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How does this capacitance measurement op-amp circuit work?

I'm studying this scientific paper where a capacitance measurement is done with the circuit shown at page 3. For simplicity I reported it here: A sinusoidal signal is applied at the input through a ...
Idix's user avatar
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Modifying a TDS Module for Higher Electrical Conductivity Measurements

I recently acquired a Keyestudio V1.0 TDS module, primarily used for measuring the electrical conductivity of water. The module is recommended for 0-1000ppm or 0-2000μS/cm measurements. However, my ...
Fatihy's user avatar
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**FINAL UPDATE** I'm getting closer to a workable circuit for this device?

FINAL UPDATE I think the power supply is squared away accept for some caps and resistors. Thank you for sticking with me. One question: There are two thermistors (one for each battery pack) that are ...
Tim Cerka's user avatar
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Why I got a minus output value?

When I simulate the circuit on (OrCad) I got an output voltage between (0 to 1) V changing with temperature . but when I connect the circuit I got the output voltage = -1.85 in minus and different ...
Ali Ali's user avatar