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Questions tagged [switcher]

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2 answers

Help with a 555

I need help with a 555 please! I need to control a motor in Proteus that will simulate a water pump filling. I have a 555 that will count 5 seconds and stop the motor. That's with a button, when hold ...
Marc Joaquin's user avatar
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Tracking / softstart & FB pin tricks

Here is the circuit under analysis: A few questions: Z_DRV is a signal from a DAC. From what I can understand, this signal is amplified by U28:B. This in turn causes the output of the switcher IC to ...
joe's user avatar
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Low ESR capcitors for switching pre-regulator (LM2596)

In LM2596 switching regulator datasheet suggested to use low ESR capacitors. since I'm going to use LM2596 as a pre-regulator for a linear regulator to reduce the voltage drop on linear regulator, is ...
ElectronSurf's user avatar
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Suitable substitute for a hard to get IRF440 in a switched power supply?

I am repairing a HP 6023A lab power supply for a friend. The problem was that the power fets had failed. This is what the relevant schematic looks like: The incoming 120VAC or 240VAC is rectified and ...
AndersG's user avatar
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Best way to handle switching supply minimum load

I am using a meanwell rid-85B switcher to power a legacy device that puts 3 kinds of load on the 24V supply. at startup, 1A, and at steady state, 0.1A, occasionally 0A. the specs on the supply want ...
Curt Mayer's user avatar
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LT3680 switcher output doesn't have regulation under no load

I have a switcher circuit based on LT3680. I implemented the typical circuit shown in the datasheet in a well laid out 4-layer PCB. However, I find that the input voltage is present at the output at ...
user3824502's user avatar
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RS-150-12 AC Input Switch

I recently bought a MAXWELL RS-150-12 switching power supply but I can't find any documentation on how to select the ac input voltage (115V or 230V). Here is a picture of the switch: (I want to select ...
Marco's user avatar
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Buck Converter Multiple inductors

I'm looking at a height constrained application, that's making it difficult to find the power inductors I need. What's wrong with say using 4 inductors in parallel to get more current? I know the ...
confused's user avatar
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