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Questions tagged [magnet]

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15 votes
3 answers

Does Shielding "Electrically" shield "Magnetically" too?

I know it sounds like a newbie question but I can't wrap my mind around it. An electromagnetic field is electric + magnetic field. So this means that when shielding an equipment offensively, for ...
user138887's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Modelling a "single-phase permanent split-capacitor motor" in LTspice

I'm planning to use an AC fan in an LTspice simulation. The AC fan is made up of a single-phase permanent split-capacitor (PSC) motor. Here is the actual fan:
user16307's user avatar
  • 12.2k
2 votes
1 answer

Will placing a strong magnet near my electric skateboard Li-Ion Battery pack damage or discharge it?

The original clips securing my battery cover are broken and i thought of devising an alternate way to keep the cover shut involving a hard drive magnet and a hinge the battery pack would sit in ...
user3055223's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

What is the effect of a neodymium magnet on a smartphone's touch screen?

What are the possible effects of multiple neodymium magnets in relatively close proximity to the capacitive touch screens most smartphones use nowadays? As the screens themselves are LEDs the image ...
Ng Oon-Ee's user avatar
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Electromagnet stays energized after being switched off

I've designed a circuit to turn on/off a 12V electromagnet but when I turn off power to the magnet it still has a magnetic force. The magnetic force when OFF is not as strong as when it is ON but it ...
Jeff Wahaus's user avatar