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Op-amp 'overcompensation'

First, a bit of background; I'm trying to regulate a HV DC-DC converter using an op-amp with an NPN Darlington current booster. The DC-DC converter is a push-pull circuit driven at about 40 kHz that ...
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How can we confirm whether the op-amp has -ve feedback? [duplicate]

Many text books show an op-amp will have negative feedback when o/p is connected back to -ve input through some discretes and under such condition V+=V- is satisfied for op-amp input terminals. In the ...
Dynamic_equilibrium's user avatar
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Implementing negative feedback on a JFET amplifier

I have started designing and simulating a simple Jfet amplifier using LTSpice. The circuit I have below seems fine, apart from too much gain for my needs (about 20x to much gain). To fix this, I ...
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Cannot predict closed-loop gain of this amplifier

This is the circuit I am currently analyzing: (link to LTSpice file) I am trying to predict each stage closed loop gain and overall gain (with all loops closed). First thing I did is calculate DC ...
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