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Questions tagged [load-cell]

A load cell is a transducer which converts force into a measurable electrical output.

54 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Does creep always occur with load cells, or is there an optimum weight capacity?

I want to make a scale which I will place under a wood stove (downdraft gasifier) to measure the amount of wood that goes into the wood stove. The amount of wood which is being measured will be ...
Stef3346's user avatar
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Instrument amplifier output continuing drifting

I'm using AD8226 to amplifier differential signal coming out of a load cell, the output of the AD8226 goes straight into the AD7190. My load cell is full bridge with output impedance of 350 Ohm, ...
livecf's user avatar
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What check can Ι perform to verify that a load cell is operating properly?

About five years ago I was tasked to develop the software for a small custom made testing machine (everything is custom-made from frame, to the measuring system). Last year, I was volunteered to &...
NMech's user avatar
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Homemade NAU7802 breakout board not preforming like reference

I am designing an NAU7802 breakout PCB for a small weight scale project I'm working on, but I've had bad luck getting it working. I am comparing its performance with the Sparkfun Quiic Scale (their ...
MikeJWms's user avatar
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Use of a three wire load cell

I am currently doing a project which requires the measurement of forces on a surface and to achieve this we are using 3 wire load cells. The problem that I am running into is no matter how I orient ...
Derek G's user avatar
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AD7730 calibration failure

EDIT: The exact issue is this, the ADC has a gain register (set during internal FS calibration and again at System FS calibration) and an offset register set during system zero calibration. The ...
nick1256's user avatar
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Load cell mathematical model

I'm studying a solution for a weight measuring system that's affected by enviroment vibration - a load cell fixed on a "shaky" frame. My first thought was to use a 3-axis accelerometer (or ...
Davi Schena da SIlva's user avatar
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HX711 zero factor

I have three load cells (YZC-1B). These load cells' capacity is 50 kg. I guess I use Bogde's HX711 library. In monitor, the zero factor for the first two load cells is 8,000,000, but for the last load ...
buccno's user avatar
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Connector for load cell

I'm working on a scale that uses a tin-plated connector between the load cell and the PCB where the ADC is mounted. The connector is JST ZH (4pins) tin-plated. During testing of this design, I have ...
Blims's user avatar
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HX711 noise, but only in a specific environment

I'm working on a small project at my farm to automate vegetable weighting. The system consists of an STM32 MCU, some additional ICs (matrix decoder, parallel-serial converter for some push-buttons etc....
Mihály Tóth's user avatar
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Drift in output voltage of load cell

I used one of these scales and after a few months the reading started drifting up: after hitting tare to get to zero, the reading would show 2 grams, then slowly go up to 10 g in one minute. I ...
emonigma's user avatar
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Wheatstone gauge factor calculation?WII load cell

Currently working with the WIIFIT or WIbalance load cell. For some reason everybody wants to work with these load cell. However, there are no actual datasheet of the load cell used in the device. ...
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Why do we need voltage stabilizion in bridge measuring system with ratiometric connection?

i found in many weight scale reference designs that they use either low noise linear regulator or voltage reference for voltage stabilization. Why do we use them if ratiometric design cancel the ...
user3613833's user avatar
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Load cell circuit does not work on circuit simulator

I want to simulate a load cell interfacing with AD620 for amplification. - My load cell is 40 Kg max with 2mV/V sensitivity and 10 V excitation voltage with input resistance of 405 ohm and output ...
idir93dz's user avatar
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2x rs232 communication, single wirelss connection, also rs232 to control load cell perameters

I am struggling to find any information on the ability to have 2 rs232 connections with 1 wifi connection. I have found this wireless chip, which supports, five Ethernet ports, two serial ports: http:...
Kieran olsson's user avatar
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Why does this seem like a strange way of connecting a bridge circuit to the ADC?

I was planning to hook up a quarter bridge circuit to the AD7730LBR Analogue to Digital Converter that I bought. I was having a look at a "Load_Cell_Schematic" provided by this webpage (the download ...
Jamy codes's user avatar
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Problem connecting INA114 with LM331 for voltage to frequency conversion

i'm actually using a load cell and i would like to send the load cell information to an android tablet through jack audio. Then load cell caracteristics are presented here:
Nad92's user avatar
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How to make a weighing scale with independant load cells

Im working on a project for school and I need to make a scale that measures weight and also accurate pressure readings at differnt points. Is it possible to make a scale using four independant load ...
user45863's user avatar
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Trying to set up a data acquisition system--have some questions

I'm setting up a data acquisition system for some load cell, pressure ducer, and thermocouple inputs. Currently looking at the LabJack T7 for my ADC and INA125 for my load cell amp. PTs are self-...
harrys2k's user avatar
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Load cell value becomes negative when above certain force

I have a 100 gram load cell with the hx711 amplifier board. I have it wired up to an arduino nano with an NRF24L01 module to send the raw value to another arduino nano. The problem is that when I aply ...
user21326959's user avatar
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Extending load cell wires for weight transmitter connection

I have a load cell that I want to install in a certain location. I plan to connect its output to a load cell transmitter, which is approximately a meter away from the maximum length of the load cell ...
Aamir Awan's user avatar
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Is it possible to see which load cell is accounting for how much of the total weight?

I'm a newb when it comes to electronics, learning it as a hobby and was wondering if it was possible to determine which load cell accounts for what % of weight when connected in wheatstone pattern. I'...
Chemwiz1's user avatar
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Matching ADC and encoder data in time

I'm trying to measure load and elongation in homebrew testing machine. The load is measured by the AD7791 ADC and elongation is measured by linear incremental encoder (quadrature encoder + MCU ...
Tolik4's user avatar
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ADC count not stable when tapping into a commercial weight scale SPI

I am in the process of designing a weight scale. To test whether I could achieve the same results in the software I decided to disconnect the MISO, MOSI, SCK and CS from a commercial weight scale MCU ...
floxia's user avatar
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Methods for improving/smoothing the load cell signal

I am using a Delta AS02LC-A cell module and a Zemic 25 kg load cell. Here are some details of the load cell calibration certificate: And this is the appearance, specifications and wiring diagram of ...
Bruce's user avatar
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Load cell trouble, part 2. I have huge, rapid drift, and variation

I've posted very recently about my trouble with load cells. Baffled at how poor my results are. Huge drift to the point that I wouldn't even call it drift. Very noisy readings, too, but I don't know ...
Popeye's user avatar
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load cell calibration with HX711

I am trying to calibrate four 50kg Weight Sensors with Arduino's HX711 Amplifier AD Module. I am getting a variable range of errors. I am using this video as a reference link below. It shows me use a ...
Ankit_Gunner's user avatar
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Making an automated rig for chemistry test. Cannot read a load cell accurately. Constant drift

I'm making this rig to measure rates of carbonation. It's sensing 6 different variables including mass of sample. The board is Wi-Fi capable (ESP32 WROOM), so I can publish results wirelessly and see ...
Popeye's user avatar
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DG408 Multiplexer Issue

I connected a DG408 8:1 Multiplexer to 6 Futek Load Cells; the signal of each load cell was amplified by an "ICA-1H" strain gauge amplifier. The output signal of the multiplexer was ...
John Hawk's user avatar
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Inaccurate measurement double load cell circuit

I’m building a circuit with two load cells and I have some issues getting accurate measurements. At first I just soldered the load cells onto the load cell amplifier but as the connections seemed bad ...
tomcajot's user avatar
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Load Cell Bridge Resistances are ok but I cannot get reading from load cell

I have planar beam load cells that are not functioning. I bought a digitizer which was giving me a reading error which alerted me to an issue. So I unplug the cells from the summation box and I am ...
TheCodeNovice's user avatar
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Arduino Load Cell Limitations

I came across this forum in my research on load cells for a project at work. I had order the load cell and an amplifier/display but turns out there's no way for the display to show lbs it only shows ...
rroberts's user avatar
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Does shunt calibration of a sensor also correct for zero error?

In the datasheet for a load cell (shown below), it says that shunt calibration data is given, also they have mentioned the zero balance. Does the shunt calibration consider zero balance? Meaning, do I ...
needbrainscratched's user avatar
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TRT-25 and Arduino Uno

I need help on a project I am working on. We are trying to integrate a reaction torque sensor and I am having a hard time deciding how to go about it. Previously I assumed that like my load cell I ...
PCR6955's user avatar
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What are the trade-offs between different values of resistance for a wheatstone bridge?

I have a loadcell with a bridge resistance of 10k and I've asked the manufacturer for a new design with RTDs and a slight mechanical change, and as a consequence, the manufacturer's proposed new ...
raaymaan's user avatar
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MCP3561 Configuration registers resetting upon relay activation

I am looking for advice on how to solve a problem I'm encountering with my PCB project. The application involves reading a weight from a cluster of load cells and activating a relay that controls a ...
DFunke's user avatar
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HX711 and 50kg load cell - possible update speed / dynamic load

I bought this 50kg load cell and an hx711 which I want to connect to my raspberry pi zero. I'm wondering how accurate they are if I load them with a dynamic weight. To take a simple analogy: could I ...
Holger's user avatar
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Reduce load cell creep and drift programatically

I am trying to build a weigh scale and have read through the parameters that affect its reading in the long run. My question is can we reduce the Creep and drift of the load cell by compensation ...
Jalakam Kiran's user avatar
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Load Cell Decreasing Output

I built the following weight system using a Load Cell and Hx711. I am using an Arduino UNO and running the calibration sketch in HX711 library. However, I noted one interesting behavior that you ...
Johan Arcos's user avatar
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How to connect two load cells to one HX711?

I have two 5 kg load cells and one HX711. The project's goal is to connect them together, and measure the weight of the same object. I would like to get the average in order to make my calculations ...
Johan Arcos's user avatar
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Is AD7794 a good alternative to Hx711 for multi-channel ADC?

note: Electronics isn't my main background so I might make silly mistakes. I did read the datasheet but don't understand all the terms despite my effort. Suggestions are welcome. AD7794 (datasheet) ...
Ashesh Shrestha's user avatar
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Loadcell strain gauge with 10 V excitation

I am designing loadcell (spec) measuring using 24-bit adc (MCP3561) with excitation 10 V. But I couldn't find the reference design for 6-wire loadcell that its sense pins connect to ref+ pin of ADC. ...
LazyLabor's user avatar
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Two load cells on one HX711

I need to read 4 full-bridge load cells about 10 times per second. Are there any drawbacks of connecting two cells to A and B channels of HX711 and alternating reading between them? I understand that ...
Maple's user avatar
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Raspberry pi not getting any data from hx711

I'm trying to combine two boards into one: SparkFun Load Sensor Combinator(basically just a wheatstone bridge) and SparkFun Load Cell Amplifier. The data will be transmitted to a Raspberry Pi 3 so ...
Godrod's user avatar
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ADC value changes with changing power supply

I'm measuring weight using hx711 ADC and load cell. HX711 schmatic: I use 12V 1A power supply and 6V/4Ah dry cell. Also I use MT3608 boost converter to increase battery voltage to 12V because ...
7navy4's user avatar
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How would I hook up this load cell to work with an HX711 amplifier?

I’m trying to build a scale using this load cell which is different than the similar looking load cells in that it these are rated for 100kg, whereas the typical load cells are rated for 50kg. More ...
WhiskerBiscuit's user avatar
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RaspberryPi: Load cells and HX711 amplifier

I've created an app that will read 10 weighing scales at the same time with separate values but since some wires are like 1 meter long, I get so much noises in the values. I just wanna know if what's ...
Alexa's user avatar
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How to select load sensor for specific application

I have a project based on weighting scale. On the internet I have seen multiple types of load cells such as shear beam, single beam, s-type, planner beam load cells etc. What type of load cell is best ...
Shashikant's user avatar
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Remove Contactor Noise from Load Cell Reading

I have connected my ADS1231 with STM32F030R8T6 as shown in the attached image. I have given 3.3 V power to both micro controller and adc. I am connecting load cells and i am getting satisfactory ...
Nimit Vachhani's user avatar
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How to connect bathroom scale (arduino+hx711+spark load connector)

Im a new user in the electronic world. I tried to hack my bathroom weight scale but no success. There is a great tutorial which I followed: my parts: ...
Anna K's user avatar
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