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Questions tagged [sine]

For questions about sine waves as used in electronics (e.g. AC waveforms, oscillator outputs, signal generator outputs, etc.). Consider using in conjunction with tags such as "ac", "oscillator", "math", etc., if applicable.

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25 votes
17 answers

What is a sine wave?

This came up when a student asked me. A simple question one might think. Except... how to define one without tautology? That is, without using the word "sine" (or cosine for that matter). Wikipedia ...
Dirk Bruere's user avatar
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25 votes
11 answers

Why is sine wave preferred over other waveforms?

Why did scientists chose to go with sine wave to represent alternating current and not other waveforms like triangle and square? What advantage does sine offers above other waveforms in representing ...
Rookie91's user avatar
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20 votes
13 answers

Why only sine waves?

I have already read a few EE texts where a sine wave is often seen. Why is the sine wave often used as a test function for a circuit or a system? Why don't we use any other signal instead of sine? ...
DSP_CS's user avatar
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17 votes
4 answers

Why is there no sine wave oscillator chip? [closed]

I'm trying to make a simple but good sine wave generator that will produce 1Vpp @ 1kHz. Sine waves are nature's oscillations. They're everywhere. So you'd think that it would be a piece of cake to ...
Paul Uszak's user avatar
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15 votes
11 answers

How to check (with DIY methods) if an Inverter returns a Square or a Sine Wave?

I do not have an Oscilloscope, but I want to check if my 12V DC to 230V AC inverter does produce a sine or a square wave. Any way to verify that? I know how a sine wave and a square wave sound, so ...
Paul Weber's user avatar
12 votes
3 answers

What causes the trough of a sine wave to become sharp?

I am using a white LED to send a 5 V p-p: +2.5 V to +7.5 V, DC offset of 5 V, sine wave of frequency 1 kHz as shown in the transmitter circuit. The current generated by the photodiode is converted to ...
rockky007's user avatar
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11 votes
6 answers

Comparator: Noisy sine to square wave, how much phase noise?

In a circuit a comparator is used to convert a sinusoidal signal to a square wave. The input signal however is not a clean sine wave, but has some noise added to it. The comparator is supposed to be ...
kassiopeia's user avatar
10 votes
6 answers

Generating a differential signal

I was given a small task (actually it's part of a much larger task) where the requirement is to generate a signal which looks like it came from a microphone. The following requirements needs to be ...
Tom L.'s user avatar
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9 votes
2 answers

Shannon-Nyquist - only for repeating signals?

This was triggered by the comments in this question. I'm using this definition of the Shannon-Nyquist theorem (form wikipedia): If a function x(t) contains no frequencies higher than B hertz, it is ...
John B's user avatar
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7 votes
5 answers

Sine generator - Bubba Oscillator

I am trying to simulate a Bubba Ocsillator on MATLAB, Simulink . The problem is that i am not able to generate the sinusoidal from the circuit. This below is my circuit : And this below is my ...
Dravidian's user avatar
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7 votes
6 answers

Is this a suitable sine wave osc? how would I control the frequency?

Overview- I'm making a bank of analog sine wave oscillators and I'm interested in keeping the design compact. I've started by making a Wien Bridge oscillator. As I'm working from a single power ...
Jim's user avatar
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7 votes
5 answers

Sine wave to square wave - Schmitt trigger

I need to transform a bipolar sine wave (varies from -5 V to 5 V, 1 kHz) to a square wave for further digital processing (0 to 3.3 V), as in this image: The important thing is ...
przeski's user avatar
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7 votes
3 answers

Glitch in AC sine wave interfering with phase cut dimming

My company installs ZigBee-based phase cut dimmers for bulbs and LEDs (those which support phase cut dimming). Recently, we encountered a site where we faced a flicker issue. The light is slightly ...
Whiskeyjack's user avatar
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1 answer

How do I design a circuit to convert a 100 mV and 50 Hz sine wave to a square wave? [duplicate]

I have a sine wave of 100 mV and 50 Hz. I want to design a circuit that converts this sine wave into a square wave as shown in a figure.
Umangcern's user avatar
7 votes
4 answers

Why do log sine sweeps traditionally start from low frequency?

I'm doing a log sine sweep to get the frequency response of a device. The software works fine, but the first low frequency half period introduces a bit of DC offset in the signal coupling caps, so ...
bobflux's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

walking ring sine wave generator

simulate this circuit – Schematic created using CircuitLab Here is the low pass I have used. I used the 347 op amp just because it was cheap from a local surplus house. I will get discrete ...
steverino's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

How to generate 30Hz sine wave?

I'm building a voice ring modulator. Part of it involves a 30Hz carrier sine wave to modulate the voice with. Since I'm trying to build a portable device it will be DC powered, and since a function ...
freejuices's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

How to generate a controlled frequency sine wave using a microcontroller like PIC18F4550?

I'm designing a phonic wheel emulator. I have a PIC18F4550 and the following power supplies: +5V, -5V, 12V. I need to geneate a sine waves from frequencies near 500Hz up to approximately 8kHz. The ...
Daniel's user avatar
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5 votes
5 answers

Intuitive explanation for RMS voltage of discontinous sinewave

A sinewave with a peak voltage of 325.3V. The RMS voltage would be 230V Assumption1: If I were to run this AC sinewave through a resistor it would be the same power dissipated as running 230V DC ...
Heneer's user avatar
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3 answers

Just inherited a digital phosphor oscilloscope and trying to figure out why the sine wave is doubled

I was just given a Tektronix TDS 3014B and I wanted to learn how to use it. I setup a simple sine wave generator and I'm working through all the menus. When I start the sine wave, everything looks ...
joe_coolish's user avatar
5 votes
4 answers

Noise in tunable sine wave oscillator

I recently soldered a tunable phase-shift oscillator on a breadboard PCB. It produces a sine wave in the range from 80 Hz to 3.3 kHz. The oscillator frequency is tuned with a dual 100 kΩ potentiometer....
TonyDublov's user avatar
5 votes
3 answers

Why a sinusodial signal expressed by a cosine function instead of a sin function?

In the signals and systems course one of the first things that we see is a sinusodial signal wave. And they say its expressed like \$A\cdot\cos(\omega t + \phi)\$. But why we use a cosine function ...
Webber Depor's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Why is an inductor kickback wave-like?

I though that an inductor, when it doesn't have current flowing through it anymore, would quickly discharge in the opposite polarity. More precisely, I was expecting one quick peak in a negative ...
Charles-Ugo Brouillard's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

How do I apply PWM signal to the primary side of a transformer to get synthesized sine wave at the secondary side?

I'm trying to obtain a sinusoidal signal (\$f_{sin}=50Hz\$) by using a ferrite transformer. I am going to apply a PWM signal at the primary side (\$100kHz\le f_{PWM}\le300kHz\$). I'm going to use one (...
hkBattousai's user avatar
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5 votes
3 answers

Implementing a sine wave inverter with an oscillation circuit

I was thinking today about a whether it would be feasible to implement an inverter using a simple sine wave oscillator (perhaps op amp based or a Wien bridge implementation), a power amplifier stage ...
Ammar's user avatar
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5 votes
4 answers

Determining amplitude of a 2 MHz sine wave

I'm designing a class E resonant inverter at a switching frequency of approx. 2 MHz. I need to control the inverter so as to maintain a constant current at the load. My strategy would be to put a ...
swineone's user avatar
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4 answers

BJT as current buffer for op amp

I am working on creating a 10-20KHz 0-5V sine wave feeding a coil which would be around 450uH. At this stage I am stuck in that I can produce the sine wave using an STM32 or a DDS IC but that will not ...
Mir Hamza's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

How to convert sine wave from an oscillator to TTL signal for microcontroller?

I tried to measure inductance by using a colpitts oscillator to generate sine wave. It works. I need to convert the sine wave to 5V square wave to feed to a microprocessor. The sine wave is coupled ...
hjiang1213's user avatar
4 votes
3 answers

Do function generators produce AC signals in the sense we know?

When I examine function generators, there are a wide range of products. I see products between 7 USD and 600 USD. If they can do the same job, why is there so much difference in price? I can't make ...
mehmet's user avatar
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4 votes
4 answers

LC Oscillator Circuit Analysis

I've found this schematic of a LC sine wave producing circuit online, and I was trying to figure out how it works (particuarly the feedback cycle). Can someone tell me if this is right? I think I've ...
Sock314's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

Beginner's LTSpice Question: Why does my sine wave look so bad and how can I fix it?

I'm planning on building a Spice circuit with variable-gap capacitors. The capacitance in general will be something like C = eps*A/(g0+g'), where g' is the oscillation that occurs on top of the ...
drumdude92's user avatar
4 votes
6 answers

Can a rectified sine wave still induce voltage?

I would like to learn more about the behaviour of a transformer when the primary coil current is not the standard AC sine wave. What happens if the current supplied to the primary coil takes the ...
EddieP's user avatar
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2 answers

Alternate between 0 and 180° shift at regular intervals for a sine source during a .tran operation on LTspice

Is it possible to alternate between a 0 and 180° shift at regular intervals (say every second) for a sine source in a circuit during a .tran operation in LTspice? (I need to see the reaction of my ...
c.leblanc's user avatar
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4 votes
4 answers

AGC for integrator circuit

I am trying to generate a sinusoidal wave whose frequency I can control based on the input being a triangular wave. I am getting the sinusoidal waveform by integrating the triangular wave through an ...
ijustwannalearnrobot's user avatar
4 votes
3 answers

Sample sine wave [duplicate]

I need to sample a sine wave in order to create a lookup table. I know the Shannon theorem but I still don't understand how to apply it. I want to have 256 discrete samples of the sine wave that will ...
Antonio Iannacci's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Seeing sine wave output from external oscillator but expect to seeing square wave output

Buy some external oscillator from eBay and hook up to 5V DC and RF output to DSO. Seeing sine wave output from external oscillator but expect square wave output. I connect lab PSU to breadboard and ...
sekharan's user avatar
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1 answer

Ultrasonic Transducer driver

I found some youtube vids on Ultrasonic Cleaning, and thought it would be a cool DIY project. On eBay I found this. Some other transducers in the same range requires 400-800V supply. Anyone have any ...
Jeffa's user avatar
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1 answer

Has Don Lancaster really got his "Create Sinewaves using Digital IC's" publication wrong?

I answered this question a moment ago, and looked around for some stuff on the net to support it. The original publication is "Digital Generation of Low Frequency Sinewaves", Anthony C Davis,...
Neil_UK's user avatar
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2 answers

Relation between the impedance of speaker and amplitude of sin wave?

I have an oscillator producing a sine wave with amplitude 3 V (so it oscillates between +3 V and -3 V). The oscillator is at about 500 Hz. I connected this to an 8 ohm speaker and I hear the sound ...
Thomas's user avatar
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3 votes
3 answers

Circuit that converts sine wave to RMS voltage

How do I design a simple circuit that converts a sine wave to an RMS voltage? The input will be a sine wave and the output an RMS voltage. I know I will need an ADC, but not sure which one. I also ...
user361403's user avatar
3 votes
6 answers

Why does this inverter use two bridges?

I recently destroyed a 1000 W-rated 24 VDC -> 220 VAC pure sine wave inverter I bought a while back from Ebay, by connecting its output to mains power inadvertently. Afterwards, I decided to ...
John Doe's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

How to create Spice / LTSpice repeatable damped sinusoid

Is there a more elegant and/or simpler method to model a repeating, damped sinusoid from SPICE or LTSpice rather than chaining the damped SINE sources in series? Below is a schematic and the ...
smoothVTer's user avatar
3 votes
4 answers

Square wave / Sine wave is more audible

Consider you have 50 Hz both square wave as well as sine wave put on to a same speaker at different time. Which signal is more audible and what is the reason behind that ? We know that by taking the ...
arun's user avatar
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3 votes
3 answers

Is it possible to change Arduino Nano sine wave frequency without using PWM? [closed]

I have a program that generates a sine wave (array with predefined 8 bit values) on an Arduino Nano. ...
ojacomarket's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

Mains voltage waveform on oscilloscope

I connected the oscilloscope probe to the mains supply but i find its waveform not excactly pure sine wave, So im wondering if there are problem in my scope or something else.
M.A.K's user avatar
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3 answers

What is the wrong with this simple sine wave generator circuit?

I've designed this circuit myself aiming to generate a sine wave at the collector of the transistor, but it doesn't work. The current at the collector is DC. Is it a simulator error or the is design ...
Michael George's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

RMS of sine wave curve defined between two points

Could someone explain for the following attachment (waveform image) how were exactly the values of "RMS" and "average" determined this way (for that curve of sine)? Given the duty ...
Spencer's user avatar
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4 answers

Generating a sine wave over a big frequency range

I want to build a circuit that can generate sine waves at frequencies controlled by a computer or a microcontroller. I would like to go as low as 0.01 Hz (down to 0.05 Hz would probably be acceptable) ...
Greg d'Eon's user avatar
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2 answers

Why does using a pure sine wave inverter help reduce audible and electrical noise in some electrical appliances?

I read on some power bank description: Stable AC Output: The built-in AC wall outlet uses a pure sine wave inverter to reduce audible and electrical noise in fans, lights, and other sensitive ...
Franck Dernoncourt's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

How can I explain the unexpected negative voltage in the output signal obtained from half wave rectifier?

I observed the output signal of half-wave rectifier sending sine wave and square wave for an experiment. The rectifier was built with a 1N 4001 diode and a 100 ohm resistor. The output signal across ...
sebocuku's user avatar

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