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Unreliable wireless comunication between 2 arduino boards

I am facing a strange and very frustrating issue while realizing a basic radio comunication between 2 arduino boards, one Arduino Nano and one Arduino Uno. For such a purpose, I am using the NRF24L01 ...
Alex Foglia's user avatar
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How to drive MOSFET with 2.7v?

Okay, I have mini coreless motor drone. I want to make a bigger drone by replacing the corless motor with 180 motor. For that, I need to control 4 MOSFETs to drive four 180 motors. Here comes my ...
Md Golam Robbani Rohan's user avatar
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3 answers

Quadcopter Balancing with PID algorithm

I am doing a project on self balancing quadcopter with Autonomous control. I am using Arduino Mega 2560 and MPU6050. I have obtained the roll and pitch angles from MPU6050 without the help of DMP and ...
Anton Kewin's user avatar
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4 answers

Battery voltage drops when connected to a motor

I was recently working on a quadcopter so I bought a pair of coreless DC motor. My intention was to use an Arduino (DIP chip) to control the speed of the DC motor (rated 3.7 V) through a transistor. ...
Rejin Jacob's user avatar
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1 answer

Why is GPS module acting strange?

I am working on a Arduino based quadcopter. The Arduino being used is a Blend Micro. Not shown in the following diagram are 4 infrared sensors, 1 ultrasonic sensor and a 9 axis accelerometer. The ...
SMD01's user avatar
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2 answers

Is it normal for a transistor running a motor to be very hot?

I've researched for a few hours but I'm still concerned. I'm building a very low budget quadcopter (think toothpicks) and as I've seen on this site, a D10N05 mosfet would do the job. I've visited 3 ...
Aloha's user avatar
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Long-range RF comm with decent data rate [closed]

I'm building a quadcopter powered with Arduino. For testing purposes, I'm currently using bluetooth. In the future, however, I would like to have some form of fairly long range communication that also ...
faeophyta's user avatar
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2 answers

Components needed to determine position in 3 dimensions?

I'm trying to make a quadcopter using an arduino as a base. I've read on some physics involving determining pitch, yaw and roll and it seems like I'll need a gyroscope and a accelerometer. However, it'...
nopcorn's user avatar
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