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13 votes
4 answers

Accurate quadrature decoding without external clocking

An Incremental Encoder is a linear or rotary electromechanical device that has two output signals, A and B, which issue pulses ...
Pavel Stepanek's user avatar
9 votes
4 answers

What is the difference between PLA and ROM?

I'm finding it hard to understand. What is the difference between PLA and ROM? Can somebody please provide a link or explanation?
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5 votes
3 answers

Is this a good use of a CPLD?

I am trying to generate some waveforms which are phase shifted from an input signal. The input signal is around 4.4 MHz and is a square wave at 50% duty. I need a 0 degree and 90 degree phase shift ...
Thomas O's user avatar
  • 32.2k
0 votes
2 answers

7 segment display for hexadecimal numbers using PLAs

I'm trying to design 7 segment display for single digit hexadecimal numbers using PLAs but I am getting more than 16 product terms .If I implement using PROM it uses exactly 16 product terms(all min-...
Siddharth's user avatar
0 votes
3 answers

On-the-fly routing of digital and analog signals using unbuffered analog crosspoint arrays?

The issue I have is strongly related to a question which was asked over here. Unfortunately I did not find the answer I was looking for. Digging a bit more I've came across a class of IC's named ...
Paun Alin's user avatar