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External SPI Flash Global Unprotect

I am using AT25DF041B SPI Serial Flash Memory with my application and I am confused about protection about sectors. When I have read the datasheet it says there is a command for the global unprotect. ...
fury's user avatar
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stm32f7 QSPI (QUADSPI) in indirect mode can't read/write on NOR flash memory

I'm using STM32F746G-Discovery included Micron NOR flash memory n25q128a. In CUBE example we can see this (ReadWrite_IT, Automatic polling): ...
mohammadsdtmnd's user avatar
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NOR Flash Memory Full chip vs Block vs Sector Erase

I am trying to use a NOR flash memory device: SST25VF016B (with STM32 discoveryboard F407VG). However, I am confused on some terms on their datasheet. You can find the datasheet here: https://www.elfa....
Stanleyaley's user avatar
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STM32F103 SPI MISO doesn't work as expected

In one of my small projects I use STMF103C8T6 as MCU and SPI memory W25Q128 of Winbond to store a data. The memory chip connected to SPI1. Here is a part of the scheme: The code is mostly generated ...
folibis's user avatar
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