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Difficulty in understanding the concept of operand forward in pipeling and when to use split phase

Given below is a question from \$\text{GATE } 2015 \text{ CS}\$ paper, Consider the sequence of machine instruction given below: \begin{array}{ll} \text{MUL} & \text{R5, R0, R1} \\ \text{DIV} &...
Abhishek Ghosh's user avatar
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Problem with 5-staged pipeline CPU design

We are doing a project designing a 5 staged pipelined CPU on RISC-V ISA, when designing the hazard detection unit and forwarding unit, instead of using the common datapath design, we design like this: ...
Wells's user avatar
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Forwarding in RiscV multi cycle Pipeline

Any idea could be helpful I have been trying for days to understand forwarding mechanism in RiscV but unfountly I keep failing, so I though about asking basic question to make sure I am building on ...
carlos's user avatar
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Why we can't do forward in RiscV?

While studying forwarding in RiscV cpu I saw the following claim: But I can't understand why we can't do forward in this case, why in different conditions we were able to do this and now we can't? It ...
daniel's user avatar
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