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Questions tagged [signal-to-noise]

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15 votes
3 answers

Is it sensible to always use larger diameter conductors for carrying smaller signals?

This question as originally written sounds a little bit insane: it was originally asked to me by a colleague as a joke. I am an experimental NMR physicist. I frequently want to perform physical ...
Landak's user avatar
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13 votes
9 answers

Why Decibels are used to measure Signal to Noise Ratio?

We just started a communications course in college and we came across SN ratio. The following is an ambiguity I am facing which my professor is unable to resolve: Signal to Noise Ratio is the ratio ...
iluvthee07's user avatar
13 votes
7 answers

Amplifying a nV signal across a small resistance

I am interested in the feasibility of amplifying/measuring a nV level (or otherwise assumed very small) signal across a small resistance. The SNR of this signal isn't so bad in itself because of the ...
Orhym's user avatar
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8 votes
7 answers

Why is one return conductor for each forward conductor in a ribbon cable better than a shared return conductor?

I don't understand why second way of implementing is better than the first one? I have my own basic logic regarding this topic, but i am not confident if what i think is correct! so i was looking ...
Hilton Khadka's user avatar
8 votes
3 answers

Attenuator noise figure and loss

My question is with regard to how attenuators effect noise. From what I understand $$ \text{NF} = 10\log \left( \frac{S_{in}/N_{in}}{S_{out}/N_{out}} \right) = 10\log \left( L \frac{N_{out}}{N_{in}} \...
user968243's user avatar
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6 votes
5 answers

Detection of signals buried in noise

This is more of a general question to see which methods are the most common to improve the detection of a signal which is buried in noise. Currently, we are building an optical system for medical ...
James's user avatar
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6 votes
5 answers

Does "a signal is buried in noise" mean that the noise amplitude is still smaller than the signal amplitude? (Special case: Lock-in amplification)

I heard that Lock-in amplifiers (LIAs) especially play to their strengths when the signals are weak compared to the noise level. But then I talked with someone about it, who understands the principles ...
AskingBecauseIHaveQuestions's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

How to amplify a tiny signal riding on a large common mode square wave

I have a small signal of about 10uV-100uV riding on about 1V common mode. I have tried to depict this in the picture. I am interested in designing a board level circuit(cannot use a commercial lock-in ...
user1155386's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

False Positives on Arduino Input

I've used analog and digital input for a multitude of applications with the Arduino Uno board. It has continuously given extremely non reliable readings, where the analog input is always fluctuating, ...
Mark Y.'s user avatar
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6 votes
1 answer

Charge, Voltage, or Current? What can be measured with the highest SNR?

Suppose I have a Faraday cup and a certain number of ions hit the detector. What is the highest signal to noise ratio way / circuit to measure this... does one measure the charge (coulombmeter), ...
seven68's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

Inferring DC performance from a Sigma Delta ADC datasheet noise floor figures

So ive been playing with some Sigma Delta ADCs, for sampling low frequency (<2Khz) AC signals. The ADC supports a differential input with a full scale value of about +-500mV at its inputs. I have ...
MAM's user avatar
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6 votes
1 answer

Trifilar Transformer Common-Mode Rejection Circuit (Signal Recovery, Hybrid Combiner, RF)

I'm trying to develop a circuit that allows me to effectively subtract two different sources of RF noise from a single signal at the same time. I am planning to use something called a "trifilar" ...
iwantmyphd's user avatar
5 votes
4 answers

How to select gain for an amplifier before ADC?

The circuit has been simplified as shown in the picture. Signal source is connected with an analog amplifier, which amplifies the ac signal and also raise it by 1.5V to match with the range of the 0-...
richieqianle's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

Does antenna arraying for deep space communications affect the CMB contribution?

My question pertains to the reduction in SNR achieved by arraying parabolic antennas in deep space communications. My engineering education is a bit out of date, so my thanks for your patience. I ...
Larry Gilman's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

White Noise Equivalent Bandwidth (NEB)

This question is regarding White Noise Equivalent Bandwidth (NEB).I was going through this material from Renesas . The definition of NEB is given as when running white noise through a first order low-...
Confused's user avatar
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1 answer

How to extract ENOB from LTSpice simulation and see the effects of oversampling?

I have a fully differential instrumentation amplifier circuit with a gain of 536 to map a 3mVpp signal (centred around 1.65V) to +/-1.6V, as shown here. My signal bandwidth is 250Hz, and I would like ...
davidanderle's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Signal averaging CCD

I'm thinking about signal to noise ratio of CCDs and I hope this is the right location to post my question. The Hamamatsu Learning Center seems to be a good starting point to learn about CCDs. I ...
Deglupta's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Decreasing ADC Reference vs. Amplifying signal

I have a sensor interfaced to ADC but the Range I am getting is not enough, so now there are 2 options, Gain up the signal or Reduce ADC Gain. But as I heard it, reducing ADC gain will cause more ...
Sajid's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

How does Hybrid Ground Works?

The text that is above the figure is from my textbook and i am having difficulty to understand what it is trying to say because it's not in detail!! why only remove high frequency and prevent low ...
Hilton Khadka's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

How is noise reduced using a sigma-delta converter?

Perhaps I'm sleepy but I can't quite get my head around how a sigma delta converter takes the noise that is in a bandwidth of (X) Hz and by over sampling spread, that same amount of noise over 2(X)Hz. ...
Chef Flambe's user avatar
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Am I using Shannon-Hartley Theorem and thermal noise correctly here?

I'm trying to learn about noise, sensitivity, and the Shannon-Hartley theorem, and I'm using some specs for a LoRa node IC to try it out. The Shannon-Hartley theorem says that the maximum data rate \$...
uhoh's user avatar
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3 answers

What do you call the dynamic range of a variable gain amp?

Dynamic range is the ratio of the largest signal a system can process to the noise floor of that system. If the system has variable gain, though, then you could interpret this two ways: Fixed gain ...
endolith's user avatar
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2 answers

How did old mobile phones amplify signals lower than the noise floor?

In the early days of GSM in around 2000 when the network was still not fully deployed, it was common for me to receive very low signal, even sometimes No Signal due to out of network. I used to use a ...
AirCraft Lover's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Op-amps, why do they have such low output currents

An introduction to my question is that ultimately op-amps drive something with their output stage (i.e., they source or sink current). I am looking specifically at the current sourcing scenario for ...
Michael Goldshteyn's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

How to characterize SNR for an amplifier with extreme low input signal?

Often that the OPAMP has an internal noise of 1uV. If I have an extreme high gain of 10000, the noise will be amplified up to 0.01V. Then, when I input a very low input signal of 10uV, after amplify ...
jhyap's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

What is the core concept of SINR or SNR model?

As we all know, there is a relationship between SINR or SNR and BER. Specifically, when SINR/SNR is higher, the BER is lower. And there are lots of work on modeling the complex SINR/SNR. SNR ...
desword's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

Signal noise cancelled by touching the leads

I have a pressure sensor that outputs 0.5V with a +/- 20 mV noise. I am trying to identify the root cause of the noise using an oscilloscope. The noise occurs in waves of twice the mains frequency, ...
Manu de Hanoi's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Ringing in OPamp OutPut

I am using this Differential In/Out Opamp circuit as ADC driver and to provide some gain(G=6.4). The component values are R53,R52=100, C28, C27=1.1uF, R56= 1K, R57=open, R55,R54= 2K7, U6=OPA2211. At ...
Sajid's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Step by step calculation of noise factor does not match the overall system calculation

I know this is a very stupid question but I've been trying for a couple of days now to figure out what mistake I'm doing. I have two cascaded blocks as following: Block one is an amplifier with: Gain (...
Ahmad KFUPM's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

How to eliminate the noise of this circuit?

I've built the following circuit on a PCB with reference to a TI's solution. I changed the gain of the INA to 10 and the gain of the A3 stage to 40. I also changed the cut-off frequency of the A4 ...
Jack Black's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

GPS - Noise Figure Analysis

I am trying to analyze all components in one home-made GPS receiver and I am stuck with figuring out how to determine Noise Figure at the mixer output. See picture below: If we are going from the ...
Bip's user avatar
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1 answer

Does noise increase when using connectors with lower pitch?

I'm building an EEG circuit and as such there are approximately 128 channel leads. At the moment I'm just running standard wires but to improve space and neatness I'm going to print these on a flex ...
gerardshield's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Is GNSS S/N equivalent to C/N?

I work in developing software that integrates with GPS and Galileo receivers. I've struggled for years with inconsistencies in documentation for the NMEA emitted by such receivers, and I've decided to ...
Lightness Races in Orbit's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

How do I find spectral purity?

How is spectral purity measured? or evaluated? I have this signal coming from a 10 MHz crystal oscillator. I know how to calculate the SNR, but how do I calculate the spectral purity? Is it also a ...
Jucesanc's user avatar
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2 votes
3 answers

Opamp Input Noise Source?

Team, I have this basic opamp circuit: However, I see a harmonics in input (VAC-IN, green) that's being amplified in the output (VAC-OUT, yellow): This 'noise' is not present when signal generator ...
Ariel Narboada's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Noise can be Differential or Common!

I have a basic understanding on this topic but i still have some doubts, my text books says Differential means it will have impact on one of the 2 signal nodes. and Common will have a common impact on ...
Hilton Khadka's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Producing simulated thermal noise

I’m trying to simulate thermal (Johnson) noise. As I understand it, thermal noise follows a Gaussian distribution, power at the receiver is given by: $$ P = 4kTB $$ And the RMS voltage is given by: $$ ...
PerplexedDimension's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

Oscilloscope averaging and standard quantum limit

Oscilloscopes give a Vrms noise and have a noise floor, but if I average for a long time to infinity, am I at the standard quantum limit and does SNR keep improving with the sqrt(N averages) forever?
user5579188's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

SNR improvement from placing analog filter ahead of digital filter

We have designed a PCB containing a data collection circuit for a customer, and their external expert presents this "helpful suggestion": Question about signal averaging vs. longer integration ...
Ben Voigt's user avatar
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1 answer

Potentiometer ADC noise varies based on position of wiper?

I have a potentiometer setup as a voltage divider like so, where the wiper of the potentiometer gets fed into my MCUs ADC Pin: When I measure the noise of the incoming ADC signal, I get different ...
scottc11's user avatar
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What is the difference between SNR of a wideband system and the SNR for a narrowband system

I was reading Wireless Communications by Andrea Goldsmith in the book the author has stated that the Noise power for a wideband system with Bandwidth B is (B*N/2). Could someone help me understand why ...
Mayank Mehra's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

With regard to GPS signals, what is the significance of I-parts and Q-parts of Complex signal?

What is the significance of I-part & Q-part magnitudes and imbalances in the screenshot? They are listed next to the red Complex signal diagram. Imbalance of I-part: 4.7% Imbalance of Q-part: 25....
Samee87's user avatar
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1 answer

Sonar single transducer element SNR vs array SNR

Background: I'm taking a flexible learning unit on radar and sonar systems in a vocational college for an assoc. degree level course. The teacher has given us a reading assignment: "Chapter 15 ...
My Other Head's user avatar
2 votes
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ENOB Calculations

I've been having a discussion with a colleague about ENOB (effective number of bits) calculations for DACs and ADCs. We both come across it from different directions (he being more analog, and me ...
Oliver's user avatar
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2 answers

Amplitude Spectral Density from a Fast Fourier Transformation

I want to calculate the Noise-equivalent Power (NEP) of a photodetector. Hereto, I have to measure the Amplitude Spectral Density (ASD) of the detector and divide the result by the Responsivity: The ...
Alberto's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Noisy output on voltage reference and correct probing

I'm building a circuit that has a 2.5V Voltage reference for use on the internal ADC of a STM32F7 in 12 bit mode. As each bit corresponds to 610uV I'd like to have as little noise in the signal as ...
ChrisD91's user avatar
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2 answers

How to eliminate the noise that is generated after the A\D conversion?

I have built a Ultrasonic range sensor using a ultrasonic (250ST/R160) speaker, which emits a 25kHz square wave with a Vpp of 12V for 1ms. The microphone (SPU0410LR5H-QB) is powered with 3.3V and its ...
csg's user avatar
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2 answers

How are the original signal and the AM signal related?

Use the TIMS “Variable DC” module to generate a 1V DC signal. Use the “Adder” module to add this DC signal to the message signal generated in task 1 (this will produce the ...
Cin Sb Sangpi's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Difference between SINR SNR

I am bit confused between these two terms. I understand SINR is signal to interference+ noise ratio and SNR is signal to noise but isn't interference noise too? Then why have he segregated these two ...
Aashish Sharma's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

How to use my bits to transmit this photodiode signal in the most efficient way possible? [closed]

Suppose I have photodiode with a Dark Current of 5 pA and that using the NEP of that photodiode at some frequency \$\lambda\$ I determined that the smallest signal I could detect was of 1 pA. First ...
Fernando Franco Félix's user avatar