Questions tagged [stm32cubeide]

STM32CubeIDE is an all-in-one multi-OS development tool, which is part of the STM32Cube software ecosystem.

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STM32 bootloader break at address issue

I am writing a small application to start a bootloader that checks simple conditions and then jumps to the application memory. The application seems to crash and I am unable to figure out the reason ...
dreamcoder's user avatar
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3 answers

How do I program the STM32F401CCU6?

I am transitioning from Arduino to STM32 development. I just purchased an STM32F401CCU6 board and I cannot get it recognized by my computer. I am running Ubuntu 22.04. I have tried searching ...
Harit's user avatar
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Why are MSPs in STM32 HAL defined as callback functions?

Please see my edit: I asked this question stackoverflow and no one answered. In STM32CubeMX MSP stands for MCU Support Package and of all here is what it basically about: MSPs are user callback ...
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