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Why is my code working in proteus but not when burned into chip?

I am using atmel chip and I have a problem with the code, I guess. Trying to make automatic light system. I am working with two IR sensors that should detect a person entering and leaving the room. I ...
0 votes
2 answers

Simulation of sensor in proteus using Atmega16

I have trouble reading data from sensors using ATmega16 in Proteus. We use either light sensors for which I use LDR in proteus, or LM35 temperature sensor for temperature reading. The problem is, ...
0 votes
1 answer

ATMega328P Timer Problem in Proteus

I have an ATMega328P microcontroller, and I'm learning how it is programmed. I wrote an example for Timer0 and uploaded it into the microcontroller. It works and a led blinks once a second in while. ...
1 vote
0 answers

How to get rid of "Invalid opcode 0x002A at PC=0x004" in ISIS Proteus?

I have used ATmega 8 and have simulated a circuit to use interrupts, when i give an external interrupt i.e. when a push button is pressed all the LEDs connected to PORTB supposed to be lit up, but i ...
1 vote
2 answers

connecting more than one Lm35 sensor to ADC pins of Atmega32 micro-controller in Proteus software

I am trying to simulate a heating system using an atmega32 microcontroller, 4 lm35 sensors, and Proteus software for circuit simulation. Unfortunately, whenever I run the simulation I encounter the ...
3 votes
1 answer

DC motor speed is too low while interfacing with L293D motor driver and ATmega8

I am trying to drive a 6V DC motor with an L293D driver and ATmega8 without PWM. The problem is, I am getting a very low speed while connecting the motor via L293D driver.But, It rotates well when I ...
1 vote
1 answer

Steeper motor control using ATmega32

I was trying to control a stepper motor using ATmega32. i am using AVR studio 4.But, it is not working perfectly at simulation at Proteus. The 4 input signals for motor driver pin IN1, IN2, IN3 and ...