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Questions tagged [regulatory]

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UL grounding requirements for equipment powered by daisy-chained connections?

I am working on a device that will have AC power in and out connectors. The intent is to facilitate wiring multiple units to the same power circuit without having to use a multi-outlet strip. This ...
martin's's user avatar
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High current regulator

I have a DC motor (I=10A,V=12V.) I want to drive this motor with an H-bridge and want to have speed control with votage (2-12V.) I think I need a regulator with high current. How can I make a high ...
Behnam khorasani's user avatar
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FCC rules for wideband / spread spectrum devices

I'd like to clarify how the FCC measures power in a frequency band (both for intentional and unintentional radiators). There are devices which either frequency hop (output is a sine wave, but center ...
Alex I's user avatar
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Bluetooth Low Energy IoT device compliance

I´m designing a bluetooth IoT BLE device and have heard that making use of the Bluetooth logo in the device implies an annual fee for Bluetooth SIG. I would like to know if this only applies to the ...
LazyTurtle's user avatar
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FCC EIRP test results different than other countries

We have an issue with regulatory testing where our lab reported EIRP varies significantly between separate labs who have tested for FCC and another country. The test methods are quite different. The ...
GLM's user avatar
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Is there a need to use public OUI numeration for "private" Ethernet ports?

So I'm working on a product which will have two Ethernet ports: One for "public" network, which will be used by the customer, and one internal, within the machine chassis, which needs to be opened, ...
AndrejaKo's user avatar
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-2 votes
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Voltage regulatory [closed]

I want to power & use a 12V DC amplified car woofer speaker, i first tried powering it with a 12V DC - 1A adapter & it powered but when I plugged music in the input there was no sound at all, ...
peter paul's user avatar
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Need advice on new device regulatory requirements

I have designed a product (device) that runs on 12 VDC (similar to a laptop). It is AC powered using a (table top), detachable switching power supply 100 VAC to 240 VAC, 50-60 Hz, again exactly like a ...
S. Chaoui's user avatar
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Low Voltage PCB Creepage Requirements

Both 60950 (Table 2N – Minimum creepage distances) and 60335 (Table 18 – Minimum creepage distances for functional insulation) seem to specify a minimum creepage distance of 0.4mm (~16mil) with a IIIa ...
bt2's user avatar
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