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Questions tagged [sop]

For questions about the Small Outline Package (SOP) surface mounted integrated circuit package. Use in conjunction with the "packages" tag.

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3 votes
1 answer

SOT 23-6 SMD marking code GC1MGR

Please can anyone help me with a SOT 23-6 manufacturer's marking code? Tryed to search but cant find. It's from network switch (TL-SG1016D) power circuit. some kind of dc-dc buck converter maybe
Dimon_7070's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Socket or Surface Mount Adapter? (SOP16 to DIP16)

I'm looking to use a HX711 chip (which says it's a SOP-16L package,) and attach it to a circuit on a breadboard. I've found two ways to do so: a socket or just the adapter. Is there any difference ...
kenntnisse's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

SOT 23-6 SMD marking code

Can anyone help me with a SOT 23-6 manufacturer's marking code? I have searched, but no joy. It is from a laptop inverter board.
Smittykoi 's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Is there a socket for SOP8 packaging with SOP8 pins? [closed]

25Q128 is a flash memory for an IP camera. I want to dump its firmware but also try to write my own firmware. I have all the soldering equipment to remove it safely. I also bought the breakout board ...
Guerlando OCs's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

SOP and logic expression for a circuit

I'm having trouble doing the Sum-or-product of this truth table and then simplifying the logic expression. For the SOP i got Y= A’.B’.C’.D’+ A.B’.C’.D’+ A’.B.C’.D’+ A’.B’.C.D’+ A’.B’.C’.D+ A.B.C’.D’+ ...
Anarchy's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

SOP vs SOIC test clips [closed]

I'm mostly a software person, so this might be a super basic question. I wanna connect to an SOP8 flash chip. I see many recommendations for the Pomona clips, but that one is labeled SOIC8. I can't ...
ezkobepz's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

How can I construct a Karnaugh map from this table made from a Moore FSM Transition diagram?

I am new to Karnaugh maps and I would like to find out how I can go about this the data is correct but maybe the layout of this table is not correct, there are four states s0s1s2s3 and the inputs are ...
AmberDot's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

What is meant by taking dual of a boolean expression?

I read online that if we have a set of SOP terms giving a boolean expression, then the POS terms of the complement of the SOP terms will give the same expression. POS(f)=SOP(f'). This is called ...
Raghav Arora's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Have SO(P)X components 2.54mm, 1.27mm or smaller pin spacings?

I'm a bit confused about the pin spacings of SO8/SOP8. Example: in Detail 2.54 SOP8, pin spacing is 2.54mm. However, according to Small_Outline_Integrated_Circuit, fragment: Small-outline package ...
Michel Keijzers's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Is this asking for a POS equation or SOP?

So here's the question: We want to design a circuit that determines if a four-bit number is less than 10 and is also even. a. (10 points) Write an expression of M such that M=1 if the four-bit ...
ESM's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Simplification of boolean expression

I am asking you for a help with following boolean expression that i can't solve by myself. I can minimize expression in Karnaugh map but i have to use boolean algebra too. Expression: !(C + !D) * !(...
maro_vargovcik's user avatar
28 votes
1 answer

Is there a difference between SOIC and SOP?

I'm looking at two integrated circuit packages: SOIC and SOP. They seem (almost) identical (pitch, overall size, etc...) SOP SOIC Is there any important differences between these two packages that ...
Ryan Jensen's user avatar