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Tube amplifier preamplifier

I received this little two tube preamp It comes with 9 470uF caps. The symbol on the ...
CrossRoads's user avatar
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Why is there a winding on a capacitor?

I just came across this tube RIAA preamp on which there is a coil on the input capacitor, can someone please explain what's the reason of such thing? The schematic and the actual circuit bellow. The ...
Gabriel Santos's user avatar
-2 votes
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Single double triode vacuum tube for headphone amp at high voltages

I'm planning to build a single double triode vacuum tube as I have seen many schematics even though most of them are low voltage (20-40v). However I didn't seem to find a high voltage single double ...
Giedrius's user avatar
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4 votes
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How do you know if a vacuum tube is going to suffer from AC hum or not?

I know that technically there is little difference between AC or DC heating of the tube - if it gives proper voltage everything is fine... Except the hum: I have read in various sources that some ...
Giedrius's user avatar
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3 answers

Running preamp tube filament on 5v?

Is it safe and not harmful to run a preamp tube filaments at 5v? The tube is ECC85. I built a tube preamp in a DIY portable guitar amp. It's very similar to Matsumins valvecaster with a few slight ...
Giedrius's user avatar
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2 answers

Why are JJ Electronic R.F. preamp tubes preferred over A.F. tubes in guitar amps?

JJ Electronic has both R.F. (radio-frequency) and A.F. (audio frequency) versions of some of their tubes. Yet in far the most tubeshops for guitar amps they only sell the R.F. versions (ECC83 S - ...
mhbuur's user avatar
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How does one calculate the input impedance of a tube based preamp?

I'm finding tons of information and equations on calculating this for solid state devices, but nothing for good old fashion particle accelerator based amplifiers :P Currently I'm revamping the K270 ...
Jonathan S. Fisher's user avatar
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Need a voltage follower buffer for a tube, how do I calculate and select a mosfet?

I'm finishing up a design here: which is a preamp for an instrument. First, let me know if anything stupid pops out at you ...
Jonathan S. Fisher's user avatar