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Why my serial monitor receive reverse byte from STM32F407 UART?

I am using Keil STMF407ZGT6's USART1 to send some data(encoded in UTF-8) which is "00000" to my pc(x86_64). My usart setting is 9600 baud rates, 8 bits data without parity, 1 stop bit. But I ...
Ben V's user avatar
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2 answers

STM32 Help receiving serial data sent from python's pyserial

I need some help communicating between python's pyserial and an STM32f030R8 microcontroller. This is for a 2 DOF robot which has a python base GUI. The GUI will send, via serial communication, the ...
Eric14003's user avatar
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What is expected error rate and drop rate on ST-Link VCP USART?

What is expected error rate and drop rate on ST-Link VCP USART? On the Nucleo STM32F446RE, my code reads the USART VCP (of ST-Link) and echoes it back. It uses DMA, FreeRTOS, and FreeRTOS queues (...
SRobertJames's user avatar
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How should I debug this ARM Cortex M STM32 UART write?

I have a STM32F446RE on a Nucleo F446RE, and I'm trying to learn how to program the UART to write over the Virtual COM Port (connected to USART2). I'm able to download someone else's code, modify it ...
SRobertJames's user avatar
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Convert Arduino Code to STM32 cubeide, [closed]

I giving paramter setting of LoRa module which is [e32 433t20d][] over the Arduino Nano with ebyte [RF setting software][
mehmet's user avatar
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Serial port from PC not reaching the MCU

I'm trying to send some data from the PC to my STM32L432KC Nucleo board using UART. Transmitting data to the PC works just fine, I'm receiving data through the STLink Virtual COM Port which I can see ...
blankMCU's user avatar
2 votes
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In STM32, How to check the UART Serial Buffer If They Are Available using HAL Library

I am using STM32F429 in my project which connects to an ATmega2560 thru UART. In arduino, there is a function Serial.Available() to check if the serial buffer is empty or not. Is there a function in ...
Chandler Timm's user avatar
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Unable to display UART character data sent from STM32F407G Discovery Board (TX) to Ubuntu(or Raspian) on Rasperry Pi 3 Model B (RX)

Solved. The problem was a bad board & then appending extra "\n" in the output after reading from via "C". I'm trying to send data via UART from STM32F407G Discovery Board ...
cyber101's user avatar
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STM32 UART send broken frames

I have a NUCLEO-F303RE board and try to send some data by one-wire UART with 57600 baudrate. But frames are sent broken (see images below): How must to be: What I get: I've tried to use different ...
Shadasviar's user avatar
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Setting up UART with STM32L4RGTx

The prompt here is to debug the issue with UART setup on the STM32 chipset. I've followed a couple of online blogs to understand and setup the UART interface. I want to transmit (only) a dataframe (...
Prathik Gurudatt's user avatar
25 votes
3 answers

UART signal is "rounded"

I am trying to debug a UART driver for the STM32F405. It does not work above a certain baud rate (about 50 kBd). I connected it to a logic analyzer with analog capability, and I saw that the signal is ...
BillThePlatypus's user avatar
7 votes
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RX vs TX operation in Software UART

I am short of 1 UART in my MCU. I needed 4 but so far what I have found suitable is an MCU that has 3 UARTs in it, STM32F103. So the 4th one I will have to implement in SW. Each of my individual ...
alt-rose's user avatar
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Trouble getting USART working on STM32 (stm32f103c8t6)

I started working with with stm32f103c8t6 recently and I was able to set GPIO to input and output, however when I try to set USART it just does not work. I'm trying to write directly to registers, ...
xstmpx's user avatar
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Unreadable characters over UART

I am using USB-TTL converter (PL-2303 XA/ HXA chip) to make serial communication between STM32L476G-Eval board and my laptop. I didn't find where to connect TX and RX wires in the eval board because ...
Pryda's user avatar
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FIFO circular buffer size in over UART

I am trying to implement an UART protocol to make communication between two boards. data are ascii encoded and messages length's are variables. I've chosen to implement a packet in order to "...
Pryda's user avatar
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Control an UART protocol with FreeRTOS or Interrupts [closed]

I am trying to develop an UART protocol to allow communication between two boards Master_Board and Slave_Board. Master_Board shall send commands over UART to Slave_Board and the latter shall answer. ...
Pryda's user avatar
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STM32F4-Discovery reading Serial Data

I have an STM32F4-Discovery Board with an attached STM32F4DIS-BB Base Board attached, giving me access to a Serial Port to use for the Discovery board. I am trying to program the board to read data ...
Skitzafreak's user avatar
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USART interrupt not working as expected [STM32 Nucleo]

could someone explain why i can only receive 13 chars with USART interrupt? I use '\n' to detect the end of string. ...
Into_Embedded's user avatar
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stm32f0 uart1 rx interrupt [closed]

I have stm32f030f4p6 Microcontroller and using iar Compiler , library cmsis , After confige Uart1 the RXNE , FE and CMF bits return 1 whereas not recieve or send was done if I dont set RXNE bit to 0 ...
pezhvak's user avatar
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16bit DMA UART w/ STM32F4

How do I transmit 16 bits of data with UART to a 16 bit array? I've got two elements in my array, my UART is set up as 8N1 and my DMA is set to circular. I'm using some HAL stuff, and here's my ...
testname123's user avatar
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How to interface SIM800L to UART on STM32F103

I have problem to interface SIM800L with STM32F103. I just read SIM800L datasheet that UART logic level is on 2.8 V. But the STM32F103,can be operated in 3.3 V. I connected my TX RX pin directly to my ...
SkyFrotza's user avatar
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STM32F4 serial RXNE flag

I am trying to receive serial on a stm32f411. I decided to monitor the the RXNE flag to check the serial buffer. I can get the flag to work, however, the issue is that I do not think it is working ...
Verosity's user avatar
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First two byte of Transmit Buffer sent by STM32 to Motor Controller is transferred wrong

I want to use STM32F407VET6 board to send commands to Roboteq Motor Controller MDC2230 and I'm very newbie in embedded systems. Firstly, I created my project via STM32CubeMX and connected RX and TX ...
Orhan G. Hafif's user avatar
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STM32 starts timing out receiving data UART after reading 1 byte

I am having trouble using the UART on the STM32F103 where it stops receiving data, while not setting any of the error flags. The UART device is an ESP8266 at 115,200 baud. I am sending it ...
Thomas R's user avatar
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Exchange serial messages via UART between 3.3V µController and 5V µController concrete (STM32F4 and ATMega 2560)

I would like to send messages from STM32F4Discovery board to Arduino Mega 2560 via UART. How do I connect the Arduino to the STM32F4Discovery? Do I need any extra electronics? If I understand ...
kimliv's user avatar
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STM32 - PC serial communication

What are the available options or ways to connect the STM32 discovery board using UART to a PC via USB or the serial port? What is the required hardware/cables?
rxjsisfine's user avatar
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STM32 USART loopback

Is it possible to connect the Rx and Tx pins of the same USART or on two different USARTs on an STM32 discovery board to make a loopback and test the USART?
rxjsisfine's user avatar