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Questions tagged [nrf52832]

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12 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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nrf52-based localization tag flash dump and modification

Lately I've bought a localisation tag (apple airtag alike) When I click a button on my cell phone, the device plays a chiptune-like ringtone. The ringtone is configurable using the app and stored on ...
tomaszu's user avatar
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Register 2 peripheral UUID with 1 service, NRF52

I have 3 nrf52 boards: 2 act as peripheral and 1 as central device. I want to register 2 different UUID's for the 2 peripheral devices, which contain the same service (0x0001 - NUS for example). I ...
user2809652's user avatar
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Help me understand the tStrict rectangular patch in PCB design

I found this circuit reference online for nRF52810. (Git Source here). The example I used of nRF528210 to make some changes. here So, the reference Board has this tStrict part: After doing Copper ...
Just doin Gods work's user avatar
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nRF52 Bootloader over ESP12E

I'm using nRF52 DK with 14.2.0 SDK. I created a LED blink project for testing and extract its HEX file. I uploaded the program to the nRF52 over USB (J-Link-Keil IDE) and the HEX file over ESP12E (SWD)...
Burak Kocaman's user avatar
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Schematic Review: Interfacing ADS1299 with Seeed XAIO NRF52840 sense?

I need someone to review my schematic and guide me to fix the problems in the schematics. Need help reviewing the schematics. Can I power the ADS1299 with Seeed Xaio? If not, then how? I asked this ...
B L Λ C K's user avatar
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Arduino Mbed bootloader on nrf52840

I use a PCB that I designed on which is mounted the E73-2G4M08S1C from Ebyte (nrf52840). I flashed the Arduino Mbed bootloader with SWD and a J-Link (J-Flash) probe with no problem. My computer then ...
Nicolas Colsoul's user avatar
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Two DPS310 sensors coded same but different values. Why?

I have two DPS310 sensors. My aim is to find the altitude value from these sensors. Both sensors give different altitude values. I have checked the calibration coefficients. Two are similar, but have ...
Vivek pkd's user avatar
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Flashing PCA10040 NRF52 using J-link and Segger Embedded Studio

I encountered a problem while trying to flash my PCA10040 nrf52 development kit. I am able to compile my code in Segger Embedded Studio without a problem. The chip has 512kB of flash and 24kB which ...
DRF's user avatar
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nRF52832 UART with SIM868

I have a problem in the UART communication between nRF52832 and SIM868 module. The problem is the data sent by nRF52832 doesn't be interpreted by SIM868. To see that I did to test: 1. I added an USB ...
Hakraf's user avatar
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ADC reference voltage for nRF52840

I have designed an voltage divider bias with thermistor and the output voltage is given to adc pin of my nRF. But the internal reference voltage of my nRF is 3.6V so I did not get any accurate values ...
Sundar Santhanam's user avatar
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Using ulink2 with nrf52840 and keil

I am trying to flash the blink example from SDK v15 into my custom nrf52840 board, I am using pc10056 example. I connected my ulink2 to swdio, swclck, gnd and vcc of my custom board and I can see on ...
mohamed elsabagh's user avatar
-1 votes
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Failing to program a third party NRF52832 board with nrf52DK through SWD connector after first time

I'm trying to flash a simple blincky solution into my 3rd party board through a standard SWD programming header from the debug out port of my PCA10040 NRF52832 DK with my Segger embedded studio IDE. ...
MikeLemo's user avatar
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