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Questions tagged [sine]

For questions about sine waves as used in electronics (e.g. AC waveforms, oscillator outputs, signal generator outputs, etc.). Consider using in conjunction with tags such as "ac", "oscillator", "math", etc., if applicable.

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0 votes
3 answers

Converting Unipolar Sine Wave from ESP32 to True Bipolar AC Signal (+3.3V to -3.3V) Using an Operational Amplifier

I am working with an ESP32 that generates a unipolar sine wave ranging from 0V to 3.3V. However, I need to convert this signal into a true AC (Alternating Current) waveform that oscillates between +3....
0 votes
1 answer

Sine wave generator frequency

I'm trying to build a sine wave generator following this walkthrough. Specifically, I'm attempting the Clapp circuit as I'm targeting about 113 kHz. Here is the circuit schematic: In the article the ...
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1 answer

Driving high impedance load with Crystek Sine Wave Oscillator- CCSS-945X-25-100.000

I am planning to use Crystek CCSS-945X-25-100.000 sine wave oscillator to drive the reference CLKin pins of TI PLL IC LMK04832 . Now in datasheet of oscillator, output power mentioned is 5dBm into 50 ...
1 vote
1 answer

How to measure the stability of sine wave peak-to-peak voltage

I am currently using AD9833 to output a sine wave signal. I have seen the sine wave signal on oscilloscope and saved a CSV file on my flash drive. I plan on using an Excel or Matlab to determine the ...
0 votes
3 answers

Voltage-controlled oscillator problem

I am trying to simulate this sine wave VCO: I set the control voltage with the R14/R15 voltage divider, but for some reason the frequency does not seem to depend on the control voltage. What do I ...
1 vote
2 answers

Double conversion UPS off a modified sine input?

I have a 2000W modified sine wave inverter running from 12V bank in a tractor-trailer. It’s company owned, so no changing or adding equipment. Only viable solution I can see to achieve a sine wave is ...
0 votes
1 answer

Does this inductance measuring oscillator circuit work?

I'm planning to create a circuit to measure inductance by creating a stable sinusoidal oscillator out of it with a known value capacitor. Then measuring the oscillator frequency accurately with an ...
1 vote
3 answers

Generate a 120 degrees out of phase sine wave

I want to phase shift a sinusoidal by 120 degrees two times (in order to generate a 3 phase signal). I generated the first sine wave using an internal DAC. The sine wave is offset by 1.65V with a peak ...
0 votes
1 answer

Output voltage halved in 3-phase SPWM inverter simulation

I am just trying to simulate a 3-phase inverter connected to a star-connected load controlled through sine PWM modulation. In real life, I would expect a carrier that would go from zero to one. As ...
0 votes
1 answer

Two formulas for defining RMS and average of a waveform through a diode [duplicate]

A textbook problem where we have this given current waveform through a diode. We are required to determine the maximum and RMS values of it [ Irms and Ip ] giving the average current= something ...
3 votes
3 answers

RMS of sine wave curve defined between two points

Could someone explain for the following attachment (waveform image) how were exactly the values of "RMS" and "average" determined this way (for that curve of sine)? Given the duty ...
0 votes
3 answers

XR2206 Signal Generator breaks up and distorts badly all waveforms

I just put together this signal generator with a xr2206 DIY kit, single supply, tried 9,6V smps first (too low!), then w/ checked speced minimum 12V DC Li-Ion Vcc, same behaviour, distortion/unstable. ...
0 votes
0 answers

Generate 200MHz Phase-Shifted Voltage Sine Waves

I'm looking into a way to construct a circuit that can generate ~200MHz negative voltage sine waves (8 channels), where there is 11 degrees of phase offset between the channels (0 deg, 11 deg, 22 deg, ...
1 vote
2 answers

Excessive current in this inverter design

I made this inverter with Proteus. The phases have no load at all, but the input current is very high (red arrow.) This happens only when capacitors marked by the green arrows are connected. They ...
1 vote
1 answer

Inverter Upgrade

I have 600VA, 12V Pure Sine Wave Inverter (Atleast under no load, its pure) having 8 IRF3205 Mosfets in total. (In full bridge configurtion) I have modified its shunt. Now it do not give overload ...
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3 answers

Benefits of using a sine wave filter with variable frequency drive

Sometimes sine wave filters are installed on the output side of a variable frequency drive (VFD.) My understanding is that these filters are advised in situations where there may be capacitance among ...
0 votes
3 answers

How can I convert a sine wave generated by PWM technique into a square wave?

I have generated a variable frequency sine wave by PWM using an Arduino Uno. I want the obtain a square wave using the generated sine wave, so I used an op-amp to remove the DC offset in the sine wave ...
1 vote
2 answers

Sine Function on Simulink

I'm trying to add the following function on my Simulink model. where C, B, and N are already variables in my file. Is the correct way to multiply omega by the gains 3N and N/2 an input that into the ...
1 vote
1 answer

Diode directed into the negative terminal of a sinusoidal voltage source

If my V_in is a sinusoidal voltage, what would be the V_out? I tried to plot this in ltspice, however, I ran into trouble on where to connect the ground, on what node should I use to extract V_in and ...
5 votes
3 answers

Implementing a sine wave inverter with an oscillation circuit

I was thinking today about a whether it would be feasible to implement an inverter using a simple sine wave oscillator (perhaps op amp based or a Wien bridge implementation), a power amplifier stage ...
-1 votes
2 answers

Building a unity-gain op amp with speaker?

I am trying to build a voltage follower op-amp circuit to hear a sine wave but I can't get it to work. I was using the LM386 but then found out that it has a gain of 20 by default so I can't use it. I ...
3 votes
1 answer

How can I generate a 100kHz sine wave on FPGA?

I am performing direct digital synthesis on my FPGA using lookup tables, and jumping through them to increase output frequency. As the value of the phase accumulator increases, the sine wave becomes ...
0 votes
2 answers

Using a square and/or sine wave generator through a speaker [closed]

I have recently undergone some university study which introduced square and sine wave generators, I was wondering if there's a specific speaker I could use (its inputs would be a power supply and the ...
5 votes
3 answers

Just inherited a digital phosphor oscilloscope and trying to figure out why the sine wave is doubled

I was just given a Tektronix TDS 3014B and I wanted to learn how to use it. I setup a simple sine wave generator and I'm working through all the menus. When I start the sine wave, everything looks ...
2 votes
1 answer

Sinusoidal BLDC LUT synchronization

I am trying to control a 3-phase BLDC motor. I have already done 6-step commutation, which works fine. Now I am going for sinusoidal control. I have studied more about sinusoidal control in BLDC and ...
4 votes
4 answers

BJT as current buffer for op amp

I am working on creating a 10-20KHz 0-5V sine wave feeding a coil which would be around 450uH. At this stage I am stuck in that I can produce the sine wave using an STM32 or a DDS IC but that will not ...
1 vote
3 answers

Sine wave CMOS buffer from inverters with or without feedback

Is it possible to buffer a sine wave using inverters alone or with some kind of feedback? I've been browsing google for minimalistic (I'm in 3.3-12 V domain) sine wave buffers and this thought stuck ...
1 vote
3 answers

Active filter and sine to square conversion issues

Background: I am currently using a SparkFun Electret Microphone and I need to both filter and amplify the signal before turning it into a square wave to be interpreted by an FPGA. The mic itself has a ...
0 votes
1 answer

High voltage pad buffer design with 2nF load and ringing on first stage output

I am trying to design a high voltage (12V) buffer that will drive a sine wave with rail-to-rail peak-to-peak amplitude and a big capacitive load, maybe 3nF. Browsing I came upon this Master's project: ...
0 votes
1 answer

Input stage for sampling audio sine wave with ADC

I'm building a prototype, checking the potential for a project. I want to be able to sample a sine wave from a power amplifier using a Teensy4 ADC. I have a Teensy 4.0 powering an Evisun isolated DC-...
2 votes
2 answers

Simulating square to sine wave conversion via LC circuit results in 200-fold amplification

After watching this video I decided to simulate the following circuit in PSpice: Time domain simulation with general settings, TSTOP of 100 ms and maximum step size of 1 μs yielded the following sine ...
-1 votes
1 answer

Differential equation to describe an RC circuit with a sine wave

In this image Vin is a sine wave , sin(ωt), and I am trying to get the differential equation that I will then be able to solve. I am having troubles trying to find the current through the power supply ...
2 votes
1 answer

What is the output voltage of 1 Vp-p specified sin/cos encoders?

Encoders with sin/cos analog output (example model Hengstler S21) typically specify the output signal as 1 Vpp. This seems to be some kind of de-facto standard for the output amplitude. If I ...
0 votes
1 answer

When can we apply phasor analysis to an \$RLC\$ circuit?

This answer of mine shows that not every \$RLC\$ circuit reaches sinusoidal steady state at input frequency. A well-known theorem states that: If all natural frequencies of a uniquely solvable LTI ...
1 vote
1 answer

Op-amp not increasing amplitude of signal

I was doing some LTSpice simulation with an op-amp to amplify a 1 millivolt 40 kHz sine wave. However, in the output signal, it had just raised the voltage of the whole waveform, it decreased the ...
0 votes
1 answer

How to choose a resistor value for Wheatstone bridge such that it is a balanced circuit?

I have a 3V sine wave input and I want to measure resistor precisely from 1 ohm to 40ohm. I have tried using Arduino to measure the resistor using voltage divider but it became obvious that I will not ...
3 votes
1 answer

Strange low frequency sawtooth in a 110 kHz Hartley oscillator

I am trying to build a Hartley oscillator for 110 kHz using a BJT according to the following schematic: I am assuming \$ \beta=100\$ and \$ V_t=25mV \$ The collector current is about 1.63 mA, Vc is ...
7 votes
6 answers

Is this a suitable sine wave osc? how would I control the frequency?

Overview- I'm making a bank of analog sine wave oscillators and I'm interested in keeping the design compact. I've started by making a Wien Bridge oscillator. As I'm working from a single power ...
1 vote
2 answers

High pass filter doesn't get back original signal?

If you simulate this (from simulate this circuit – Schematic created using CircuitLab You see this: The input is a combination of the ...
-1 votes
3 answers

Why does my spectrum have humps?

In a fun experiment I used an Applicos ATX7006A 18 bit AWG to generate a 1 kHz sine wave and used an Analog Devices AD7671 16 bit ADC to digitize the waveform, then coherently captured the digital ...
0 votes
3 answers

How can I find the time period for two sine waves using the oscilloscope in Multisim?

The formula for calculating the phase difference requires a time delay and a time period which is given in the formula: Φ = td/tp × 360 Where ...
12 votes
3 answers

What causes the trough of a sine wave to become sharp?

I am using a white LED to send a 5 V p-p: +2.5 V to +7.5 V, DC offset of 5 V, sine wave of frequency 1 kHz as shown in the transmitter circuit. The current generated by the photodiode is converted to ...
3 votes
1 answer

Impedance matching a function generator and a laser source

I am using a function generator to generate a sine input to a modulated laser. The function generator has output settings of 50 Ω and High-Z, while the laser for some reason has a 1 kΩ input impedance....
3 votes
4 answers

Generating a sine wave over a big frequency range

I want to build a circuit that can generate sine waves at frequencies controlled by a computer or a microcontroller. I would like to go as low as 0.01 Hz (down to 0.05 Hz would probably be acceptable) ...
2 votes
1 answer

Is it possible to connect an antenna of the proper length to a CPU and radiate its 4 GHz oscillating current?

Since a 4 GHz CPU has been made to provide that super high frequency, is it possible to connect an antenna of the right length to it and radiate its 4 GHz oscillating current?
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2 answers

Class-D audio amplifier produces a sawtooth wave on the output, not sine

I am using a MAX9744 Class-D amplifier and want to get a sine wave in the output. Someone suggests using an LC low-pass filter for this, and in the datasheet of the amplifier, the values for inductors ...
0 votes
2 answers

LTspice problem with small amplitute sine wave

I simply wanted to generate a low amplitude sine wave, but the weird waveform happened. Why is the plot not showing the sine wave?
4 votes
2 answers

Alternate between 0 and 180° shift at regular intervals for a sine source during a .tran operation on LTspice

Is it possible to alternate between a 0 and 180° shift at regular intervals (say every second) for a sine source in a circuit during a .tran operation in LTspice? (I need to see the reaction of my ...
1 vote
1 answer

Distortion from bridge driver

I am feeding a square wave signal into some NAND gates and then into an ICL7667 MOSFET driver, which in turn drives an LC circuit. The enable is shown for reference, but if always on. Trace 1 (yellow) ...
0 votes
2 answers

Why doesn't the voltage at the resonance frequency go above the input frequency of a sine wave source?

I have performed a simple RLC parallel circuit experiment to determine the resonance frequency. I used the voltage as the magnitude. Experimentally, the magnitude at the resonance frequency tops at ...

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