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Regarding PLC and several input/ output modules

I have to use more than 40 servo motors and 20+ load cells using PLC. But the problem is that I have to use many I/o modules ( that is costly and hectic). Can I reduce the no of I/o modules by any ...
Karan Srivastava's user avatar
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Problem encountered while amplifying load cell signal with LM358

I have an S-type load cell to measure weight up to 100 Kg. Its datasheet mentions 3mV/V against full range and excitation voltage. When no weight is applied, the voltage is 9.9 mV (Excitation is 10 V)...
Ohbhatt's user avatar
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2x rs232 communication, single wirelss connection, also rs232 to control load cell perameters

I am struggling to find any information on the ability to have 2 rs232 connections with 1 wifi connection. I have found this wireless chip, which supports, five Ethernet ports, two serial ports: http:...
Kieran olsson's user avatar
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Load cells for 4 legged beer fermenter [duplicate]

I'm a homebrewer. I use 5, 4 legged 200 liter tanks to ferment the beer. I would love to be able to weigh the tanks and have the signal on my PLC to see how much I have in the tanks. Each tank ...
Larsen's user avatar
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