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7 votes
4 answers

How does pipelined CPU access both code and data memory in real life?

In the Digital Design and Computer Architecture RISC-V Edition page 442, a pipelined CPU is designed with separate instruction and data memories, as shown in the figure below. However, this picture ...
u185619's user avatar
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Understading CPU pipeline stages

I'm working on implementing a CPU that needs a three-stage pipeline. The division of those stages is open for me to determine. I am struggling to comprehend how the stages are counted. While some ...
TheGMX's user avatar
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Problem with 5-staged pipeline CPU design

We are doing a project designing a 5 staged pipelined CPU on RISC-V ISA, when designing the hazard detection unit and forwarding unit, instead of using the common datapath design, we design like this: ...
Wells's user avatar
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3 answers

What is the difference between stalling and flushing in a microprocessor?

As the title suggests, I want to understand the difference. Attaching the reference.
Anonymus's user avatar
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Difficulty in understanding the concept of operand forward in pipeling and when to use split phase

Given below is a question from \$\text{GATE } 2015 \text{ CS}\$ paper, Consider the sequence of machine instruction given below: \begin{array}{ll} \text{MUL} & \text{R5, R0, R1} \\ \text{DIV} &...
Abhishek Ghosh's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Is it possible to remove the write back stage in 5-stage pipeline?

In this graph, can we simply remove the write back stage since the mux is pushed back into the memory access stage and there is no logic in the write back stage. Is it because of the register file ...
Lei Gao's user avatar
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2 answers

Parallel execution in a single ALU

I read that in theory, it is possible to use the circuits in an ALU in parallel. Now I am wondering whether there is any way to leverage this in practice on commodity CPUs? Specifically, I want to ...
cabeer's user avatar
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Forwarding in RiscV multi cycle Pipeline

Any idea could be helpful I have been trying for days to understand forwarding mechanism in RiscV but unfountly I keep failing, so I though about asking basic question to make sure I am building on ...
carlos's user avatar
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Why we can't do forward in RiscV?

While studying forwarding in RiscV cpu I saw the following claim: But I can't understand why we can't do forward in this case, why in different conditions we were able to do this and now we can't? It ...
daniel's user avatar
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