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CMOS transmission gate model for intermediate control voltages

I want to model a CMOS transmission gate ( in my own simulation (a numerical solution of some ordinary differential equations). For this I need a (...
Ralf's user avatar
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What parameters give unlinear torque model of induction motor?

I want to realize factors which give nonlinear model of torque toward speed with power consumption in induction motor. I tried find math model induction motor. But usually, I had same charts: As we ...
Alex F's user avatar
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LTspice sofware Zener diode model 3bdc missing [closed]

I cannot find any models for LTspice for Zener diode breakdown voltage of 3 V. I need Zener diode because I am trying to get simple voltage stabilizer and my load cannot handle more than 3 V. I cannot ...
hhsting's user avatar
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Trying to make a Pip-Boy like game with LED buttons on a breadboard

I'm new to making electronics and I'm having a hard time of going about this. I have had a little help but I'm stuck. The way I'm wanting to have the circuit work is there are 3 LEDs with 3 switches ...
Tonto's user avatar
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LTSpice Unknown SPICE device type "N" [closed]

I try to use the model for the BFR106 transistor in LTSpice, which I got from here
TheButterMineCutter's user avatar
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Find a model with transfer function and real data

I am currently trying to create a model using a transfer function and my data. Here is my schematic: Here is my transfer function: My input signal is 2.5V for 10s, after which I decrease the voltage ...
Hally's user avatar
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Why is there a difference between the model primary and physical primary in a forward converter, but not between the secondary or tertiary windings?

In a forward converter, the current through the physical primary winding is the sum of the current through the magnetizing inductor and the current through the model primary winding. However, the ...
elvishpotato's user avatar
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Is it possible to have a C language model of design in same simulation as the RTL itself and compare their outputs?

Assume that an algorithm exists in C language. It needs to be implemented in VHDL. One way to compare the two is to apply stimulus from file to model using another program or script and then store the ...
gyuunyuu's user avatar
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Determining the current carrying capability of a hollow cylinder

How can one analyze, to some approximation, the current-carrying capability of a hollow cylinder with a diameter of 3 inches and a length of 6 inches, made from 100 μm thick copper with a resistance ...
user510's user avatar
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LTspice model file for new component

I would like to add some new components to the LTspice library. I have never done this before. The online SPICE forum discusses 3rd party component steps. It says I have to download the SPICE model ...
David Ab's user avatar
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How can I add an LM567 in LTspice? [duplicate]

From searching the web it seems it is not included with the installation of LTspice, so I will have to add it as a 3rd-party model. I am fairly new to LTspice and I'm not sure how to do this as I ...
Jason Crosby's user avatar
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One of the nodes of a SPICE model is not explicitly used. What is this node connected to? (Trying to simulate VOM1271T)

I am using the following SPICE model. In the .SUBCKT VOM1271T, what is -out connected to? ...
Etwus's user avatar
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3 answers

Characteristic of a Resistor/Diode Simple Circuit in LTSpice

Our teacher in class instructed us to experiment with a resistor/diode circuit in LTspice. The goal is to display the I-V characteristic of the resistor, as well as that of the diode, and test them ...
c.leblanc's user avatar
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9 answers

What's the formula for an idealized diode?

How do I mathematically describe the curve of an idealized diode? I want to express the dependency of i and v in one expression. Is it possible?
vincirist's user avatar
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Flyback Average Model

I wanted to try the PWM switch model to make a bode plot from the transfer function of the flyback with fixed duty cycle in LTspice. I had already a working transient model which give me the correct ...
daniel's user avatar
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LED/Resistor set up for a model display

I am currently making a scaled model display that uses 16 LED in a series and I would like to wire it up to be on one switch, so I need a single power supply to connect them to. I have various ...
Micah Riordan's user avatar
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LTSpice library Voltage Controlled Switch SW returns error: Unknown parameter "sw". Why?

I'm having problems with the LTSpice Voltage controlled switch in a very simple circuit: A pulsed voltage source is used to switch MYSW on and off: PULSE(0 5 15m 1n 1n 0.15m 16m 1) . The voltage ...
Mark Hosey's user avatar
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Model Microcontroller's Power Consumption

I am currently building a simulator (time-domain model) that includes a System-on-Chip, a constant voltage source and a series resistor. Current solution: My initial intuition was to model the SoC's ...
MoTex_42's user avatar
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Simulation model problem

Recently I have downloaded a model from Toshiba's web site and tried to create a simple circuit like in the image below. The signal on the "V(n002)" point wasn't like I expect. After that, ...
swer's user avatar
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Question regarding IBIS models

I have the IBIS models for this SY75603 PCIe clock buffer IC. However, the available IBIS model is only for the SY75603A with 85 Ω outputs; I'm using the SY75603B with 100 Ω outputs. What should I do ...
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How do I find or calculate BJT parameters for LTspice?

A typical entry line in LTspice's Standard.bjt file contains, e.g., .model 2N4126 PNP(Is=1.41f Xti=3 Eg=1.11 Vaf=18.7 Bf=203.7 Ne=1.5 Ise=0 Ikf=80m Xtb=1.5 Br=4.924 Nc=2 Isc=0 Ikr=0 Rc=2.5 Cjc=9.728p ...
Carlos Gouveia's user avatar
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How do I import this OPA313 PSpice model into LTspice?

It's been asked quite a few times how to import PSpice models into LTspice but none of the methods seem to apply to this particular model from TI. I really don't understand what all these files are ...
BobaJFET's user avatar
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Diagram of a simple charge/discharge model of a battery powered by a solar panel with a DC motor load in Simulink

I want to simulate in Simulink a simple electrical system of the following nature: there is a battery powered by a solar panel and a DC motor load. For example, during the day, the solar panel ...
ayr's user avatar
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How to understand SUBCKT LTSPICE in order to modify an existing IGBT model to another from the same company

I am struggling trying to understand how a IGBT IKW15N120BH6 is implemented through a SUBCKT. The text file includes SUBCKT with functions and parameters, but it is not a typical construction of a ...
Danielito's user avatar
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How to extract s2p file from a large-signal model? - ADS

I am working on a RF IC and I wish to extract s2p file from large-signal model (the large-signal model is available in producer company). How can I do that in ADS?
mohammad rezza's user avatar
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How to modify s2p file of an IC? - ADS

I have a s2p file of a RF IC which it contains frequency from 650 MHz to 1.1 GHz. I wish to modify s2p model so that two frequency 0 Hz and about 3.5 MHz is added to the s2p file. How can I do that ...
mohammad rezza's user avatar
4 votes
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Optocoupler Ltspice model

How are the Ltspice library optocouplers modeled? E.g. PC817 has this one: ...
Hyp's user avatar
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NMOS level 8 Ltspice model of 2SK4177

After downloading a model from, I deleted everything apart from what was between .MODEL and ), so I ended up with a xxx.txt ...
Hyp's user avatar
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Can't find the Pspice model for a diode

Last time I had an issue I posted a question and the answer was pretty useful, so it's the time to try to find the answer to a new one. I don't seem to be able to find the Pspice model for the ...
electronics_student's user avatar
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Incandescent light bulb in proteus

How to create a simulation model of The incandescent light bulb in Proteus?
noName's user avatar
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Which capacitor equivalent circuit should I use in an AC PSPICE sim?

I am trying to simulate the frequency response of a buck converter with the specific ceramic caps that I will be using on my board. The goal is to evaluate stability (phase margin). The OEM does not ...
jde0503's user avatar
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Help me find the PSPICE error, please!

I am trying to simulate the frequency response of a buck converter with the specific tantalum caps that I will be using on my board. The goal is to evaluate stability (phase margin). The capacitor OEM ...
jde0503's user avatar
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How to calculate specific heat capacity of film and electrolytic capacitors?

I am trying to build a thermal equivalent model of a capacitor and its ESR in Simulink. I know the heat flow rate going into the capacitor, as well as the thermal resistance value, but I am missing ...
André Guerreiro's user avatar
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LTspice create a model with <InstName> attribute as a variable

Don't know if my title was correctly put. Here is what I want. I am creating a new module. Each time I add new module I get on top of the module X1, ...
Mainland's user avatar
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LTspice: Modeling an LED

I'm trying to create a spice model for a Vishay VSLY5940 IR LED (datasheet) and after following a few examples I found online, I'm unable to complete my calculations. I created a graph in Excel that ...
Pete's user avatar
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BJT: large and small signal models

I am a bit rusty on my BJT circuit analysis and relooking at my college notes I can't remember the cross-over point when you switch between large signal and small signal models. The large signal model ...
Edba's user avatar
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about ngspice models and libraries

I'm learning ngspice , read almost it's whole documentation but still confused about libraries and models , here are my questions : where are the default models and libraries that comes built-in with ...
Abd Alhaleem Bakkor's user avatar
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How can I encrypt an LTspice model?

I need to encrypt an LTspice MOS model in order to distribute it to my students. It is a .model not a .subckt.
user295649's user avatar
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Spectrum Sensing

I am trying to find the maximum range of a directional antenna whose beamwidth can be varied. The goal is to understand if a particular (x,y) user lies within the antenna. The distance between the ...
mukesh 123123's user avatar
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Analysis of high Frequency Hybrid-pi model of a BJT

Can someone explain the reason behind this modelling of rx? I had read in the book: "Microelectronics by Sedra & Smith" that rx is added to model the resistance of the silicon material ...
Pooja Agarwal's user avatar
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Use simulation model in LTspice

I want to simulate a circuit that uses this transistor using the popular simulator LTspice. When I download the simulation model from the link I get a .zip file containing the following two files: ...
user171780's user avatar
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Buck-Boost small signal

I read the paper "Simplified Analysis of PWM Converters Using The Model of The PWM Switch", and I have some questions about the model of DCM (Discontinuous Conduction Mode) flyback. This is ...
Jitter456's user avatar
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Can LTSPICE compile BSIM4 models

While NGSPICE can compile and run BSIM4 models, I could mot find anywhere reference to LTSPICE being able to run these models. Has anyone tried, and saw that it worked, or knows that this will ...
user1134991's user avatar
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Is a spice model unique?

i found an SPICE model for a component with diferent parameters than the ones that i found earlier (wich have the same parameters). So i am questioning wether there is a way in wich it is posible (and ...
Daniel Melo Avila's user avatar
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TLP383 ltspice XVII model not working because of encryption?

I tried to test the model of the TLP383 in ltspice which I downloaded from toshiba. TLP383 I added it as I always did with my models downloaded from the internet. But this time ltspice gives me the ...
3phase's user avatar
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How to get an accurate LTSpice model of a real inductor after impedance analysis?

I want to get an accurate model of a real inductor in LTSpice. Therefor I used an Bode 100 Network Analyzer und measured its impedance in a range of 100 Hz to 20 MHz. My idea was to calculate the ...
TonyDublov's user avatar
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LEDs for model ship [closed]

My dad built a model ship and wants some lights - kind of like the attached photo. His request: Small, the LED must fit in a 1/2 inch space. The LED must be dim and amber in color,, flicker if ...
TonyP's user avatar
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SPICE modeling gas discharge tube using state machine and behavioral resistor

A gas discharge tube (GDT) is a state machine which transitions from a high impedance ("normal") state to a low impedance ("glow") state when the potential across its terminals ...
Daniel J. Greenhoe's user avatar
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Representing Capacitors and Inductors with Initial Conditions for use in a Thévenin Equivalent Circuit

Recently I have undergone a project involving a Thermo-Electric Cooler (TEC). I successfully recreated the manufacturer's datasheet curves by simulating the TEC in LTSpice using thermal circuit ...
banjoeschmoe's user avatar
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Having trouble finding LTSpice (or just spice) models

While looking to run some simulations on LTSpice (or others spice solutions) I cannot seem to find a single source of truth for models and LTSpice lacks some common components like ...
Cristian Douce's user avatar