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STM32 Bootloading issues on custom PCB

I designed a gas sensor board around the STM32F030F4P6, and have been having issues boot loading. I am using the ST-Link V2 bought from Digikey, and 6 pin tag connect, and it seems that regardless of ...
dreece2498's user avatar
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STM32F407 powering via tlink but not USB and ST-LINK not working

Some background first. I have a custom STM32 board using a F407 MCU. The board takes 12 V and regulates to 5V then to 3.3V to feed the processor. That feed is directly connected to a SWD header using ...
dj_nexxus's user avatar
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Program STM32 MCU with SWD by default as alternate function

I want to use my first STM32 MCU in the project. The project involves a few peripherals (UART/SPI/I2C) and has a bit of math to do here and there, mainly bit shifting and/or integer computations, so I ...
Ilya's user avatar
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Do I really need to put stm32 microcontroller into bootloader mode to program it?

I have started learning stm32 microcontroller for a while using a very small development board "stm32f103c8t6" (or blue pill). when I started, I learnt from some tutorials that I have to ...
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