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Even Parity Checker for 45 bits using 5 IC 74180

For a 45 even parity checker, I used 6 X IC 74180 in a cascaded format while making the remaining inputs 0 to design the even parity checker, but is it possible to design it with only 5 X IC 74180 and ...
Arinjoy Pramanik's user avatar
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Hamming code question

Suppose we have m data bits and n parity bits. In order for the Hamming code to function: $$m+n<2^n-1$$ If we have 3 parity bits we can have up to 4 data bits. But lets say we don't have 4 data ...
Jun Seo-He's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Why do most FIFO chips have a 9-bit bus?

For example, on DigiKey, many FIFO memory chips have 9-bit or 18-bit words: Is this to be used as a parity bit? It just seems strange ...
cratonica's user avatar
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How does BICM work?

Can someone explain bit-interleaved coded modulation (BICM) in plain language, focusing on the practical mechanisms and properties rather than the deep analytical details? I found a few papers and ...
Polynomial's user avatar
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3 answers

Number of errors that can be detected with a single-bit even parity code word system?

How many errors can a transmission system which uses code words with 7 data bits and a single parity bit (Checking for Even parity) detect at the receiving end. While I am aware of the fact that any ...
shehan.k's user avatar
3 votes
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Reverse-engineering RS-485 communication

I've been trying to reverse engineer the communications protocol used by my home domotics, which I was able to determine uses a RS-485 implementation. I'm using a USB RS-485 serial dongle and an ...
xfze's user avatar
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2 answers

Number of bits relation to data UART

Regarding the number of bits that is sent using UART and configuring the UART handle is unclear as well as setting the parity bit, is it odd or even. "...
ll ll's user avatar
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Why does the UART not report an error for a data byte with wrong parity?

I am trying to learn about UART Serial communication of the MSP430FR6989 from Texas Instruments. Datasheet User's Guide I doing a program where my UART will send a character through the TX pin of ...
Embedded_Dude's user avatar
-1 votes
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Parity flag in 8085 microprocessor

What happens to the parity flag of an Intel 8085 microprocessor when there is no '1' bit in the accumulator? For example, if the following instruction executes, MVI A, 05H MVI B, 05H SUB B the ...
Durgesh's user avatar
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3 answers

Unsure how arduino is interpreting RS232 signal

Disclaimer: I am a novice. I have an RS232 connection with an RFID tag reader which I am monitoring via software on a desktop computer as well as an Arduino. The device is configured with 8E1 parity. ...
Kevin de Haan's user avatar
13 votes
5 answers

Why bother with even parity?

I am using an SPI peripheral in my application. The peripheral returns packets containing 15 data bits, plus an Even Parity bit for error detection. Therefore all zeros, and all ones both pass the ...
Rocketmagnet's user avatar
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C++ - Help Interpreting the instructions of a CRC error-checking programming assignment

This is unconventional, based on what I've seen, but I can't get a hold of my professor's aides to clarify this assignment. I hope this is still ok to post here. I would greatly appreciate some help ...
niblet's user avatar
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Assembler language basics parity flag

I am a beginner in assembler language I was reading some stuff online(belongs to a university) and I saw that the P bit in psw after executing this instruction mov a,#03h A=0000 0011B so P=0 first ...
whyyoucare's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Effectiveness of Parity Checking

A parity bit lets a receiver know whether or not the an input is correct, given the number of 1's matches the logic behind the parity bit (be it even = 1, or odd =1). This seems very ineffective to me,...
Mahmud Ahmad's user avatar
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How do wiegand device really works?

As far as my understanding, wiegand device should be connected to wiegand controller so they can communicate in wiegand protocol which is 2 parity bit and the 24 data bit (the Standard wiegand 26). ...
Black's user avatar
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Generate Event Parity with Logic Block

I was under the impression in order to generate 'Even Parity' you had to have an even number of bits... so how could that logic block only have one output? I am sure I am wrong but I am not sure what ...
Joe Caraccio's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

4 bit even odd parity checker/generator using logic gates only

Hi i am working on my digital electronics project 4-bit even odd parity generator and checker this is my do i implement this on breadboard and what am i missing here except the vcc and ...
Franco's user avatar
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3 answers

Understanding IR Protocol Checksum generation

To control my AC with an Arduino, I'm trying to emulate the IR Remote. Not with another IR LED, but directly connected to the IR Receivers Signal wire on the board. Using the Arduino as a Logic ...
Hypfer's user avatar
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State diagram for 2-bit parity generator

So the question I need help with is: Design a minimal moore state machine for a 2-bit parity generator that outputs ‘1’ if the number of 1s in a 2-bit sequence is odd, and outputs ‘0’ otherwise. ...
Austin's user avatar
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Parallel-In-Serial-Out with Parity?

Can someone recommend a shift register IC with integrated parity or CRC generator? Is there such a thing anyway?
Arne's user avatar
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GPS parity decoding, how to get D29 and D30 of previous bits?

According to ICD GPS 200C, to decode the bits of a word you need to have the bits 29 and 30 of the previous word, this means that to get the bits 29 and 30 of the previous word you should know the ...
Salman Azmat's user avatar
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CRC/Parity/Hamming Protect 16-bit parallel bus

I've got a Cortex-M4 based MCU linked to a FPGA via a 16-bit parallel memory bus interface. In essence the FPGA behaves like an external memory mapped to the memory space of the MCU: the MCU presents ...
Arne's user avatar
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parity generator

i need to design a parity generator which has a bidirectional serial line. This line accepts input 1 bit at a time and gives parity for 8 bits on the 9th clock cycle on the same line. I cant seem to ...
user22348's user avatar
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CRC polynomial and Parity Error detection

My question is about the CRC generator polynomial. If I have a generator of level 5, say: $$X^5+X^4+X^2+1$$ How can I know if it can or cannot detect a parity error? Also how can I know the error ...
user40186's user avatar
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std_logic_vector to unsigned conversion throwing incompatible error

Below is a VHDL code of a even/odd parity generator for a bus of given width. ...
nurabha's user avatar
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Single Bit Error Correction & Double Bit Error Detection

Can someone explain, in their own words, what Double Bit Error Detection is and how to derive it? An example of corrupted data and how to detect the double bit would be appreciated. I can do Single ...
Mike John's user avatar
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Forward Error Correction code, Reed Solomon, Turbo Code, Low-density parity-check

I am new to FEC (Forward Error Correction). Pointers highly appreciated. I am experimenting software with configurable "error protections". Result improving as setting raise to 40%. Still not ...
EEd's user avatar
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4 answers

7E1 to 8N1.........Parity Bit doubts

I am having doubts in the relation between 7E1 and 8N1. Assuming I am transmitting a sent of characters between a client and a server; client sending with 7 bits and 1 even parity bit (7E1) and the ...
Paul A.'s user avatar
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7 votes
9 answers

For UART, should I use parity on a board level?

I am considering whether to use parity or not with my UART. It is a board level high speed (upwards of 115,200 baud) signal. The traces are very short (less than 2 cm), MCU to DSP, but they could pick ...
Thomas O's user avatar
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