Questions tagged [self-induction]

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6 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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What are overhang conductors?

I am asking this in the context of synchronous generators. From the textbook "The Performance and Design of Alternating Current Machines", page 421, under the heading "3.Synchronous ...
Awe Kumar Jha's user avatar
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Is filtering useful here, and if so how to choose the value(s)?

Simple question of this project: Is filtering useful here, and if so how to choose the value for L1/L2/L3 - especially L1? simulate this circuit – Schematic created using CircuitLab Context ...
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Derivation of self-inductance of a long wire: Is my interpretation correct? https://physics....
İbrahim İpek's user avatar
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Increase the power in an induction heater

I am working on an induction heater of 3 kilowatt. I want to increase the power upto 5 kilowatt. What should I do? I have built zero voltage switching type induction heater. I used a 3uf capacitor ...
Superman_Shield's user avatar
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What are the effects of self-inductance in a DC armature?

So, I just stopped to think that, for the armature coils, the current passing through them varies with time due to commutation. The voltage applied to different conductors in the armature varies ...
user2934303's user avatar
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Do the self-induction cause change in magnetic field which again causes a self induction?

my question is: It is known that for a coil, if current is changed then the magnetic field inside the coil is changed, and the coil tries to oppose this change by inducting itself However, should ...
Binary Yildirim's user avatar