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Questions tagged [mesh-analysis]

For questions about mesh analysis, a circuit analysis method that is used to solve for the currents (and indirectly the voltages) at any place in a planar circuit (planar circuits are circuits that can be drawn on a plane surface without any wires crossing each other). Always use in conjunction with the "circuit-analysis" tag.

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2 answers

What's wrong with my equations?

I'm trying to get the value of v_o using mesh method as it is required. The equations I'm getting are: For the mesh on the current A I have: 2 - 2(I_a) - 3(I_a + I_b) - 2(I_a + I_c) = 0 for the mesh ...
psich's user avatar
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2 answers

Finding Norton current

I am trying to determine the Norton current between the terminals a and b of the network shown below. \$Z_1\$, \$Z_2\$, \$Z_3\$ and \$Z_4\$ could be resistors, capacitors or inductors. To do so, I ...
JeroenLemmens's user avatar
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2 answers

Node Analysis with CCVS

I'm having issues solving this problem, with the CCVS. Here is what I have so far: $$-(24 - V_1) / 250 - (60I_b) / 150 = V_1 / 50$$ Which simplifies down to: \$-28.8 = 120I_b + 4.8V_1.\$ But without a ...
artemisFowl47's user avatar
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2 answers

Mesh Analysis - 4 variables

I'm working on this problem, and got stuck. The question is asking what i0 is. For Mesh 1: -16+4(i_1-i_3 )+2(i_1-i_2 )=0 6i_1 - 2i_2 - 4i_3 = 16 For Mesh 2: 2(i_2 - i_1) + 8(i_2 - i_3) -10i_o = 0 -...
artemisFowl47's user avatar
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1 answer

How can i sovle this mesh circuit by source transformation? If not, do we have nay orther ways? [closed]

Give the circuit as shown above. Detetmine E=? So that the 16V voltage source provides 32W power.
Trịnh Phước Điền's user avatar
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3 answers

Transient analysis of RC DC circuit

The task is to find the current that flows through capacitor C. I tried to analyse the circuit using mesh analysis but failed. I need to find the current through C during switching (t=0) and steady-...
hipigeons's user avatar
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The maximum distance supported between two nodes in an ESP32 based mesh network

What is the maximum distance supported between two nodes in a network implemented using the ESP-WIFI-MESH protocol developed by Espressif Systems for their ESP32 modules? The documentation mentions ...
SADALI Mohand's user avatar
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1 answer

Why does each mesh equation give different I3 value? What's the correct value and final answer?

The provided solution considers the third eqn as the correct one and proceeds with the same alone. Why is the answer achievable only thru the 3rd mesh and why not the first two? Why are they giving ...
Lumbini Ashutosh Tambat's user avatar
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2 answers

Equivalent resistance of a network

Determine the equivalent resistance across the terminals \$a-b\$. I placed a \$1V\$ battery across \$a-b\$ and then used mesh analysis on \$4\$ loops which resulted in using \$4\$ equations. But is it ...
a_i_r's user avatar
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4 answers

Is there a rule for assigning polarities to resistors or is it truly arbitrary?

Sorry if this is a silly question, I'm new to circuit analysis. I'm still rather confused about how you're supposed to assign polarities to resistors in a voltage. I've been told time and time again ...
LostAndConfused's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

How many meshes are in this circuit? [closed]

Aren't there three meshes here? The solution also says so. I denoted the three loops that I think are meshes, but the instructor said in class that there are 5 meshes. I just cannot find the other two....
tryingtobeastoic's user avatar
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1 answer

Incorrect current assumed in Hayt Ex 5.3

Here is Example 5.3 from Hayt "Engineering Circuit Analysis" p 129. I am supposed to solve it using superposition principle. While doing it I incorrectly assumed direction of \$i_x\$. I ...
user1700890's user avatar
-1 votes
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Example 3.17: find Vo in a circuit containing a voltage controlled voltage source

Trying to solve this circuit using mesh analysis. However, I am having trouble understanding why Vx = 4kI1 specifically why to go through the 4k resistor using current I1, my intuition wants to set Vx ...
Raquel's user avatar
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2 answers

Equivalent resistance of network of resistors arranged in a cube shape

To determine the equivalent resistance across \$AB\$,I noticed that the three resistors in the lower face of the cube are in parallel combination. So I replaced all three with a single resistor \$\...
a_i_r's user avatar
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1 answer

Analyze an RC circuit using either nodal or mesh analysis

How can I analyze the circuit shown in the diagram below using either nodal analysis or mesh analysis? I attempted solving the problem using mesh but ended up with the wrong answer. To obtain the ...
Jovanny's user avatar
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1 answer

How do I apply mesh analysis to this circuit?

I have applied the mesh analysis to this circuit using both clockwise and counterclockwise directions but I ended with different results. Please let me know if there's anything I'm doing wrong. Also, ...
Jovanny's user avatar
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2 answers

Different answers from mesh analysis and voltage division

This is a problem solving for the voltage across a capacitor with initial conditions. After finding initial conditions and transforming into s-domain, the circuit looks like this: So, the voltage we ...
SunriZe225's user avatar
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Circuit analysis of a halfwave rectifier

I want to verify whether my calculations are correct. Additionally, there are two questions related to this circuit: 'What is the purpose of R1 and R2 in the given circuit?' and 'What is the intended ...
spinachpizza_'s user avatar
4 votes
4 answers

Calculations of mesh and nodal analysis of my dc circuit doesnt satisfy any of the KVL or KCL conditions

So I'm working on a course project under my professor and I seem to have encountered a huge problem. I built my own circuit and solved it using mesh and nodal analysis in MATLAB, got some values but ...
SpaciousCoder78's user avatar
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Mesh analysis of circuits

In this question we are required to find the nodal voltages and current in the circuit. Why is the 3A current not divided at node (d), that is, one going in 5 ohm resistor and other towards the ...
Preet's user avatar
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1 answer

How do you use nodal analysis to this circuit?

By using mesh analysis I have 4 equations: 6ia - 2ib = 24 -2ia + 12ib -20ic - 2id = 0 -8ib + 12ic = 0 -2ib + 12ic + 3id = 0 Got ic = 8/3 A, so Vo = 4(8/3) = 32/3 V ; correct me if I'm wrong But I don'...
New student's user avatar
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Circuit analysis: how to find the voltage at node 2?

Find the voltage at node 1, 2 and 3 using mesh analysis. Using mesh analysis I have 3 equations: $$ 6ia+10ib-4ic = 0 $$ $$ -2ia-2ib+4ic = 10 $$ $$ ia-ib=-5 $$ With this equation I find the current ...
New student's user avatar
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2 answers

Why doesn't mesh analysis give the correct solution for this question

This is the original question: and we were supposed to find all current in the circuit. I was told we mesh analysis should be able to solve the problem. But, the voltage across each resistor was 5V ...
user352000's user avatar
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1 answer

Source Transformation on Dependent Current Source

I am facing issues while finding Vr3(V1) I have redrawn the circuit with circuit being open at current source I1 and have source transformed the dependent current source to a dependent voltage source ...
Anonymousstriker38596's user avatar
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1 answer

Different results when using nodal and mesh analysis; application on a Thevenin equivalent problem [closed]

I need to find the Thevenin equivalent of the given circuit. The problem is that when I use Nodal analysis and mesh analysis I get different results. I know that Rth = 16 Ω. But when I use nodal ...
math_noob's user avatar
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1 answer

State space model of third order circuit

I'm trying to derive a state space model for this circuit: - simulate this circuit – Schematic created using CircuitLab The circuit contains four energy storing elements, but is only of third ...
Carl's user avatar
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1 answer

Why is the current flowing this way in these 2 meshes in a simple circuit?

Just wondering why exactly the current is flowing in the directions depicted in the image below? It is my (rudimentary) understanding that current flows from regions of high potential to regions of ...
Numerical Disintegration's user avatar
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4 answers

AC Circuit Analysis - Mesh Analysis With Unknown Impedance Value

I attempted the problem below using mesh analysis, but I'm struggling to figure out how to solve and find the impedance Z. I feel like I'm forgetting something very basic, but I can't figure out what ...
Sam Fuller's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

How to solve mesh-analysis problem?

This is a circuit I'm trying to solve using mesh-analysis. I thought I was solving it right but the answers tell me that I'm doing it wrong and I'm not sure why (only thing I know right now is that $...
daf8u3fk's user avatar
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2 answers

What is I1, I2, I3 and I4?

simulate this circuit – Schematic created using CircuitLab I have really gotten stuck on this question where I need to calculate I1, I2, I3 and I4. The numbers for the circuit is: V(a)=2 V, V(b)=...
DiodeLight97's user avatar
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3 answers

Getting wrong answer for mesh current analysis

The circuit diagram is given below, I keep getting the wrong answer for the mesh currents, I always get -1 for first loop and -7 for second loop. Therefor Ix comes out to be 6 which is wrong. It ...
Rizwan Liaqat's user avatar
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1 answer

Mesh analysis: I can not match my result with LTspice [duplicate]

The goal was to find all branch currents. I solved it by hand and then tried to compare the result's validity with the LTspice. But as you can see, they don't match at all! I added a 0V source in ...
Rajiv Das's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

What is a mesh, and why not instead use independent loops for mesh analysis?

In the textbook "Fundamentals of Electric Circuits" by Alexander and Sadiku, 7th edition, p. 92, the definition of meshes depends on the the physical position of nodes. This doesn't make ...
Ryder Bergerud's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Getting different answers by Mesh and Nodal Analysis

simulate this circuit – Schematic created using CircuitLab Naming the top two loop currents clockwise as i1 and i2 and the bottom two as i3 and i4. By inspection, we can say $$i_1=-1A$$ Now, ...
Bruce Wayne's user avatar
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Where did I go wrong? Mesh Analysis

Here is the problem: Here is my solution attempt: And here is the result from LTspice: The direction I chose for $$I_{1}$$ is not the direction I get in LTspice. Where did I go wrong? Somehow the ...
Rajiv Das's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Help me to solve this question using mesh analysis

This is the question I tried to solve. My progress is shown in the image below. The question is how can I get another linear equation? I can't find any way. I am stuck here so it would be helpful if ...
Rajiv Das's user avatar
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2 answers

Mesh loop analysis 2 loops, 2 voltage sources of different polarity

I'm having problems trying to work the following problem. The polarity is reversed on the right hand loop so I guess it becomes a -7v however does the current now go clockwise in loop one and anti in ...
Slayty's user avatar
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Nodal and mesh analysis solution check

Is there any way, when doing nodal analysis or mesh analysis of circuit to check whether the final solution is correct except for doing both of them?
Filip's user avatar
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Non-planar circuits by mesh method

They ask me to find a way to calculate the voltage between a and b but without using the node method, only the mesh method
Ricardo Gomez's user avatar
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Circuit with two independent sources

The problem is solved in book by using basic methods and v1 = -9 V, v2 = 2 V, v3 = -11 V, v0 = 2 V. However, when I applied mesh current method loop1 : current in loop1 say i1 such that direction in 2 ...
vector's user avatar
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How do I find the sign of V5A and V2VX in the mesh equations?

I do not understand how to know if V5A and V2VX is meant to be positive or negative in these equations. In the mesh 1, the current in going the opposite direction to the 5A current source and in ...
Sajana Gunathilake's user avatar
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Mesh or Nodal Analysis Problem

I was having an issue with the solution of this problem. I used mesh analysis with the equations, where \$i_{lamp}=i_l\$, \$i_{oven}=i_o\$, \$i_{heater}=i_h\$: \$-120+120(i_l-i_o)=0 - (1)\$ \$-120+10(...
Jason2134's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Thevenin Theorem Problem

I am struggling to find the thevenin equivalent voltage for the following circuit. I attempted using source transformation and mesh analysis by initially transforming the current sources into voltage ...
Jason2134's user avatar
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1 answer

Find the voltage and the current of the circuit

Can you help me to check if the results of the following circuit are right? The exercise asks: find the \$V_{3}(t)\$ and \$I_{3}(t)\$ having \$V_{2}(t)= \cos(2t + 165^\circ)\$ and \$I_{5}(t)=2\sin(2t -...
Anthonengine's user avatar
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What is an electrical node?

In English books, the node in electricity connects two elements while in French books the node is defined as the junction of three conductors. Which of the two definitions is more accurate?
Mouh Kramo's user avatar
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Confused about how Loop 2 is defined

In one of my exercises, I am presented with the following circuit: We are asked first to write some loop equations for the circuit. Naturally, they are given to be defined as: What I cannot ...
nyquil43's user avatar
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What are right or best analysis method on finding voltage, current and ohm in circuit analysis?

I'm new to electrical engineering. In the few past weeks, I already learn about different analyses to find what to find. Like finding voltage, current, and ohm with different methods. Examples like ...
user512512af's user avatar
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How does current stay the same after being subtracted by an opposing current in a subloop?

In a course Linear Circuits 1: DC Analysis, the practice problems on mesh analysis made me think about the nature of current. Suppose in the diagram attached below Is1 = 10 A and Is2 = 5 A. So the ...
Asetofchara's user avatar
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3 answers

Finding Voltages using Mesh Analysis

The answers are V1= 3.043 , V2= -6.956 , V3= 0.6522. I've already searched how to use mesh analysis to find voltage, there are a lot with this example but they all used nodal analysis to find V1 , V2 &...
schwein's user avatar
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Analysis of circuit with dependent voltage source with no apparent solution

This is an exercise from Irwin's book, 9th edition. simulate this circuit – Schematic created using CircuitLab Although the book calls for the use of nodal analysis, I decided to do it by mesh ...
benjamin_ee's user avatar