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Questions tagged [scanning]

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LED Multiplexing - Large Matrices - Efficient Selection of Scanline Groups

I have a 4 x 8 matrix of RGB 8-segment displays, (short for a 7-segment 'digit' plus a dot pixel, for which each segment (as well as dot) contains: 1x red LED, 1x ...
kando's user avatar
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2 votes
3 answers

What resistor network topology to use when measuring thermistors in a battery pack

Some EV competitions require that 20% of the cells in a battery pack be monitored for temperature, and go on to strongly recommend that it be 100%. Considering that batteries can easily contain ...
Kenn Sebesta's user avatar
-1 votes
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What is the best way to achieve triggering a function on device contact?

Let's say I have a smart pen. It has a microcontroller that can communicate with my server. I want to have a really small and flat gadget (let's call it The Receiver) that when you touch it with that ...
Marin Dedic's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

What does the term "boresight", and what do the phrases "boresight adjustment" or "boresight calibration", mean in the context of laser scanning?

I have been studying the laser scanning literature. In doing so, I often come across the term "boresight", and the phrases "boresight adjustment" or "boresight calibration&...
The Pointer's user avatar
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