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Where does the electricity in electromagnets come from if permanent magnets from generators decrease their magnetic strength?

The question has been puzzling me for some time, I presume electrical power starts from generators, the heat produced by them(generators) cause their magnets to weaken and electromagnets have to be ...
kopon stanley's user avatar
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In a non-magnet, excited-coil generator, what percentage of the generator's total output is used to excite the coil?

I am building a DC permanent-magnet generator with the magnets in the rotor. The stator coils are my unique winding. The overall efficiency of the generator is measured with a digital torque meter ...
Kim Michael's user avatar
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Converting Magnetism to electricity

I've been seeing a lot of videos online of people using neodymium magnets to make a motor spin to generate electricity. If we can generate electricity from magnets why isnt this being used more often?...
johnny 5's user avatar
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Magnet Shake Generator - how to replicate in LTspice?

I made a generator for my wife's 3rd grade class, since they are learning about magnets, electromagnets and electricity. It's a simple pipe with a stack of magnets inside and you shake it to produce ...
BigCountry's user avatar
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Permanent magnet generator tooth width

I am thinking about designing a radial flux permanent magnet generator. However, I could not find any information about determining the tooth width. Should the tooth width be all the way the same as ...
Daniel Husztik's user avatar