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Questions tagged [pic16f]

8-Bit microcontroller family from microchip

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VDD and VSS pins shorted together

I have a PIC18F2420 MCU taken out of a PCB. There is a short between pins 8,19 and 20 which are VSS,VSS and VDD respectively. Has this MCU completely failed? One thing I have noticed when the MCU was ...
Bavly's user avatar
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A question about the use of 4017 and ULN2003A [closed]

Can someone please help me understand the use of CD4017 AND ULN2003A with the 7-segment display?
AEL's user avatar
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Arduino-esque serial output on a PIC16

Got the PIC16LF1939 from a disposable smoke detector to blink an LED. I'd like to run an NQUEENS and Game of Life program on it to see how it compares to the ATMEGA328P. Does MPLAB X IDE have TTL (or ...
qwerty keyboard's user avatar
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PIC16f628a internal oscillator runs at a lower frequency than expected

Specifically speaking, it runs at almost exactly 1 MHz instead of the supposed 4 supplied by the internal oscillator. This is probably the cause of other strange behaviour like failing to blink an LED ...
Hubert S's user avatar
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PIC16F1825 trouble with simple increment MPLAB XC8

I have set myself up with on a breadbord with a simple PI16F1825. I am using MPLAB x with XC8 V2.45 i have a led that turn on/off every second using the simple delay function. i would just like to ...
old_fool's user avatar
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PIC16F UART Receives only the first byte

I'm currently working on a PIC16F18855, I'm trying to set up the communication part. My setup is as follows: A PCB connected to my computer via a TTL232 cable. The PIC16F18855 is clocked at 32Mhz, the ...
Benito's user avatar
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PIC MCC I2C setup help

I have made use of the MSSP1 in MPLABx's MCC (code configurator). I have set it up as an I2C slave device and initialized the setup in the code provided. I am making use of a MCP2221 as a master ...
Bottle's user avatar
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PIC I2C slave setup

This is asking for a lot and I've posted on a previous forum my problem. Help would be greatly appreciated! Please refer to my current attempt below: The problem is that I don't detect the PIC ...
Bottle's user avatar
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Interfacing TM1640 LED driver with 7 segment display and PIC microcontroller

I have a customized LED display in which AIP1640 driver IC mounted on it and I think it's equivalent to TM1640. So does anyone have a working library for this driver? I want to interface it with ...
SUJIT MISHRA's user avatar
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Interfacing HD44780 LCD with PIC16F690 in C (XC8 compiler)

I am trying to interface a PIC16F690 with a HD44780 LCD module, in 4-bit mode. My connections are as follows: ...
Al2110's user avatar
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PIC16f RS485 reception ok, transmitted data incorrect

I am currently working on a RS485 communication, I use a PIC16F18855 and a THDV1505. I communicate with my computer using a USB/RS485 converter. The PIC receives the data well, but I have a problem ...
Benito's user avatar
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SPWM generation on PIC16F873A is not stable; SPWM shape changes although duty cycle is the same for all

I am using a PIC16F873A for generating an SPWM signal using CCP1 and timer 2. The SPWM is generated successfully but the signal is not stable. I have generated 50 Hz signal of SPWM frequency of 40 kHz,...
user328509's user avatar
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PIC16F628A input not working

I am using PIC16F628A, MPLAB IDE to coding and Pickit3 to write the code into MCU. The code works on Proteus but does not in real world. I setted A0 pin as input. It should count up normally and count ...
akiftokel's user avatar
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Proteus PIC16F628A RB4 Not Working

I realized RB4 is not working. I am using Proteus 8.14. How can I fix it? ...
akiftokel's user avatar
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How to configure RC3 pin as output in PIC16F886?

I already used it with a PIC18 and the RC3 pin is working for me, but for the PIC16F886 the 14th pin is described as "RC3/SCK/SCL", however, in picture 18 it is described as only "RC3&...
12vi12's user avatar
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PIC1618044 Error while reading EEPROM 24LC64F

I am currently trying to program the I2C to communicate with an EEPROM 24LC64F, with its pin A0, A1 and A2 to GND, 4.7k ohms on SDA and SCL pins, 5V on VCC. I currently have these lines of code : I2C....
Benito's user avatar
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How would I connect to these ICSP pins and what is the purpose of the transistor?

I have an old tire pressure monitoring system and was hoping the PIC16F886 in it doesn't have the code protect bit set so that I can modify the behavior of it (namely turn off the beeping from it in ...
K_T's user avatar
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PIC16F1519 gets stuck when reading UART (RCIF never goes to 1)

So, I'm prototyping a project for my school, and I have to read serial data from a GPS module (uBlox NEO-6M) and then do some calculations about velocity and distance and turn on some leds. For the ...
fpp's user avatar
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Question regarding the ADC MCP3201 interfacing with PIC16F72 microcontroller

I provide the 1.2 MHz clock to SCK pin to the ADC from PIC clock pin, but how I can receive the data from MCP3201 ADC, which provides a 12 bit binary data on SPI pin SDI of PIC? Buffer of PIC is 8 bit ...
Amol Gholap's user avatar
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PIC16 Configurable Logic Cell (CLC) - toggle signal

I have a 1Hz square signal (in_1) and a 1/16Hz pulse (in_2) as inputs of a PIC16F1778. The rising edges of the two signals are synchronous as shown in the picture: I want to use the configurable ...
Momchilo's user avatar
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PIC16F15244 - Transfer error when code's changed

I am currently working on a PIC16F5244. I am currently trying to correct a problem that despite my multiple searches and tests is still present. When I mount a new PIC16 on my PCB, I can program it, ...
Benito's user avatar
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PIC16F18446 Tristate output pins controlled by the value of another pin

In many 74xx chips the high impedance state of pins is controlled by a OE pin. I want a similar functionality for my PIC device. I understand that I could use code to flip the config bits to make the ...
johnlon's user avatar
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BANKSEL problem with PIC16F18855

I'm working with PIC16F18855 and have some problem with select memory bank via BANKSEL. In listing I see strange message and it's not working properly. ...
xboborx's user avatar
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Unable to Generate PWM Signal Using CCP of PIC16F15325

I am using: Curiosity LPC dev kit, PIC16F15325, MPLABX v5.35 on Mac, XC8 compiler. I am able to blink each LED on the Curiosity. My goal is to generate a PWM signal on RC5 to drive an LED on the ...
Maximilian Cornell's user avatar
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How to write simple text or display image on the SSD1322 OLED display

As anyone been successful to display a simple text or a grayscale image to the OLED display using the SSD1322 controller like the Newhaven Display 25664? I have managed to initialize the display using ...
John123's user avatar
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PIC18F4550 : How to convert 16 bits integer to two 8 bits chars in C?

I'm blocked because of an issue that is causing a lot of time loss. I've created a function to get the LSB and another one to get the MSB. ...
Legend27's user avatar
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How to read protected PIC16F676

Well I have broken pcb and it has a PIC16f676 on it. PCB Not working very well. I want to replace it with new pic16f676 but I cant read data from on board PIC. it ruturns "0000" in ...
mehmet's user avatar
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How do I resolve the following error "Verify failed. [ Pgm ] at 0x0, expected 0x00002805, got 0x00002807" in MPLAB X IDE

I recently decided to get into learning how to develop embedded systems, using MPLAB X IDE and literature available on microcontrollers. The vast majority of which referenced the PIC16F84 and as such ...
aLoHa's user avatar
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PWM-modules operating simultaneously on different frequencies

I am using a PIC16F15345 which has 4 10-bit PWM modules. In order to minimize electromagnetic interference I tried to use the PWM-modules on different frequencies working simultaneously, but it did ...
GoranF's user avatar
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PIC microcontroller restarts command

I set my pic microcontroller (16f688) to energize a relay after 3 secs and to energize two more relays another 2 secs after. Problem is, sometimes, after it executes this command, it deenergizes the ...
Antoine's user avatar
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PIC - How to program them in assembly?

For years I programmed PIC controllers in assembler, but let it drop. Now I want to get back to where I was, and - so help me - I can't find out where to start. Downloaded MPLAB-X-IDE and it says I ...
Ed Gellender's user avatar
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PIC16F877A I2C MSSP not sending data

Sup, guys. I'm in the violent war with PIC MCUs and they're clearly winning, so I'm asking once again for your intellectual support. I have PIC16F877A on a breadboard, external 8Mhz+2x20pf, bypassed, ...
Ilya's user avatar
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PIC16F877A External Crystal giving 60Hz

I'm new around here. Usually I read a lot of stuff and find all info I need, but this once I googled my fingers till blood, yet to no avail. Recently got my hands on PIC16F877A. It wasn't MCU of my ...
Ilya's user avatar
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MPLAB X XC8 error expression is not assignable and invalid digit 'F' in octal constant

I am programming a PIC16F887 with MPLAB X, the compiler is XC8 v2.10 and the hardware tool is PICkit3. When compiling the program I get these errors in the following constants of the program. ...
Geo's user avatar
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Programming a PIC16F84A Microcontoller in assembly with MPLAB increment problem

I'm programming a PIC16F84A microcontroller to automatically increment a number with a 1 second delay, and get it displayed on a 7 Segment Display. The 7 segment display is already set so there's no ...
OmarAI's user avatar
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How do I feed a digital value to the PIC CLC system?

I'm playing with a nice new PIC16F15356, and investigating the Configurable Logic Cell (CLC) capabilities - basically a 4-cell mini-PLD on the chip that can take inputs from any of a list of 40 ...
SusanW's user avatar
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PIC16F7X I2C Issues With 24AA01/24LC01B EEPROM

I have an existing PCB that is no longer supported by the manufacturer and has been plagued with software issues for years. So i don't have much control over how the board is laid out and what ...
JonesyH's user avatar
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"Not enough RAM " error in PIC16F877a

I have been trying to run the following code: ...
ferty567's user avatar
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Does the increment of a timer on pic is equal for a pic16 and pic32?

The question is because in porting code from a PIC16F15324T using MCC to a project using a PIC 32MX470F512L. There are portions of code where i have code like this: ...
Nmaster88's user avatar
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PIC16F884 keeps resetting even though WDT should be off

I just bought a PIC16F884 and put a simple C program on it using MPLAB: ...
David Lichmann's user avatar
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Read High voltage from PIC16F [duplicate]

I have planned to build a circuit to display voltage and time value using PIC16F877A micro controller.To do this i tested the circuit using Proteus software as i attached here. It can display up to 5V....
Sahla's user avatar
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Serial port framing error

I'm new to pic and uart. Just trying out simple uart transmission. I'm using mplab IDE and coolterm for serial monitoring. I'm getting serial framing error. I also used PuTTY and it was printing junk ...
Captain aaloo reportin' in's user avatar
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Copy protect program code in PIC microcontroller

I'm trying to copy protect my code which i program in my PIC16F886 microcontroller. I've set the below CONFIG options in MPLABX and compiled it, got the output hex code. But no matter i set it, i'm ...
Vinay Sathyanarayana's user avatar
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blinking LEDs with PIC16LF1829 with frequency of 1 second in Assembly Code

New learner on Microchip. I'm now trying to make the PIC16LF1829 to make the four LEDs blink in a frequency of 1 time/second. My intention was modify the oscillator frequency at different positions of ...
Simon Song's user avatar
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Is it possible to generate 4 PWM signals using a single PIC16F84A IC? [closed]

I have made a line follower and the issue I'm facing right now is its speed adjustment. The motors run too fast and make my robot go off track. Luckily my motor driver supports speed control through ...
Utkarsh Verma's user avatar
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How to use three CCP modules in compare mode simultaneously in PIC16F?

I need to use the three available CCP modules (CCP1, CCP2, CCP7) in compare mode simultaneously. They all use Timer1 as reference to compare. My goal is the following: on every match, for each of ...
Raúl's user avatar
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I'm stuck with this simple PIC16F program. Help please!

I'm just getting started with PIC programming and I'm giving up already. I just want to make an LED blink! I'm working with a PIC16F1773, MPLABX IDE v4.05 and Pickit3. These are the configuration ...
Raúl's user avatar
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PIC16F1936 Multiple ADC channel readings

I am programming a PIC16F1934 and using it's two ADC channels namely AN0 and AN1. I take the maximum out of a bunch of few readings for the AN0 reading and then just one sample for AN1. Here is my ...
Mohsin's user avatar
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PIC16F1776 interrupt triggered with no evident source

I have a Microchip PIC161776 running at 32 MHz. Interrupt Code has been generated with MCC, with the preemptive option set. typically, about once every hour the interrupt routine gets called with no ...
Brian Jordan's user avatar
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I2C doesn't send data in PIC16F887

I'm relatively new using PIC microcontrollers and MPLAB XC8 compiler. I want to communicate two PIC16F887 using I2C. I did use this tutorial (https:// electrosome .com /i2c- pic-microcontroller-...
Arturo Rosete's user avatar