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Detect if PC power is on/off then turn a TV on/off using an Arduino

I'm building an arcade cabinet using an old PC and an old(ish) Bush LCD TV as the monitor. The TV is connected to the PC graphics card via HDMI and all is good. However, the problem is that I want the ...
Ben Clarke's user avatar
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Detect power/run status of PC in hardware

This may well be a daft question and/or a failure to google effectively (and apologies if this would be a better fit on SuperUser or somewhere else?) but is it possible, in low-level hardware, to ...
John U's user avatar
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Building my own on-off button for a PC

I'm looking to build my own power button for my computer. Most motherboards have a pair of PWR_SW pins that your case power button typically attaches to via two ...
aroooo's user avatar
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Powering 64 SATA HDD from Single ATX Power Supply

I am planning to wire a 4U DIY JBOD top loader. Looking at the power output of several power supplies they have a a maximum rated 5v rail of 100-125w. By looking at the spec sheet of my chosen HDD I'...
James Martin's user avatar
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How much current the PS-on pin on the motherboard's power connector can sink?

How much current the PS-on pin on the motherboard's power connector can sink? can it sink 100-200mA? (to activate a relay/solid-state-relay when the motherboard wants to turn/keep on the computer) (...
Microsoft Linux TM's user avatar
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3 answers

PC power supply as bench power supply [closed]

What do you think about converting pc power supply to bench power supply? Is it ok for amateur use? Edit: I thought it has some current limiting mechanism, but I see it doesn't. It's big problem in ...
hari's user avatar
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