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classic RISC pipeline: Why does memory access stage comes before register file write back?

Here are two confusions: Instruction fetch step provides info on what's the op and in which register the data lies, but how does that data comes into those registers? It seems that once the execution ...
lousycoder's user avatar
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Forwarding in RiscV multi cycle Pipeline

Any idea could be helpful I have been trying for days to understand forwarding mechanism in RiscV but unfountly I keep failing, so I though about asking basic question to make sure I am building on ...
carlos's user avatar
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Why we can't do forward in RiscV?

While studying forwarding in RiscV cpu I saw the following claim: But I can't understand why we can't do forward in this case, why in different conditions we were able to do this and now we can't? It ...
daniel's user avatar
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