Questions tagged [resistive]

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3 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Triac get burnt after driving 2 min 1.5kW resistive load

I am trying to drive a 1.5kW heating resistance using QJ6025LH5TP triac. Schematic and PCB layout. So the thing is that my circuit is working for a while and I trying to measure the temperature from ...
EdhelSoldier's user avatar
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Implement a voltage feedback method to reduce the crosstalkin resistive matrix

I'm new in electronics and i want to develop a resistive matrix that is pressure sensitive. Right now, I have a 7x7 matrix and I'm implementing this using multiplexers, a reference resistor and an ...
WilsonMCS's user avatar
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Driving an array of resistive loads on high side with as little parts as possible

I'm trying to switch an array of resistive loads at 12V as fast as possible using least amount of parts due to limited board space. I have tried to find sourcing darlington transistor pairs but they ...
Mr_Intro's user avatar