying to use two 7.4 V two lihtium-ion bateries connected in series to power an Arduino Due, a Buslinker, and two L298N motor drivers. In series, the total voltage would be 14.8 V. The 14.8 V ...
EERobotics's user avatar
4 votes
5 answers

How to power a 24 VAC pump with 24 VDC?

I want to power a 24 VAC vibration pump (48 W 50/60 Hz, often used in coffee machines), and control it with a microcontroller. I've got an existing system that is powered with 24 VDC. A standard DC-DC ...
empewoow's user avatar
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Can't figure out how to make my L298N work within my circuit

So I've been trying to use an L298N driver. (Link to the one I bought: And I've been utterly incapable of making it work. At first, it was built ...
kron0s's user avatar
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4 answers

Why does the L298N schematic supply Vcc to diodes?

I have been studying the L298N motor driver module to re-implement it as an exercise to learn PCB design. Something I am confused by in the schematic of the module is why Vcc is supplied to the diodes ...
redixhumayun's user avatar
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Feedback On Schematic

I'm a beginner when it comes to PCB design and I'm looking for design feedback for my schematic which I've created in KiCad. The idea is straightforward: I want to individually control 4 DC motors ...
redixhumayun's user avatar
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DC blinds motor controlling

Wanting to have a motorized blinds connected to my smart home and never have it done before I would like to double check several potentially obvious questions... First of all, the blinds manufacturer ...
Larry0ua's user avatar
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Dual brushed motors digital controller works on only one side

I'm actually developing a way to control, digitally, the speed of brushed motors with a Raspberry Pi. To do so, I use the following diagram where: The raspberry controls the shift registers (purple) ...
zepeu's user avatar
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PWM solid state relay output not well modulated with inductive load

I am attempting to control the current through a generator rotor by adjusting PWM input to a DC to DC solid state relay (SSR), specifically a TWTADE SSR-40DD. The power supply for the output side of ...
user156904's user avatar
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Motor rotates well in one direction but runs slower in other with L298N and L293D [closed]

I connected two motors with an L293N driver. When I control it with my joystick, one motor works fine (Out 1 and 2 of driver). It rotates in one direction and the other very smoothly. The problem ...
HexaTech's user avatar
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L298N constant output power

I have assembled the motor driver circuit using L298N seen below, hoping that it would work without any problem. For some reason that I do not understand, the output power is constant. I say constant ...
Ekrem Kılıç's user avatar
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Does this L298N H-bridge produce a PWM signal or a steady voltage as its output?

I am wondering if these l298 h-bridge packages produce an amplification of the PWM received from the micro-controller, or if they produce a fixed voltage. let's say I was viewing the output signal on ...
Oscar's user avatar
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Random output in an optical encoder!

I have a DC geared motor with an optical encoder. I can read MITSUMI M25N-2R-14 2241 and 25GA-370-12V-330RPM on the motor. I'm using this simple code to control the position of shaft. it works fine ...
2012User's user avatar
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Will a regular neodymium magnet attract an electromagnet not currently being supplied with power?

I have a setup for one of my robotics projects where a neodymium magnet is placed across from an electromagnet. I power the magnet with DC through a L298N motor controller that is connected to an ...
Cousin Ale's user avatar
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Output voltage from L298N

Is it normal to have a higher output voltage than expected from an L298N driver? I have read that there are voltage drops and it is usual to have lower output voltages, not higher ones. If it is a PWM ...
Anna's user avatar
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NPN on top of L298N H Bridge

I understand how an H Bridge works, but the common ones use pnp transistors on top and npn on bottom. In L298N's datasheet it is attached this circuit and I just can't figure out how the Vs is going ...
Anna's user avatar
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Where are the capacitors on the l298n module?

Note I am a beginner :) Looking at the l298n datasheet: I noticed on the block diagram and "Pin Functions" table, there are ...
user13174343's user avatar
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My DC motor slows down and stops while using an L298N motor driver with an Arduino Uno

Whenever I run a program for running the DC motor, the motor suddenly slows down and finally stops, I don't know why it happens. I use an L298N motor driver, an Arduino Uno, and a 9V battery for motor ...
Amit Nikhade's user avatar
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Can we or should we parallel H-bridge module for increse current?

Can we parallel H-bridge input and output for increse current? For specific I select 2 case L298N (BJT based) TB6612FNG (Mosfet based) For L298N as shown in datasheet suggested to parallel chanel to ...
M lab's user avatar
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Problem with the L298 datasheet

I was studying the L298 datasheet and I noticed something; So basically an H-bridge contains two PNP and two NPN transistors as shown in the image: but in the datasheet, there are no PNP transistors ...
Parsa Showkati's user avatar
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Datasheets do not mention and explain enough about current

I'm trying to build my first IoT project. I'm using an L298 motor drive, an MCU-6050 6 axis gyroscope and accelerometer and an Arduino Due. When going through their datasheets, most of the tables and ...
Parsa Showkati's user avatar
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Heat sink for the L298 stepper driver IC

I am coming today to seek help from you for sizing a heat sink for the L298N IC. This Ic will be used to drive a 2A/phase stepper driver, supplied with a 12Vdc signal, and 5Vdc for the logical part. ...
Théo's user avatar
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How to interface with an H-bridge IC (L298N) using a single PWM pin

I would like to know if it's advisable to control an H-bridge IC (L298N) using a single PWM pin? Let me explain: By driving ENB pin High and by feeding complementary PWM (achieved by using a simple ...
glamis's user avatar
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How to use L298N motor driver with battery

I connected L298N motor driver ( to 4x AA batteries in series (6V) connecting battery holder's positive terminal to Vsupply and negative terminal to GND which is ...
user3861781's user avatar
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How do I correctly power the l298n motor driver with 6v?

Recently, I have purchased the L298N Motor Driver with a couple of 3V-6V motors. I am planning to make a robot buggy to hold other projects I may do with the Raspberry Pi. Currently, I have been ...
tussiez200's user avatar
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Powering an L298N's IC and an Arduino Uno R3 using an LM7805

Before i start i would just like to say that i am an absolute beginner at this, and this question might be a little silly. I'm trying to make a shield that'll go on top of an arduino uno. The shield ...
Myadra22's user avatar
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L298N heating up when driving a Nema 17 with Arduino

I've just bought a Nema 17 (Motor NEMA 17 40mm 1,2A 2,6kg/cm 1,8º 42STH40 1204A CNC) to build a pet feeder, and to control it I'm using a L298N driver I've also bought. I've wired everything together ...
José Tomás Tocino's user avatar
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Drive H-Bridge using analog signal instead of pwm? [closed]

Is it possible to drive an H-Bridge like the L298n using actual analog signals rather than digital PWM signals? If not, what would be the equivalent to an H-Bridge that allows for this?
matthias_buehlmann's user avatar
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L298N motor driver not working after connecting SPST switch

So when I had all wired as depicted in the first image, it worked fine, no problems. The red LED on the L298N board was illuminated and the dc motor was following commands from my Raspberry Pi. Now I ...
Maiki's user avatar
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DC Motor bridge driver L298N. Why separate the tracks after R sense resistors from GND plane?

The L298N datasheet says: The sense resistor, not of a wire wound type, must be grounded near the negative pole of Vs that must be near the GND pin of the I.C. why not in common GND plane? If I ...
Yury Gavrilov's user avatar
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Speed control PWM, DC motor, L298n with LPCxpresso 1549

This is my first post and I'm just asking a little bit about motor control in a team project I'm a member of. This is a bit of a "not so serious" project, so probably the solar panel system ...
Late347's user avatar
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Review of PCB design L298n

I'm decided to finally make my motor driver boards but I'd be happy to have some feedback as it's my first PCB design. It's mostly based on the datasheet of the l298n chip. So there is nothing much ...
Loïc Faure-Lacroix's user avatar
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DC motor driver response [closed]

I have some trouble about the response of the L298N DC motor driver. After some experiments, I have noticed that the output response of the L298N isn't linear. In particular, if i give a ramp input ...
Luca80's user avatar
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Is the 5 V rail of an LM298 reliable?

I’m trying to build a simple robot using 4 DC motors with 2 LM298's controlled by node mcu and powered by LiPo 3s battery. Since powering the node mcu directly to the 3s LiPo(11. Iv) would be ...
nirmeets's user avatar
13 votes
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Why don't flyback diodes in H-bridge damage power supply?

I'm currently learning about driving a small DC motor (~ 5V). My research so far indicated that a L298N might be a good choice to quickly get something up and running. However, I'm also trying to ...
s1m0n's user avatar
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What PWM Frequency should be used for a 12V DC Gear motor?

I have this 12V DC Gear motor, but I can't find much info about it online. The reason I have bought it was that I found this particular motor across several tutorials on how to build an RC car. I ...
George Lazu's user avatar
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Voltage lower than expected with Nema 17 stepper motor and L298N

I am using an L298N motor driver with a Nema 17 stepper motor. I am trying to use the motor to turn a valve, but there is not enough torque so the motor is skipping steps. I am controlling the motor ...
Claire Jacobs's user avatar
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Circuit Diagram of L298N with Arduino

My questions: Am I correct in my schematic if I want to connect L298N to Arduino to drive 2 motors? Are the resistors of 0.5 Ω mandatory? (I saw them in datasheet) Am I missing components in my ...
redouane's user avatar
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Powering Stepper Motors Using Drivers

I am working on a project involving several stepper motors, I have chosen the L298N as the driver - and my system supply is a switching power supply 12V 15A. My question is, how can I connect the ...
james's user avatar
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L298 distorts signal

I connected STM32 F334R8 microcontroller to L298 H-bridge. I made some measurements. The problem is output signal on L298 has quite slow slopes and is not as sharp as input signal. I do not understand ...
Madras's user avatar
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Will this N-Channel Mosfet work as high-current motor controller?

We are building a mobile robot which will use two motors in a differential drive configuration to maneuver and move around, and we want to choose the right driver IC or transistor circuit for the job ...
user108391's user avatar
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L298n PWM frequency

I'm using the L298 Dual H-Bridge to control a pair of 6V @ 1600mA DC motors for a line follower robot. I'm connecting "Enable A" and "Input 1" to Vcc and "Input 2" to uC with PWM. Which frequency do ...
Iaka Noe's user avatar
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L298N (via 74HC595) motor control - unexpected voltage & motor not spinning

(Corrected version as last text was somehow corrupted) I have made a circuit with L298N in order to control direction of 2 DC motors. When I power the circuit I noticed that voltage between 2 output ...
Delphi4U's user avatar
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Confusion about L297 pins

I'm developing the PCB of my L297-L298 stepper motor driver, but I have a doubt about the SENSE pins of the L297 I.C. I understand that the pin 13 and 14 of the L297 are used for controlling the ...
Luca Daidone's user avatar