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2 answers

Why won't my pre-amp circuit enable my condenser microphone to work with my boombox?

I recently bought a boombox for my mother to play and record cassette tapes. I didn't realize at the time that the boom box did not have a built in microphone. I then bought a condenser microphone for ...
Nil's user avatar
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High quality, low-noise, pre-amp circuit for condenser microphone (with phantom power)?

EDIT Suggestions so far, and reference to another question indicate that a discrete FET based input stage, perhaps followed by a particular low-noise IC for a second stage, might be a good approach. ...
Toby Eggitt's user avatar
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Pre-amp connection problem

I am trying to complete the circuit shown above. I am having trouble as the ground connection is not clear to me. Please help me to complete that circuit. And also tell me how to connect C5 ground ...
Abdullah Al Mamun's user avatar
5 votes
3 answers

Best microphone picking up sound within a small room?

I've tried several Electret Condenser Microphones as input to a generic USB audio sound card: MO064202-4 MO064402-4 MO064402-5 All mics work great at close range (about 1 or 2 inches). However, none ...
Hari Wiguna's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Any tips on designing an audio preamplifier for low frequencies?

I'm currently trying to design an audio preamp with the purpose of amplifying very faint audio signals (possibly in the microvolt range) from 20-200Hz. I've tried both transistors and op amps for ...
tacotacotaco's user avatar