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PIC32 VUSB3V3 must be externally powered?

I use a PIC32 and I want to use RB11. That's a USB pin but can be used as GPIO. The datasheet specifies in 18.4 page 180: For non-USB operation with RB11 and/or RB10 as GPIOs, the USB module must be ...
DamanZ4's user avatar
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Declare a PIC pin in a variable [closed]

So basically, I want to store a pin of a PIC MCU inside of a variable. eg. int pin = LATB5 I also need to pass that pin to a function. If I do it like this, it ...
leo6002's user avatar
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PIC16F886 and Switch Setup with Diode

I would like to make a simple embedded program that will Display what is happening on and LCD screen. When Switch One is pressed, it displays "Switch One". When Switch 2 is pressed it ...
beeson76's user avatar
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understanding how PIC GPIO work

I am trying to understand a bit how the IO pin works. I took as an example this PIC. The image of the IO pins are like this : What does the symbol in yellow mean? Does it mean that the Q takes the ...
roi_saumon's user avatar
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Where are the external oscillator pins on PIC12LF1572

I have searched the whole datasheet, but couldn't find where are the OSC1 and OSC2 pins are. I've found the CLKOUT (which is CMOS output) on RA4 and CLKIN (which is TTL input) on RA5. But I need the ...
Ashish Ranjan's user avatar
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How to disable Parallel Master Port Address pins in PIC32

I am using PIC32MX795F512L MCU. I need to use few GPIOs on which Parallel Master Port Address pins are already defined like in <...
user007's user avatar
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PIC18 how to explain : you write bit 1 by making TRIS input

I'm reading 1_wire header file for PIC18 with C18 compiler. in the write_byte function, they specified that in order to write bit1; we make line input and that will take it high. can we specify high ...
Lkaf Temravet's user avatar
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HD44780 in 4bit mode connected to only ONE PORT on PIC

i am new to PIC programming. I am using MPLAB X + XC8 compiler. I have on a breadboard an PIC18F4550 connected to a HD44780 compatible LCD. Digging online i found out a routine to interface the PIC ...
George Dima's user avatar
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12F683 output not behaving as expected

I have a 12F683 micro and this is my first program using the new MPLAB with XC8 compiler. I have configured Timer1 to trigger about every ms. For now I would need an LED to flash on and off but need ...
sharkyenergy's user avatar
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Voltage at output pin of a controller

I would like to ask a simple question. I do have controller whose pins are configured were configured as o/p. The controller runs at 3.3v and it's from the Pic18f family of controllers.Why is it that ...
Rookie91's user avatar
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DSPIC30F4011 - Pin labled as "Alternative", can I use it?

I am using a DSPIC30F4011 PIC ( datasheet ) to send commands to three devices (one Bluetooth, model RN42 and two LED Drivers, model TLC5947). In the data sheet for this PIC (on page 13), it has three ...
Epilepticon's user avatar
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Using the PICkit3 and PIC18F4550

For my microcontrollers class, I am using an advanced 8-bit microprocessor, the PIC18F4550. I am trying to program it with a PICkit 3. I have used the device datasheet and the PICkit 3 datasheet to ...
Scott's user avatar
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