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Weird I2C communication issue with INA226 tested on Arduino UNO and STM32F4

I have been working with the ina226 sensor for a while using this cheap dev board I never had any problems with: I ordered more new of this sensors from AliExpress and they look like this: Main ...
Jos PaCo's user avatar
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SPI issue in arduino and STM32F4 connection

I wanted to play with SPI on STM32f4 nucleo (made it MASTER) and communicate with slave - arduino pro micro. Idea is that whatever i type on serial terminal connected to nucleo is passed to arduino ...
JosiP's user avatar
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Remapping PD1 to be a GPIO STM32Duino

I would like to remap the PD1 PD1-OSC_OUT pin on the STM32F103C8 running arduino framework. Originally on bluepill these pins ...
ManeGote's user avatar
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OV7670 QQVGA RGB565 config

Does anybody has register configuration for OV7670 QQVGA RGB565? I found this but I'm not sure that it gives QQVGA resoltuion. ...
macola995's user avatar
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STM32 and Elegoo supply voltage

I wrote code using an STM32F407 to read the voltage of a potentiometer on the input pin of the ADC. This is the circuit: I tried taking the power directly from the STM32 and then, as in the photo ...
KaleM's user avatar
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Building a Hindmarsh-Rose model into a STM32 [closed]

I am wondering if it is possible to simulate Hindmarsh-Rose (HR) model on a embedded systems? I need the output of the embedded system to match the burst/firing rate of a neuron. what protocol could i ...
CircuitFreak's user avatar
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Can I program Arduino Uno R4 On STM32 IDE?

The microcontroller of Arduino Uno R4 is Renesas RA4M1 (Arm® Cortex®-M4). -So can I program Arduino Uno R4 On STM32 IDE? -Can I use STM32 library for Arduino Uno R4? Thanks!!!
Đức Chung Nguyễn's user avatar
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Which is better for programming STM32F103C8T6? Using Arduino IDE or STM32CubeProgramming? [closed]

STM32 is can programming using Arduino IDE, but I am confusing about which is better for programming this device, and what is the deficiency about this two software for programming STM32. (I am ...
HumbleBee's user avatar
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Problem switching nRF24L01 module with MOSFET

I am trying to switch nRF24L01 module with MOSFET to reduce power consumption as low power mode for nRF24L01 is not working. My setup includes STM32G030F6P6TR without external crystal. So, when I put ...
Pritam's user avatar
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Can I program an STM32 blue pill with Arduino Uno?

I want to know if it is possible to use the arduino uno's built-in FTDI chip as a USB to ttl adapter (instead of an FT232). I have shorted the uno's Reset pin to GND, and have connected the RX and TX ...
Cole's user avatar
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stm32duino nucleo l432kc - No space left on device error

I started writing an example code for a new board I purchased: STM32L432KCU6 32 PINS (Nucleo-32). I'm using Arduino IDE to write the code and upload it to the STM32 board. Unfortunately after a few ...
Avi Levin's user avatar
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Connect multiple PPG sensor to developing board

I'm pretty new to this world, so I'm sorry if my question sounds stupid. I want to work with multiple optical sensors to record PPG simultaneously. In particular, I want to use the MAX86916 sensor: ...
Ezio's user avatar
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Converting an application from ESP32 board to STM32 board

I wrote an app for my ESP32 but then I learned that ESP32 doesn't work well on batteries, since they got drained pretty quickly. So I bought a STM-32 board (NUCLEO-32, STM32L432KC MCU): https://www....
Avi Levin's user avatar
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Nucleo32 with STM32F303K8 crashes when setting PA2 as Interrupt and triggering it

I am using a nucleo 32 for my project. I am using arduino and creating a TCP modbus and RTU modbus server. I have set the pins as folows: Description Type Arduino STM32 Pin Number Pulse input 1 ...
DriesVanDB's user avatar
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How can I switch from PWM output on an STM32 to logic 1 output?

I am generating PWM on the TIM1C3 channel of an STM32 Bluepill board. A switch is connected to the system and when the switch is in the set position, I want the PWM production of TIM1C3 to stop and ...
KlorenGazen's user avatar
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Convert Arduino Code to STM32 cubeide, [closed]

I giving paramter setting of LoRa module which is [e32 433t20d][] over the Arduino Nano with ebyte [RF setting software][
mehmet's user avatar
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Problem with UART communication with a Pepperl & Fuchs UCC4000 ultrasonic sensor

I have a problem with a Pepperl & Fuchs UCC4000 ultrasonic sensor. This sensor communicates with UART protocol and has data transmit - receive based a kind of checksum encoding. According to what ...
Furkan Yeşil's user avatar
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STM32 CANTX line always idle

I'm trying to learn about microcontrollers in general and at this point I'm trying to learn about the CAN bus standard by using it with an STM32 MCU in a NUCLEO-F767ZI board. For that end I want to ...
Hugo Pontes's user avatar
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Connecting TWO independent power sources to the STM32 (Bluepill)

I am trying to connect the STM32 bluepill board to a lithium cell as the main power source, and to the output end of a solar charger. The idea is to have the solar as a backup during the low sun hours,...
ARM_Breaker's user avatar
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Current output capacities of Arduino Nano and STM32 Blue Pill

I am planning to try out STM32 blue pill and black pill to replace my Arduino Nano. I learnt here that Nano has a maximum current output of 800mA, I would like to know what is the maximum current ...
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What is the voltage output from STM32 BluePill Digital I/O pins?

I am planning to use logic level MOSFET IRL540 as a replacement for my 5V 1 channel relay module to protect my Arduino pro micro from current requirements of the relay module. I would also like to use ...
user avatar
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Serial communication in STM32 based boards

I've made a desktop application which interfaces with an Arduino board via serial ports. Now as I have completed my project in theory, I want to make a more professional PCB with a higher clock speed, ...
Youssef laarichi's user avatar
5 votes
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Why is HAL_GetTick not protected by a CRITICAL SECTION?

I'm trying to better understand atomicity in embedded systems. While researching the topic, I encountered this problem: In the STM32 HAL, the system tick is provided by ...
gbt's user avatar
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How to read analogue value on STM32f401CCU6

So I've just migrated to STM32 Black Pill from my Arduino UNO. I've simply copied the Arduino code into the Black Pill using this method. On my arduino I was using a pressure sensor powered with 5V ...
Dr. Strange's user avatar
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Interface TFT display with STM32 parallel connection

I am searching for an explanation for the coding idiom for changing TFT display resolution that is used in the PORT from mcufriend’s Arduino code. ...
shina's user avatar
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External SPI Flash Global Unprotect

I am using AT25DF041B SPI Serial Flash Memory with my application and I am confused about protection about sectors. When I have read the datasheet it says there is a command for the global unprotect. ...
fury's user avatar
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Serial Camera Control Bus (SCCB) - Why are my Serial Input Output Data line always high?

I'm looking for a SCCB library for the camera OV7670 and I have been looking everywere for C code that fits OV7670. But the problem is that my SIO_D (Data line) is always 1 when I read the data line. ...
euraad's user avatar
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STM32 C library for ILI9341 TFT LCD with 16-bit data bus?

I'm using FSMC with ILI9341 LCD and I have some troubles with the LCD. The LCD comes in lot of different sorts, but this one do I have. I'm using this library but the problem is that I get only two ...
euraad's user avatar
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Reading MPU6050 with Nucleo-32, Arduino IDE

Gergő Szabó's user avatar
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Why STM32 is more popular at industrial devices? [closed]

Well, I am really new started engineer to embedded system. Generally I am using Arduino NANO and its look very easy to use, low power consumtions and lots of library and etc is benefitial for me. But ...
mehmet's user avatar
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Stand alone CAN bus module or STM32 embedded CAN?

I have spent days studying and trying to achieve simple communications with CAN bus from scratch using stm32f1, but I still have not achieved the desired results and it is difficult to understand and ...
Ricardo Casimiro's user avatar
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Has anyone seen how to use mt9v022/mt9v034 cams with microcontrollers? [closed]

I'd like to use Arducam's MT9V022/34 cameras for my project. However, the API they provide is quite limited, and also makes me buy their USB shield module(s). Important part of my project is to change ...
Garid's user avatar
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STM32F407VG Discovery Board, on board ST Link not recognized, but the pc recognized J Link is connected [closed]

So I have a STM32F407VG Discovery Board, the board has ST Link. But when I connect the usb to my pc, the ide that I used does not recognized it. I used atollic and stm32cube ide. But when I check my ...
LazyEmperor's user avatar
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Using STM32 with ESP8266 to get radio stream and play it

I am using STM32F407 board to communicate with ESP8266 using AT commands. Goal is to have STM32 tell ESP8266 to go to a live radio link then get the stream and put it through a VS1053 and out to a ...
stacklee's user avatar
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MPC4725 DAC outputting incorrect voltage

I am trying to learn how to interface the MPC4725 DAC with my STM32 blue pill. I wrote this simple program (using the Arduino IDE) to output a DC voltage: ...
Prathik Prashanth's user avatar
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Trouble connecting the STM32 blue pill - Cannot open COM3 port error

Following this video, I wrote a simple LED blink program on the Arduino IDE to test if my STM32 is fine. ...
Prathik Prashanth's user avatar
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Custom hardware GD32F103 (STM clone) broken after uploading Arduino sketch for ESP32

I'm developing a project with custom hardware and an STM32F103, however, due to lack of stock until next year, I have proceeded with the clone GD32F103CBT6. One of the problems I'm encountering is the ...
user3138306's user avatar
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ADC values too large on HAL stm32

Hi I am trying to read in a voltage value from a TDS sensor on my stm32 nucleo144-h723zg. The problem is that the voltage values are too high. The manufacturer only provides code and datasheet for ...
titomjr's user avatar
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How to program STM32 via alternative UART pins?

I'm able to program a Black Pill (STM32F401) with Arduino IDE and an FTDI programmer, by connecting FTDI UART pins to Black Pill's A9 and A10 pins and using STM32 Add-on to Arduino IDE Is it possible ...
Miguel's user avatar
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Do STMF411 boards have a problem with the D+ pull up resistor?

I found this webpage that mentions problems with the ("blue pill") STM32F103 boards. The problem is that the value of pull up resistor on D+ is wrong. Do the ("black pill") STMF411 ...
Speedracer1702's user avatar
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Confusion about power source/supply on the STM32F103C8T6 Blue Pill

I am attempting to program and STM32F103C8T6 Blue Pill board using an ST-LINK V2 debugger, i have the 4 pins connected to SWDIO, SWCLK, 3.3V and GND, and then connected into the 4 pin header on the ...
K. Obrecht's user avatar
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W5500 with stm32h743 micropython

I am running micropython 1.14 (happens also on 1.9) on the NUCLEO-H743ZI dev board (compiled using the board definition in micropython, no further changes) connected to a W5500 shield. The issue I am ...
Uriel Katz's user avatar
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Does the STM32F103C8T6 blue pill chip require external resonators?

I am designing a custom PCB with the bluepill MCU, which I want to program over ST link and SWD, which external resonators are a must? In the standard version, it comes with 32kHz and 8MHz: https://...
Marco Bobinger's user avatar
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Communication between STM32 as host and Arduino as device via USB otg_FS

Is it possible to send data from USB via STM32F4 OTG FS to another MCU (Arduino, for example)? I tried STM32_USB_Host_Library and it didn't work.
ODIN98's user avatar
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Can I use PWM signal to control devices that requires a system clock - OV7670

I want to use the simple camera ov7670 and that camera requires a system clock, called XCLK. The clock requries 24 MHz input from a source that are at 50% duty call and a period of 24 nanoseconds. ...
euraad's user avatar
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Issues using printf and Serial in Serial Monitor of Arduino with STM32

Has anyone else had issues with using printf and Serial together? If I do some printfs then a Serial.println() no subsequent printfs show in the serial monitor. What I discovered was that if I avoid ...
Volksman's user avatar
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Convert digitalWrite() in Arduino into STM32

I am trying to translate my arduino code into stm32 code for my own learning. I was trying to convert the following code into stm32 code ...
hello_word's user avatar
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Does a MCU come flashed with drivers? [closed]

I am designing a PCB for which I have made a POC on Arduino. On Arduino it is very simple to flash the program I have written via the IDE. I have made a bare minimum schematic for the device which ...
Shridhar Sharma's user avatar
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STM Nucleo-F722ZE UART weirdness when setting the baud rate (it needs to be set 3 times larger)

For the past days I've been trying to communicate via UART between an Arduino and an STM32 Nucleo F722ZE board. After much troubleshooting with the oscilloscope I realized that when I set a baud rate ...
Rpreda's user avatar
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SIM7600 HTTP post 204

Using stm32L451 with a Sim7600. I am trying to post data to a Ubitdots dashboard using HTTP post and the response is 204 which means no data is load but a connection was made to the server, I have ...
user150963's user avatar