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Questions tagged [negative-feedback]

31 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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RC filters in JFET negative feedback

I saw a useful answer about JEFT negative feedback here and so I thought I'd ask for some help too!! I'm attempting to create a JFET gain stage that uses a filter in a negative feedback loop to boost ...
aimsonic's user avatar
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Voltage-divider bias common emitter calculations are yielding unexpected results

I performed an analysis on this voltage-divider-feedback common emitter. My result in simulation is relatively close, but doesn't quite check out. Where did I go wrong? I'm new to this and ...
nuggethead's user avatar
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How do I perform ac analysis of common emitter with voltage divider feedback?

I'm working towards understanding voltage-shunt feedback. I'm about halfway there, and stuck. I am building a simple common emitter with voltage divider feedback. I managed to get it biased to put ...
nuggethead's user avatar
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Calculate feedback factor

Values and models are arbitrary. The circuit above was written on board (without values) as an exercise for "breaking the loop" method, however I do not agree with the answer which says the ...
Emir Özdemir's user avatar
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Op-amp 'overcompensation'

First, a bit of background; I'm trying to regulate a HV DC-DC converter using an op-amp with an NPN Darlington current booster. The DC-DC converter is a push-pull circuit driven at about 40 kHz that ...
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BJT - DC Negative Feedback Biasing

After getting some useful feedback from this question (BJT Common Emitter - Active Load Biasing) I've been trying to intuit how the output voltage presents itself. Through a bit of trial and error I'...
Cdevelop's user avatar
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Series current Feedback

I was tryig to build this circuit ("Series-feedback pair") from "Art of electronics" book (p. 150). Since I do not have the exact components I tried to model it in LTSpice with ...
kek's user avatar
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Change in Base-Emitter Voltage due to Emitter Degeneration

I am stuck on this circuit from The Art of Electronics, page 117 figure 2.85A. I have been working on how to derive the equation for the change in Vbe. My calculations have been assuming that: $$ \ ...
perfectoitaliano's user avatar
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Simple Stability and Feedback

I have a question, my book says that for the system in this picture: If the system has G(s)*H(s) with a module of 1 (0dB) and a phase of -180°, the system is in Simple Stability, so it is like in ...
Martino Pistis's user avatar
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What will be small signal trans resistance gain of shown circuit?

Take beta = 99. I analysed this circuit using first considering this circuit as feedback circuit with shunt-shunt type of feedback and then did the same analysis considering that the circuit is a ...
SUNITA GUPTA's user avatar
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How is this series series feedback topology forOPAMP?

This is stated as series series type of negative feedback but why. Whereas this one is series shunt topology
SUNITA GUPTA's user avatar
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Potential ground loop issue in DC-DC common ground circuit

I am trying to setup a dedicated battery for my dash-camera, this will provide continuous power when the ignition is OFF and has a manual NC switch to turn off the circuit when not needed. I ...
Alex Robbin's user avatar
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Why input signal of negative feedback amplifier is Vs - Vf?

The block diagram below is from my textbook. I don't understand why the input voltage Vi = Vs - Vf. Take an example as the image with numbers on it, I know its not correct in reality but just assume ...
Thành Nguyễn's user avatar
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What are the necessary conditions to prevent latch-up problem for Oscillators?

In his chapter on oscillator design, Razavi discusses the issue of latch-up and proposes several methods to eliminate it. However, he doesn't provide explanations for these methods. Could anyone ...
Tong Su's user avatar
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How to determine if the feedback is positive or negative?

How to know if I have to apply the formula Af=A/(1-AB) [positive feedback] or Af=A/(1+AB) [negative feedback]?
Aaryan Pugarja's user avatar
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voltage follower design question

Hi , I am trying to build a simple voltage follower circuit in IC. I have tried to build ideal Op-Amp as a transconductor. Now, it requires minimum bias voltage for it to operate as a transcondcutor (...
negative_feedback's user avatar
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Problem with Arduino MEGA and opamp LM741CN for feedback ammeter

I am trying to create a feedback ammeter using Arduino MEGA ADC and OpAmp LM741CN. In order to perform a proof of concept, I use Arduino MEGA, LED, and Resistor 1 MΩ, then I read its current with a ...
Peeratchai Kleebbua's user avatar
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Discussion on demonstrating saturation in operational amplifiers with positive feedback, and simulation problems

I have been dedicating my time to the study of Operational Amplifiers for the past few weeks. I understood that an amplifier in an open loop configuration has a very high gain, in the case \$A \to \...
benjamin_ee's user avatar
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What is the purpose of a negative feedback resistor in a schmitt trigger?

This schmitt trigger is used with an integrator to create a triangle/square wave oscillator but R5 has been added to the typical inverting schmitt trigger topology. I know that in simulation, this ...
Jeb Kerman's user avatar
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Output resistance in negative feedback

I was studying negative feedback in voltage amplifiers. I found this on Wikipedia for calculating input resistance as shown below. Following the similar method, I tried to calculate the output ...
Essar's user avatar
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Negative feedback gain sensitivity

What happens to the gain sensitivity of negative feedback system due to fractional change in open loop gain when feedback gain His about 0.01-0.05. Here's my work:
Camila's voice's user avatar
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BJT or MOS negative feedback analysis

I am looking for a resource that includes analysis of feedback circuits. I have found something on sedra smith microelectronic circuits but not enough for me. Could you suggest me some resource ? It ...
Piko's user avatar
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Voltage-voltage Feedback and common-collector analysis?

(This question is related to this one here, where I attempted to understand how the discrete component values in a negative feedback amplifier are represented by the closed-loop gain and feedback ...
nuggethead's user avatar
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Op-Amp Summing Amplifier Not Working

I have this below circuit op-amp summing amplifier with its below result: But in my actual circuit all components are the same except the op-amp. I am using this op-amp part in my practical circuit : ...
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What unit is expressing the effect of this capacitor in a common emitter amplifier?

I'm working through this handout I3.PDF in my attempt to understand negative feedback in amplifiers. The following formula appears, in which the author is substituting \$v_{out}\$ and \$v_{in}\$ to ...
nuggethead's user avatar
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Effect of a heavy load on op amp output

Simulated on Multisim 14.0 In the above circuit, without RL the circuit behaves quite normally with a non inverting gain of 50 for any input at V1 till the output saturates to 15V. Things however ...
nn08's user avatar
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What will be vo/i for given circuit?

Solve using both approaches first using small signal analysis and then using feedback analysis.
SUNITA GUPTA's user avatar
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How to solve practical OPAMP with finite differential resistance and finite offset current while other parameters can be considered ideal?

simulate this circuit – Schematic created using CircuitLab Ip(bias)=200nA rd=differential resistance=5Mohm a=infinite What should be its output? I am confused if I should consider negative ...
Buzz bee's user avatar
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How do I calculate a PID controller gain for a certain damping coefficient?

I have a third order process and I have to design a PID controller by cancelling out the two most dominant poles of the process. The process transfer function is: The controller is of the form, where ...
Pedro's user avatar
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Pole-placement problem

I was following this example of implementing a pole-placement with an Integral controller. Matrices A_star=[-5 -3 0;1 0 0;0 -1 0] B_star=[1;0;0] desired poles -100,-8+i*11,-8-i*11 I know the ...
aadil095's user avatar
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Question about the slew rate

Let's consider an op-amp: From basic courses of electronics, we know that the output voltage as a function of the differential input is given by the following picture: Now, assuming that: the op-...
Stefanino's user avatar
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