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2 answers

What is the mode of MOSFET or BJT in buck converter?

I want to implement buck converter with conventional design (not synchronous etc) like below. And I want to implement the converter for two cases. One is to use BJT as switching device and another is ...
lsi's user avatar
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Why don't inverters use BJTs to easily produce a pure sine wave?

This has been in my mind for a while now, I'm curious. Why not use a BJT H-bridge on the high voltage side, to convert the high voltage DC to AC. I saw a simple circuit that converts square waves to ...
BELSmith's user avatar
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4 answers

Why is it bad to drive a MOSFET asymmetrically using BJTs?

And by that title, I Mean that the drive current to the gate of the MOSFET when the BJT is on differs from the drive current for when it is off. I know that it would cause a difference between Toff ...
A.H.Z's user avatar
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How to switch voltage using transistor

I have a 5V voltage source with 2.5A current as input. I want to have this source in the output. I use a microcontroller. I can't use a relay because it takes up a lot of space. I first used this ...
mehdi alizade's user avatar
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Whether a half bridge SMPS based on MOSFET or another one based on BJT will generate more switching noise at the output?

Whether a half bridge SMPS based on MOSFET or another one based on BJT will generate more switching noise at the output?, if other parameters such as output voltage, current, type of transformer core, ...
User's user avatar
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Transistor PWM Generator (No ICs) for practical application

I want to produce a good quality PWM signal with transistors(BJTs, FETS, etc..). I do not want to use an IC at all(learning to use transistors properly). I'm currently using a BJT Astable Mutivibrator ...
iuppiter's user avatar
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5 answers

MOSFET is not turning off when the gate terminal is grounded

This figure shows a small portion of my circuit: The maximum Vgs of the MOSFET is 20V. The MOSFET is initially turned on and now I want to turn it off. For that I am grounding the terminal A to ...
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