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ST-LINK v2 got burned when I unplugged it whilst debugging

I'm new at using STM32 I used ST-LINK v2 to program a STM32F103C8T6 that was in a breadboard. It was working correctly and, while I was debugging the STM32, I unplugged the ST-LINK by mistake and the ...
jakop's user avatar
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debug error in during launch STCUBEIDE

I am trying to run a demonstration by st but I get a debug error saying the .elf file of the project cant be launched. How to i fix this? I havent changed anything from the example and i just want to ...
Maia Nieves's user avatar
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STM32 NUCLEO programming problem with STLink V2 Clone

Having a trouble with STLink programmer. Error occours in Keil. When I am trying the download code to flash this error appears. If I am using a USB port for debug there is no error. But I need to ...
MSB's user avatar
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I've just got new NUCLEO STM32H755ZIT6 board with STLinkV3 on it. I just want to debug simple empty STMCube project and after configuring board According it's Please look in the UM2408 User manual (...
Alatriste's user avatar
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Custom STM32 board can be programmed via USB DFU, but no connection via ST-Link

I have spent a fair bit of time trying to understand why the stlink does not to see the STM chip when conected over serial wire (port is shown under 'Com ports' in the schematic). I have tried the st-...
George kirby's user avatar
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Error in Upgrading ST-link V3 to J-Link

I am getting the following error from the STLinkReglasher program while converting the standalone ST-Link V3 debugger into J-Link. ERROR: Cannot find an ST-LINK, multiple ST-LINKs plugged in, or ST-...
No Man's user avatar
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Is this port a Cortex Debug?

The following is a board with an STM32F103 MCU. Is it possible to tell if the marked port on the top left (JK1) is a Cortex Debug port that may be connectable with an ST-Link V2 or similar ? According ...
elig's user avatar
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Can I use the STLink on a Nucleo to program a 5V board

I want to use the STLinkV2 on the nucleo board I have to program an external STM32f4, and I have the SWD pins connected according to section 6.2.4 in the documentation.An earlier unsuccessful attempt ...
ragingSloth's user avatar
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Add serial interface to ST-link clone

I recently started studying STM32 microcontrollers (BluePill STM32F103 dev board + ST-link V2 clone). I was wondering if it is possible to add serial communication to ST-Link clone? From what I ...
Araneus0390's user avatar
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STM32CubeProg vs STLINK Utility

There are 2 software tools provided by ST to flash their STM32 MCUs namely STM32CubeProg and STLINK Utility STM32CubeProg Page says: STM32CubeProgrammer (STM32CubeProg) is an all-in-one multi-OS ...
scico111's user avatar
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STM32F429I Discovery board - unable to do printf() redirection using SWV/ITM

I am an STM32 newcomer. I recently got an STM32F429 Discovery dev board which I have been playing around with. Currently I'm trying to figure out how to use the debugging functions of this M4 Cortex, ...
Blargian's user avatar
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OpenOCD debugger in Eclipse Neon 4.6.2 Error in final launch sequence

I have been struggling with OpenOCD debugger under Eclipse Neon 4.6.2. Whenever I run the debug configuration I receive below given error message I have been attempting to debug the STM32F417VGT6 MCU....
Steve's user avatar
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Error when using debugging under Atollic TrueStudio / STM32

I'm using STM32F103C8T6 Atollic TrueStudio STLink2.1 Error I get when debugging: Debug configuration set in TrueStudio: What worked before was in SW4STM32/Eclipse, with the following settings. I ...
Michel Keijzers's user avatar