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Questions tagged [sense]

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2 answers

What is the function of connecting the collector of one NPN to the base of another NPN in an overcurrent detection circuit?

I am currently doing a reverse engineering project of a board. I found this particular circuit for current limit detection for both +12V and GND by using a couple of INA193 (IC1 & IC3) and LM2903 (...
1 vote
1 answer

Expected voltage when probing a computer PWM-fan socket's sense pin?

I'm using my multimeter to probe a proprietary 6 pin socket on the motherboard of a PC computer that connects to 2 small 25 mm fans. The socket's pins are unlabeled. Both the motherboard and socket ...
0 votes
1 answer

Sensing Resistor in Buck-Boost controllers

In the LT8390, there are two sensing resistors. The one connected to LSN/LSP is called RSENSE(Buck), and the one connected to ISP/ISN is called RSENSE(BOOST). To illustrate this more clearly, I've ...
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2 answers

Why is my current sensor multiplying voltage by 5000?

I'm testing the below current sense circuit that uses an INA210. When the current flowing is 0.25 A the voltage on pin "CUR" is 1 V (measured by controller and multi-meter). By my ...
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0 answers

Current sense transformer outside its freq range

What happens if I use a current sense transformer outside its specified frequency range? For example a transformer is rated for 20-200 kHz but I want to use it to measure 50 Hz power line frequency ...
2 votes
1 answer

Simulation Issues in Forward converter- Current Mode Design

I am trying to simulate the LT8310 part in LTspice. Based on my understanding, this part can operate in either the current mode or the duty mode. I am interested in the current mode design. The block ...