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Power issue with PCB board using a DC-DC converter

I am encountering a technical issue with a circuit I recently assembled. The circuit includes an nRF52832 microcontroller module (MDBT42Q), a 1.8V voltage regulator (LDLN025M18R) for powering a sensor,...
Samiha Ahmed's user avatar
-2 votes
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nRF52840 PCB review (2 layers)

I am currently working on a project that involves a Garmin-style devices to display acceleration and velocity data, connected in ANT. I have some background in both software and hardware development ...
Frusciante89's user avatar
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Schematic Review: Interfacing ADS1299 with Seeed XAIO NRF52840 sense?

I need someone to review my schematic and guide me to fix the problems in the schematics. Need help reviewing the schematics. Can I power the ADS1299 with Seeed Xaio? If not, then how? I asked this ...
B L Λ C K's user avatar
2 votes
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Buck/boost converter behaviour when MCU is sleeping

I'm building an optical wireless mouse based on nRF52833 and a 16340 cell, I need a sanity check on some considerations regarding the DC regulation. The battery voltage goes from 4.2V when fully ...
StefanoN's user avatar
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NRF52 - unexpected high power in idle mode

I am trying to program a low-powered Bluetooth Low-Energy sensor using an nrf52810 microcontroller. I am trying to minimize power consumption when the sensor is idle. I have created a minimum code ...
ItsAmy's user avatar
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Why is the LED not getting turned off?

I have written this code for nRF52832. Shouldn't LED_1 be turned off when it's executing the else branch? ...
Jag Mohan Ray's user avatar
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Implementation of microsecond timer on NRF52832 using sandeepmistry nrf52 library

Can anyone please describe how to use sandeepmistry nrf52 library to create an accurate microsecond timer, without using any standard delay functions. I'm using the timer on a generic nrf52832 design ...
Pete_xavier's user avatar
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Help me understand the tStrict rectangular patch in PCB design

I found this circuit reference online for nRF52810. (Git Source here). The example I used of nRF528210 to make some changes. here So, the reference Board has this tStrict part: After doing Copper ...
Just doin Gods work's user avatar
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If point A to B, potential is 1.61V and point A to G, potential is 3.3V. So potential B to G should be 0V or 1.69V? [duplicate]

I have this module : I was checking potential at different pin, I find something I don't know reason for. While checking through multimeter I found potential from ...
Just doin Gods work's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

What is this component? What is its purpose?

What is this component? I don't how to search for it. It has only "4 4" written on it; I didn't get any search results from it. Does anyone know what this SMD component is, and what it is ...
Just doin Gods work's user avatar
0 votes
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Display all three colors (red/black/white) on an electronic paper display

I have been trying to drive a 2.13in electronic paper display (EPD) with an Adafruit nRF52 Bluefruit using the SSD1680 driver. I converted the image to C-code using an online image-to-C-code converter....
Just doin Gods work's user avatar
1 vote
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e-Paper display no sharp image

I'm driving an e-Paper display with Adafruit Feather nRF52 Bluefruit LE, code mentioned below but not getting any sharp image. The display starts to get dull as soon as the power goes off. Is there ...
Just doin Gods work's user avatar
0 votes
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UART and BLE Simultaneously

I'm using the nRF52832 Blue Feather module. This project has an endnode (Master) and many clients (Slaves). So the endnodis e connected to an online server to collect data and send the data to ...
Just doin Gods work's user avatar
2 votes
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Can I multiplex only VTREF for multiple SWD programmations?

We would like to program several (6) PCB successively, each one working with a Nordic nRF52 µC. The idea is to have only one J-Link with the SWD lines (SWDIO, SWCLK and VTREF) common to my six boards. ...
Nil Orbach's user avatar
2 votes
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USART stop bit not pulled high during nRF update

I am using an STM32L4 chip that sends an update to the nRF52832 on a ublox module over USART. I assume the nordic chip is in the bootloader during the update. We get a UART error: 4 and when we ...
chat_de_schroedinger's user avatar
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Arduino Mbed bootloader on nrf52840

I use a PCB that I designed on which is mounted the E73-2G4M08S1C from Ebyte (nrf52840). I flashed the Arduino Mbed bootloader with SWD and a J-Link (J-Flash) probe with no problem. My computer then ...
Nicolas Colsoul's user avatar
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nrf52-based localization tag flash dump and modification

Lately I've bought a localisation tag (apple airtag alike) When I click a button on my cell phone, the device plays a chiptune-like ringtone. The ringtone is configurable using the app and stored on ...
tomaszu's user avatar
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Two DPS310 sensors coded same but different values. Why?

I have two DPS310 sensors. My aim is to find the altitude value from these sensors. Both sensors give different altitude values. I have checked the calibration coefficients. Two are similar, but have ...
Vivek pkd's user avatar
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Flashing PCA10040 NRF52 using J-link and Segger Embedded Studio

I encountered a problem while trying to flash my PCA10040 nrf52 development kit. I am able to compile my code in Segger Embedded Studio without a problem. The chip has 512kB of flash and 24kB which ...
DRF's user avatar
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Inrush current when n-channel MOSFET turns off

We are using a FDN028N20 n-channel MOSFET for load switching. Load current is 80mA max. and it is controlled via processor's 3.3V pin (NRF52832). Our schematic: When the MOSFET turns off, I measure ...
Elvin Qasanov's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

Flash SPI communication doesn't work without osciloscope

We are using W25Q128JV Flash IC in conjunction with nRF52 SoC. Datasheet of flash: We face following issue: SPI ...
Elvin Qasanov's user avatar
0 votes
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I2C interface frozen until reflowed again

I have custom PCB with nRF52832 MCU and two I2C devices sharing same bus, IAM20380 on 0x68 and IAM20381 on 0x69. All works fine, but after a few hours of testing I2C interface freezes when I2C command ...
Pepam's user avatar
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How to calculate Pi filter for RF with PCB antenna - Nordic nRF52832

I have finished the layout of a bluetooth beacon based on SoC nRF52832 of Nordic, there is a Pi filter between the IC pin and the antenna that use the AN043 drawing of Texas. AN043:
abomin3v3l's user avatar
1 vote
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nRF52 GPIO configuration in sleep mode to prevent peripherals from drawing current

I have a battery-powered board with an nRF52832 and some peripherals that I am writing a new firmware for. When set to sleep (NRF_POWER->SYSTEMOFF=1;) the board still draws way too much current (...
Johannes's user avatar
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nRF52832 UART with SIM868

I have a problem in the UART communication between nRF52832 and SIM868 module. The problem is the data sent by nRF52832 doesn't be interpreted by SIM868. To see that I did to test: 1. I added an USB ...
Hakraf's user avatar
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ADC reference voltage for nRF52840

I have designed an voltage divider bias with thermistor and the output voltage is given to adc pin of my nRF. But the internal reference voltage of my nRF is 3.6V so I did not get any accurate values ...
Sundar Santhanam's user avatar
2 votes
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Programming Nrf52832 using Arduino?

Has anyone programmed a bare nrf52832. I have the ebytes e73-2g4m04s1b module. Nordics devzone suggest using segger j link and stuff. But I don't have access to any of those. Can I use Arduino Uno to ...
binu23's user avatar
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Adafruit Feather (Arduino compatible) nRF52 SPI with ADXL345 issues

I’m experiencing some issue in trying to make ADXL345 accelerometer works in SPI by using an nRF52 feather. I'm using the ADXL345 SparkFun library read values from it. Here are the connections ...
Andrea's user avatar
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Using ulink2 with nrf52840 and keil

I am trying to flash the blink example from SDK v15 into my custom nrf52840 board, I am using pc10056 example. I connected my ulink2 to swdio, swclck, gnd and vcc of my custom board and I can see on ...
mohamed elsabagh's user avatar
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Bluetooth RSSI to Distance [duplicate]

I'm trying to find the distance between two bluetooth beacons which are typically in the distance of 60cm or less. Direction is not an issue, I'm only looking to figure out the distance between the ...
user4617's user avatar
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3 votes
3 answers

Arduino analog input read peak-noise

I am using the NRF52832 and code it with arduino. I am reading A0 to get a signal from a sensor at 1m cable length. simulate this circuit – Schematic created using CircuitLab If I disconnect ...
Christophe Gudlake's user avatar
1 vote
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nRF52 Bootloader over ESP12E

I'm using nRF52 DK with 14.2.0 SDK. I created a LED blink project for testing and extract its HEX file. I uploaded the program to the nRF52 over USB (J-Link-Keil IDE) and the HEX file over ESP12E (SWD)...
Burak Kocaman's user avatar
-1 votes
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Failing to program a third party NRF52832 board with nrf52DK through SWD connector after first time

I'm trying to flash a simple blincky solution into my 3rd party board through a standard SWD programming header from the debug out port of my PCA10040 NRF52832 DK with my Segger embedded studio IDE. ...
MikeLemo's user avatar
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Register 2 peripheral UUID with 1 service, NRF52

I have 3 nrf52 boards: 2 act as peripheral and 1 as central device. I want to register 2 different UUID's for the 2 peripheral devices, which contain the same service (0x0001 - NUS for example). I ...
user2809652's user avatar
1 vote
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Arduino Fails to Program Custom NRF52, But Has Worked In Past

Background: I have a custom board that consists of two PCBs connected via a 100mm Picoblade connector. The "Aux" board has a USB port, and CP2102N Serial=>USB converter. The "Main" board has an NRF52 ...
MadHatter's user avatar
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