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Stm32h743 write protect, Bootloader lock and RDP

I am trying to understand how you can lock an Stm32h743 so it can't accept unauthorized firmware while having physical access to it via USB and BOOT0 pin is tied to ground (meaning it always boots to ...
Uriel Katz's user avatar
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STM32H7 Move entire code to RAM: Global variables put the uC into HardFault

So, I am making a USB MSC firmware updater bootloader for STM32H750. The problem is that this microcontroller can only erase its flash memory entirely to rewrite it later, so the bootloader and all ...
sx107's user avatar
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stm32 memory remap and bootloader

I am having some confusion regarding the stm32f446xx memory remap feature in the reference manual. The system configuration memory remap is used to change the memory at 0x00000000. I am having some ...
kam1212's user avatar
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STM32 Bootloading issues on custom PCB

I designed a gas sensor board around the STM32F030F4P6, and have been having issues boot loading. I am using the ST-Link V2 bought from Digikey, and 6 pin tag connect, and it seems that regardless of ...
dreece2498's user avatar
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System Memory (Internal Boot ROM) of STM32F446XX

The datasheet and this article refer to an internal boot ROM that stores the bootloader on the STM32 MCU. The memory map (for the STM32F446RE) shows it to be at ...
NeedToKnow's user avatar
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STM32F417 DFU bootloader fails to start HSE crystal

I have a problem with a custom STM32F417 board. On some boards the DFU bootloader works fine, while on other ones it fails to connect by USB. In my custom firmware all boards connect fine by USB. ...
jpa's user avatar
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Role of RTS and DTR With CH340X, STM32WLE5, STM32CubeProgrammer

I am trying to (design a PCB where I will) program a STM32WLE5C8U6 via UART from my laptop using a CH340X in between. The CH340X shows this application circuit in the datasheet: I understand what the ...
nothing's user avatar
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STM32F4 Bootloader to talk to SWIO

Is there a way for our custom bootloader to communicate with SWD pins. I am asking this because if we want to put the code into a particular memory space while using SWD then we will need to use a ...
Sheikh Muhammad Junaid Aslam's user avatar
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Disable peripheral interface via STM32 Memory Boot Mode remotely

Here's the current scenario: There's a remote STM32 MCU F746ZG that is prohibitively expensive to retrieve or access, and only has an I2C1 connection. The USART peripheral interface is causing issues (...
UberChio's user avatar
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Connecting TTL-232R-5V-PCB to STM32F103C8T6A bluepill via OTG and installing boot to this STM32 microcontroller

I have TTL-232R-5V-PCB and STM32F103C8T6A bluepill board. I am working on installing bootloader to this bluepill board on that way, I have searched on the web about it but all people connected them ...
serkanhelvacioglu's user avatar
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STM32F103 programming using a USB port and CubeProgrammer

I created a custom board with an STM32F103C8T6 microprocessor and Iwant to use the USB to program the board using the STM32CubeProgrammer. I found out thanks to a user on Stack Exchange that it is not ...
Y-E-Quit's user avatar
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Programming STM32F103C using USB

What's the Problem? I created a Custom 'Development/Discovery'-Board and want to program it using USB. I saw in the Datasheet AN2606 that it is not possible to flash the program via USB. What I tried ...
Y-E-Quit's user avatar
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Can I use STM32 boot mode and SD card at the same time?

The ST32 boot pins are: Boot0 Boot1: Pin PB2 And the SDIO pins are: SDIO_CK: PB2 SDIO_D0: PC8 SDIO_CMD: PD2 I want to have both SD card feature and boot options at the same time. Here, the pin PB2 ...
ar2015's user avatar
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The microcontroller (STM32G0 Series) does not work after seting FLASH read protection

I am using STM32G030F6P6 microcontroller. I tried to make flash read protection: ...
red15530's user avatar
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STM32 ROM Bootloader

I am designing a PCB-Shield that uses the STM32L412CBU6 (without external crystal). This PCB is connected to another STM32 platform. I want to be able to flash the STM32L412CBU6 from within the other ...
STeVe's user avatar
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Is it possible to program from I2C to SRAM and boot from SRAM on STM32G0?

In one of our projects, we want to program SRAM of STM32G0 slaves by using I2C from a master STM32G0 and boot them from SRAM. Is this possible? If possible, how can I do it? I could not find enough ...
devscg's user avatar
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STM microcontroller: Is there a way to reset and reprogram read-only memory?

I have an STM32F427VIT6 embedded microcontroler. It has a protected-memory bootloader. Is there a way to reset it and modify that bootloader?
RootInit's user avatar
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STM32F407 powering via tlink but not USB and ST-LINK not working

Some background first. I have a custom STM32 board using a F407 MCU. The board takes 12 V and regulates to 5V then to 3.3V to feed the processor. That feed is directly connected to a SWD header using ...
dj_nexxus's user avatar
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STM32 applications hardfault after jumping from the bootloader

I am attempting to write a custom bootloader for a STM32F103C8Tx (64k Flash, 20k RAM variant) on a bluepill board. When the jump from the bootloader occurs the application immediately hardfaults on ...
Binder's user avatar
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USART stop bit not pulled high during nRF update

I am using an STM32L4 chip that sends an update to the nRF52832 on a ublox module over USART. I assume the nordic chip is in the bootloader during the update. We get a UART error: 4 and when we ...
chat_de_schroedinger's user avatar
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How to program a Nucleo board (L053R8) using UART?

I went through all possible data sheets I could find did all the required things but my Nucleo still won’t be programmed with uart. I have put boot0 on VDD pin next to it. For confirmation I also put ...
user9795887's user avatar
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STM32 won't enter bootloader

I am trying to enter the bootloader of an STM32F103 to flash it via USB. I am pulling BOOT0 high and have pulled B00T1 to low. Based on AN2606, this should get me into the bootloader. However, I am ...
seb9usb's user avatar
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STM32 bootloader break at address issue

I am writing a small application to start a bootloader that checks simple conditions and then jumps to the application memory. The application seems to crash and I am unable to figure out the reason ...
dreamcoder's user avatar
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STM32F103: Custom bootloader weird behaviour with stack pointer

So, I am trying to use this USB mass storage bootloader for the STM32F103C8 (64kB flash): To compile .hex files for it, I've already set the flash ...
sx107's user avatar
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Roll out software update to multiple STM32s from a TCP/IP connection to PC

This is more of an "is this possible" kind of question, I'm not looking for a detailed step by step, more of a go ahead before I pull the trigger on all of the parts. I am in the design ...
Wscott's user avatar
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Sometimes can't leave USB DFU bootloader

I have an STM32F072 and am using the built-in bootloader (see AN3156) to flash it via DFU over USB. Flashing works fine, but often it fails to leave the bootloader afterwards. I am using ...
jdm's user avatar
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Where is the BOOT1 pin on the STM32F030C8 microcontroller?

The datasheet and reference manual for the 'STM32F030x4 STM32F030x6 STM32F030x8' series states that both BOOT0 and BOOT1 pins control the boot mode: However, neither the reference manual nor the ...
Marcelo Pestana's user avatar
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How we can share a function between main application and bootloader?

I am using STM32F4(ARM-Cortex M4). I want to share a function between main application and bootloader without redefine that function, for example imagine that i wrote a print function in main ...
HwSwDesigner's user avatar
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Debug STM32 with Nucleo

Would it be possible to debug/program another PCB including an STM32 MCU with the debug connector provide on the Nucleo-G474RE? (I don't have an external programmer yet) What would you recommend for ...
Dukel's user avatar
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Rewriting Code in Internal Flash in STM32F439 [closed]

I am using the STM32F439 and looking to find a way to write code in the internal flash. Is there a protected area for quality assurance and security? It's supposed to be used for company's ...
lordsant333's user avatar
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STM32F101C8T6 Bootloader Application

I have my application bootloader appilication ...
İbrahim ATİKER's user avatar
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STM32: Is it possible to write data to flash memory by using system bootloader when write protection is on?

When I try to program with STM32 flash loader and if the write protection is on, it want erase all of the memory. Probably because of program drop the security level so MCU erase all of the data. But ...
U.Sim's user avatar
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Program STM32 MCU with SWD by default as alternate function

I want to use my first STM32 MCU in the project. The project involves a few peripherals (UART/SPI/I2C) and has a bit of math to do here and there, mainly bit shifting and/or integer computations, so I ...
Ilya's user avatar
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Unable to flash stm32f103c8t6 after erasure, device shows 0 bytes flash size (custom bootloader)

I have flashed a dfu bootloader from onto a fresh stm32f103c8t6 and it was working fine. After I uploaded my binary with dfu-util the device would no ...
notsuspicious14's user avatar
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I'm beginner to electronics. I'm trying to flash stm32wb5x_BLE_HCILayer_fw.bin v1.6 using STM32CubeProgrammer but got an error "FUS_STATE_IMG_NOT_AUTHENTIC", I tried older version but got ...
Zeeshan Ali's user avatar
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Where would be the best place to start looking for information on developing a bootloader using 2 microcontrollers for a CubeSat?

I am an engineering student who has just begun working on a CubeSat project for my design class. We are working on the OBC, specifically looking at developing a bootloader at this time. The OBC ...
Nick Landrigan's user avatar
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Do I need USART1 to program the bootloader with STM32 - Or could I use SWDIO & SWCLK?

I have heard that if I buy an empty factory made STM32, it will come with no bootloader at all. To program that STM32 with a bootloader, I need to do that through USART1. And later when I want to ...
euraad's user avatar
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STM32F105 bootloader: jump address problem, bootloader loops

Problem: The bootloader loops. I think there is a problem with the transfer address. The entry point of the main program is at: This is how the entry point to the main program looks like in the ...
Chip115's user avatar
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Upgrading STM32L1 firmware takes a long time

I have a STM32L152R8T6-A MCU. A new firmware is downloaded over HTTP (as a .bin file) and is stored in an external flash memory. After that a bootloader copies the new firmware into MCU flash (address ...
Iman H's user avatar
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STM32 Unwanted Bootloader on first power-up

According to this, seems like stm32 boot process is as follows: Check if FLASH is blank. if yes, goto bootloader mode Check if BOOT0 pin is asserted. if yes, goto bootloader mode goto Program mode ...
Solid State's user avatar
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What is the value present at the first address of flash memory of stm32 for every firmware?

Every firmware of Stm32 microcontrollers, the first value is starting with 0x2XXXXXXX, while working with custom bootloaders, I found that this is an address on SRAM, 1)What is actually present at ...
Rohitsam's user avatar
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Unable to find COM for STM32

I developed a PCB for a project using STM32WB55 and after getting it manufactured I am trying to connect it to the computer using a Micro USB cable in order to run the code on it. However, when I ...
Bogdan-Mihai Nistor's user avatar
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Custom made PCB problem after lost power supply

I have 2 custom PCB which need to communicate via Spi. Communication works fine when I flash code and MCUs have stable power supply. After disconnecting from power supply and then reconnecting slave ...
macola995's user avatar
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Speed up OTA time for MCU

I'm trying to update the code on a STM32F407vgt06 mcu using OTA. Using python code, the new program is sent in packets of 128 bytes through MQTT and the bootloader on the mcu checks the crc and then ...
doge's user avatar
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Flash memory to hold flags

I'm trying to write bootloader code and I needed to be able to use an address in flash memory as a flag to the bootloader to let it know if it should enter bootloader or the application. I'm able to ...
doge's user avatar
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STM32 Custom Bootloader Jump to Application

I wrote a custom bootloader for the STM32F4 microcontroller and I'm able to write an application to the flash memory at the address of 0x08008000. The issue I have is when I use the jump function the ...
doge's user avatar
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STM32 Bootloader config. and datasheet discrepency

I have 4 quick questions regarding the bootloader/programming the STM32L0 chip series. Q1&2 I'm considering a STM32 project coming from ATMEGA chips. From my understanding, the chips come with a ...
alex's user avatar
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STM32 standard method for remote firmware update

My question is about a special case for Bootloader sequence for The Discovery kit for STM32F0 series with STM32F072RBT6 MCU that we currently have implemented in some of our products in the field. I ...
Ali You's user avatar
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Im doing my first schematic with STM32. I want to use STM32F030CCT6. However im not really sure what to do it's BOOT0. I have googled STM32 schematics and they all have BOOT0 and BOOT1. Mine have only ...
Mini Tamm's user avatar
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bootloader jump to application address problem

I have written a bootloader for my board, but it generates a hard fault when it jumps to the application code. My error is like this question: Bootloader jump to main application problem using STM32 ...
hadisamani1996's user avatar