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CAN-Bus Message confusion

Can anyone tell me what the difference between these two sets of CAN Bus messages? This is from the manual of a Power Drive Unit (PDU) in the Cargo Handling System of a 747F (UPS Freight). This is the ...
joel cox's user avatar
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STM32 CANTX line always idle

I'm trying to learn about microcontrollers in general and at this point I'm trying to learn about the CAN bus standard by using it with an STM32 MCU in a NUCLEO-F767ZI board. For that end I want to ...
Hugo Pontes's user avatar
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4 answers

Reading CAN Bus without a ground [closed]

I need your help to find a transceiver that can read or write data on a CAN bus using only CANH and CANL, without the ground of the System I am connected to. Just to be clear, I need something that ...
Stefano Floridia's user avatar
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1 answer

Sniffing a CAN Bus with strange behavior

I want to sniff data from a CAN Bus where are nodes using these parts: 1 - 18F24K20 - Microcontroller 2 - VP233 - CAN Transceiver 3 - 78L33A - Voltage Regulator These nodes are sensors that detect ...
Diego Ramos's user avatar
2 votes
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CAN-BUS line goes bus off state at high temperature(70C°)

I have a CAN-BUS line communicating at 50kb/s speed. There are only 2 products communicating with each other on the CAN-BUS line. One of these products has the STM32L496RGT MCU (the clock speed of the ...
ali.ozkan's user avatar
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CAN Frame Malforming on Oscilloscope

I have a working 500kbps CAN bus between an Arduino Uno and a RaspberryPi. Both are connected to MCP2515/TJA1050 boards from Amazon and communicating over SPI. The RaspberryPi dumps the CAN data via ...
Manj Chana's user avatar
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CAN bus malfunction on STM32F3

I create applications for STM32 F303RE for communication with the instrument panel. I managed to connect everything but I have some problems. I'm not sure if it's due to bad code or good performance. ...
Daniel's user avatar
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NAK in CAN bus for STM32F3 uC

I have a problem with the NAK on the CAN bus. On STM32F303RE I wrote a code for communication via CAN bus with car dashboard (Instrument Panel Cluster). The communication works, I manage to receive ...
Daniel's user avatar
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Playback log files in can bus

I'm using MCP2515 CAN Bus controller and I'm connecting between two boards successfully. I have bough a can bus analyzer Ksaver, which allows to playback log files. I connect the logic analyzer DB9 ...
andreahmed's user avatar
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NAK in CAN when programming stm32f407vg uC

I am getting NAK error in CAN communication. Not really sure why, also frame itself is quite strange as in program I am sending different things. I have got two devices and therefore I monitor 4 ...
DawidPi's user avatar
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