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Flyback converter Transformer design- N87-etd29

I have designed a Flyback using UC3845, PCB and components assembling are done. But I have some problem in transformer. My primary winding is 40 turns ( 2 paralell 0.40mm), and secondary winding is 9 ...
analog_designer's user avatar
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LT8316 Multi-Output drop on 1 output under small load

I designed a Multi-Winding/Multi-Output Flyback to generate +40V and -225V. In my application, the outputs need to work in a flip-flop load, where only one output handles a variable load of 0 to 50W ...
Iman Davoudi's user avatar
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Determining error in output voltages of a flyback converter

I'm currently designing a flyback converter and I just want to know how the error tolerances are calculated for a multi output flyback converter. I calculated the required primary number of turns: ...
jpg4321's user avatar
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Flyback Converter Design Help

I am unsure whether I should edit on my previous question or create a new one. Please give me your feedback on the proper way of doing it here.Back to the question, I have struggled for the past few ...
Iskandar's user avatar
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Flyback smps or floating buck converter?

I want to drive a 180V/1A string leds from 220VAC. Which topology should I use: flyback smps (with transformer) or, floating buck step down converter? I know that buck converter will be not ...
Teddol's user avatar
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