Questions tagged [tantalum]

Tantalum (Ta) is a chemical element used as an anode in tantalum electrolytic capacitors.

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113 votes
6 answers

Are tantalum capacitors safe for use in new designs?

I've heard it suggested that "solid tantalum" capacitors are dangerous and may cause fire, may fail short circuit and are fatally sensitive to even very short over voltage spikes. Are tantalum ...
Russell McMahon's user avatar
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26 votes
3 answers

Why does the LM1117 data sheet specifically specify tantalum capacitors?

I'm planning on using an LM1117 to regulate 5 V to 3.3 V. Looking at (any of the several) data sheets for the LM1117, they recommend 10 µF tantalum capacitors between input and ground ...
Jon Bright's user avatar
17 votes
4 answers

Ceramic (MLCC) versus Tantalum capacitors

From the perspective of an electronics designer, but also taking into account price/cost and social considerations (see Coltan mining and ethics link below), I tend to avoid Tantalum capacitors under ...
jose.angel.jimenez's user avatar
22 votes
6 answers

Why recommend tantalum over ceramic capacitor for voltage regulator? [duplicate]

The LM1117 voltage regulator datasheet recommends using tantalum capacitors on the input and output. What is the reason for this? What advantage does tantalum have over a ceramic capacitor? A 10μF ...
user31708's user avatar
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9 votes
4 answers

What is this: a dual CAP?

I am trying to figure this cap out and locate a new one. It says 107K and 10K on it. Is is polarized ? what is it and where do i find one ?
Neil's user avatar
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8 votes
2 answers

Which type of 100nF capacitor is best for 78xx regulator output?

I use 78L12 or similar voltage regulators in a few power supplies. I use them in their basic setup, see the picture: This diagram is common for all 78xx and 78Lxx regulators. It says that output ...
Al Kepp's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

MAX682 with electrolytic capacitors

In a new design I would like to use the MAX682. In the datasheet I found this typical operating circuit: I would like to use it exactly like that except that I'm going to pull /SKIP to GND. In table ...
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4 votes
2 answers

MLCC vs Tantalum: For Decoupling, input to regulator and ripple reduction

I require a 3.3uf capacitor in a 30 VDC environment for three different purposes: decoupling of precision ADC or DAC; input to a regulator (linear, switching, LDO); and output of any regulator for ...
hadez's user avatar
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3 votes
3 answers

Voltage rating and tantalum capacitors

I was originally considering using a 10 µF 6.3 V 0603 ceramic capacitor for stabilising the onboard voltage regulator on my microcontrollers. However, it may not be capable because of ...
Thomas O's user avatar
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